Choose wisely, Yas Forums. Discuss

Choose wisely, Yas Forums. Discuss.

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Medusa and Wolverine

I live high up so Medusa can make my dick rock hard while obi wan wins by virtue of having the high ground

obiwan can btfo all of them

Medusa to be my personal bodyguard (anyone who gets close is turned to stone), and Obi-Wan to hunt the others down.

obi-wan alone would be enough to kill every single other one

id choose obi-wan and wonder woman so i could sniff her jewish butthole

*kills obi-wan with a headshot in your path*

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Wolverine and the Suicide Squad. Wolverine can protect me while I have a threesome with Harley and Katana. After which I will introduce them to Wolverine and say "This is Katana, shes got my back."

Hmm, let me think. Do I be retarded and NOT recruit the space wizard with a laser sword capable of decapitating everyone (besides kong) on the list who can move things/control people WITH HIS MIND, and the practically invincible literal goddess who is capable of decapitating everyone (even kong) on the list with her super strength?
Dumb thread. don't @ me.

but he can just wave his light saber and disintegrate the bullet

WW and Suicide Squad.

WW to just bang her and Squad to watch me doing that.

Then i can die happy.

>stops bullet midair
>mind tricks you into shooting yourself
Nothing personnel, kid.

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King Kong duh, he would crush most of them

obi wan and wonder woman

Going with Medusa and King Kong

Medusa and Obiwan?

Wouldn't Obiwan just be able to force hold you and either turn you to Medusa or have her slither to your face?

Yeah because every Jedi during Order 66 did that.

WW to sit on my face and Obi-wan to hunt down the others

These are the same people who have issues dodging slow as fuck lasers.

King Kong and Wonder Woman obviously

All Obi-Wan needs is the high ground.

Chooose Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad and fuck a rotation of WW, Harley Quinn, and that masked Asian bitch until I die. Seems like a good way to go.

Medusa and Wonder Woman.

Medusa can easily take care of everybody BUT the T-800, which WW certainly can beat. Pluse, out of all the possible foes in that pic WW is the most likely to know how to properly fight Medusa, so I'd better have her on my side.

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King Kong would just fall in love with Wonder Woman and worry more about fucking her with his monkeycock than protecting you.

Terminator for broness and medusa to protect this dick

Obi-Wan could fuck up Medusa.
No, they’re sworn to protect you.

Gimme Wonder Woman pls and I guess Medusa to remove her out of the picture

Logan and the SS are my protectors. Diablo alone can rekt WW, Obi Juan, Ivy, T800, King Kong, etc

This is so fucking reddit.

Then go make another shill thread, faggot.

Wonder woman and suicide squad
>"will protect me with their lives"
>threaten to kill myself if WW and katana don't fuck me
>send the rest of the squad to protect me while I cum inside the girls pusys

This is the correct answer

>not harley

>Obi-Wan could fuck up Medusa.
How? At the ranges he needs to be in order to attack, Medusa can use her powers just fine.

Wonder Woman so she can shove her feet in and out of my throat repeatedly until I cum

Suicide squad will scare the others away with its bad RT score

Truly the patrician's answer.

Is that really Gal Gadot? She looks too normal in this image. Like, she looks human. What the fuck? Who is that in the top right. That cant be Gal. She looks normal, unlike the alien woman who should be in her place. Huh?

Obi-wan and Wonder Woman

Lightsaber can cut through most of all the other opponents, plus he can use the force to fight medusa with his eyes closed. And Wonder Woman is overpowered in the DCEU (and probably moreso in the comics).

As a bonus, both of them are goodhearted people who believe in justice, so they'll get along well

>close his eyes so he doesn’t get turned to stone
>use the force to know where she is
>chop off her head with lightsaber

kong and medusa, with hopes of fucking her while kong destroys all of them

>WW wraps her lasso around your dick
>it starts leaning towards Katana

>King Kong destroying suicide squad
They killed a threat more powerful than him in their movie. With all of the other characters, he’s fucked.

does medusa get to choose who she turns to stone or does it just happen to everyone. If its the latter than everyone who chooses medusa dies

What surprises me often about these superhero, fantasy power comparisons...

is how star wars manages to hold up to insane unrealistic power, despite being half a century old.

A lot you can do with psionics and a melty stick.

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Thought about it but Medusa and Wonder Woman would fuck everyone else up

Honestly forgot about her
I'd fuck them all

Hell, id take suicide squad and someone actually strong then. 2 girls is enough and the kike is way uglier than the other two.

Most of these are "street level" so of course Obiwan fucks them up.

>>close his eyes so he doesn’t get turned to stone

He wouldn't have any idea of how that works, he is not from earth and knows nothing about Medusa.

lawyer time

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>forgot about Harley when her sweet ass is partially showing in that pic
Nigga u ghey

Wolverine and Terminator because the other ones are all from dogshit movies or shows.

Obi-Wan and Logan, how hard is that? Although I think being around Logan would be a little difficult, Obi-Wan would surely keep him in check.

Wait, what makes you immune to being turned to stone.

She hulk
They find me guilty of eating green pusy


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I want to pick Jimmy, but I'd be scared of having Daredevil prosecute me.

>You start out at home with your protectors.
I assume that in choosing them, you’re fully aware of everyone’s abilities, and this sentence pretty much implies that you’ve got some prep time.
It says they work alone. Do they come in one by one or charge you at once? Do they come at different times? If he doesn’t know Medusa is approaching, maybe she can sneak up on him, but if he knows where she is then it’s game over for Medusa.

Fine, but which one is Wisely?

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I'll be right behind her the whole time of course

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I'm going with Wolverine and WW
No need to explain, it is self explanatory

> does it just happen to everyone
that's the whole point of the curse mythologylet

What a horrendous selection.

I'd pick Terminator and Obi-wan.

If that's live action WW then Obi Wan and Wolverine. The two strongest by far and could likely each solo the rest of the roster bar Medusa, but as long as I could convey or warn them of Medusa in some way I don't see how it could backfire. Really the only real threat would be information, if Obi Wan doesn't know what lead bullets are, Wolvy doesn't know what medusa does ect. Bar that it should be ez

Since I don’t know who most of these lawyers are, I’d have to go for Saul Goodman. If I was only accused of murder, maybe Atticus Finch, but it says that I’m guilty. Saul could probably reduce my sentence to highway labor for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and he’d get enough evidence removed from court and find out what law enforcement technically did illegal things against me that maybe the case could be thrown out of court all together.

Saul, no question


The medusa in the OP pic is from the Clash of the Titans remake, and in that movie she had control over the petrification.

Force sensitives are probably the most power inconsistent things ever. In theory Obi should be able to detect and stop basically any bullet with ease but the movies show a radically different portrayal

Captain Marvel was dogshit too but I’d definitely have her on my team if she was up here. It’s about picking the most ridiculously overpowered choices.

Phoenix obviously

Anybody but the nigger-lovin' race traitor.

I feel like Obi-Wan/Wolverine stomp considering the Force and all that.

If Medusa turns me to stone but I have my guys protect my stone body and they win, do I have a hope of being brought back into human form or is being turned to stone a death sentence. I’m not too well-read on Medusa lore.

is that guy above phoenix from anatomy of a murder?

None of those lawyers could hold up on their own against the rest.

Question:Would lightsaber blocking be that effective against bullets? I mean, yeah that shit worked great against energy weapons, but wouldn't a bullet hitting the lightsaber result in a stream of molten lead being thrown into the Jedi's face?

Yes, projectile weapons in SW are called slugthrowers and often used by Jedi killers

>this, Medusa is so powerful because no one is expecting her. If you know about her going in she loses a lot of her potency, but if you go in blind you're dead meat.

Wonder Woman and Geralt/Yen

Anything else is retarded

>but I have my guys protect my stone body and they win
How could they do that? It seems hard as fuck

I like how in these fantasies its always accepted that the girl would do sex but irl girls would not haha

>I'm actually guilty
Well fuck. Due to the way Phoenix Wright and Perry Mason work there is a zero percent chance of not getting found out. I guess I'd go Saul Goodman for the reason says, I know I'm going to jail but he might soften the sentence.

Atticus disliked niggers, that's the point. The man cared about the law so much that he put justice above his personal biases.

Wouldn't going in blind make you immune?

In saying if they come in waves or something. I couldn’t hold my own against any of these characters anyway so I might as well be made out of inanimate stone. The most I could do is hide on my own but I wouldn’t be of much help to my allies as a normal human. All I’m wondering is if getting turned to stone is a death sentence or if there’s an in-lore way to cure it.

>but irl girls would not haha
ummmmm, are you ok dude? lol women are whores, they fuck anybody

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If a jedi is caught unawares and instinctively blocks a shot to the face, yes.
However it's also been shown in the comics that molten slugs aren't too bad to get hit by, it eats through clothing but not armor.

Perry Mason, basically proto-Pheonix Wright