Cast her

cast her

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Other urls found in this thread:

Idris Elba


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How do I get a gf bros?

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close the Yas Forums tab and never go back

>ywn motorboat Sonya's sweaty ass

Whos the ass queen

I'm about to go the 90 day fiancé route and pick up some desperate for a green card thirdworlder. I'm well aware of the fact that they won't love me but at least they legally have to fuck me to prove we're a legit couple so I will end up getting sex out of it.

go to /soc/

I cast her as my face brap mask

She's alright. But she doesn't embody a woman IN HER PRIME.

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I can’t take it bros, I just want a musclefu that I can playfully wrestle into submission before having rough sweaty sex with.

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listen to this man

Imagine if she just sat on your face?

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I want to die because they cancelled the olympics

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My life would be complete, she could suffocate me death for all I care

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We won't see her this summer bros

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>Yas Forums finds this hot
Porn actresses have the best bodies, everything else is cringe

she needs a good hard bare bottom spanking front of the crowd


I want a gf who's strong enough to pick me up, put me in a standing 69, and force me to worship her pussy as she laughs at how weak I am

Just be yourself m8, I married my highschool crush, i was a freshman and she was a senior she's 4 years older than me. We met again 3 years ago a got married. It's easy m8

No one finds that bitch hot

But the best body is 800m runners, pole vaulters and long jumpers
They have perfect bodies

>4 years older than me

how do i make this amazing strong woman my online findom ?


>tfw got a gf
>tfw she's kinda busted and I don't really like her but the alternative is crushing loneliness

whats going on here

As a skinny white boi I've got no idea how I would be able to handle women like this

gotta be a tranny

Alright alright, if you suffocate me with your ass cheeks then i'll take the penalty away

>Says the incel
keep fucking your hand faggot

Face could be cuter but yeah. As an representive of the Yas Forums collective I find her hot.

what the hell? why not just go to an escort?

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All you weak Faggots need to get out after flu shit an date , I mean be that uber guy snatch /covert an hold in the cellar bitches

>renting when you can own

how was the sloppy seconds

Says the simp

That's not Usain Bolt in a wig?

yeah, I'm thinking this is cope

call me a simp one more time and watch what the fuck happens


Her skin looks like sand!

>tfw all the Yas Forums girls that do porn only do softcore and fetish shit

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i really like this style of female athletic competitive sportswear and how little girls are copying it

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Lol cope harder mutt
are you still crying about that 400m dive ?

Apparently they have fuckin ORGIES at the olympics every year. Goddamn I feel so sorry for myself rn lol



Bats needs to do ass spreading porn RIGHT

because fit girls themselves are a fetish

It was actually nice, pretty tight tbqh


Kek, no

The people who use this new simp meme are underaged twitter tourists whose balls haven't dropped


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If it were just the body, I'd be fine--but I'm not dealing with those bull hormones.

I miss her and lasitseke bros

How do I get a high jumping gf bros ?

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