This season just spreads itself too thin. There's a severe lack of focus on any one character or subject. The filler, and it has plenty, is not even funny this time. None of the new actors or characters stand out aside from Naomi Watts's character.
Expanding the scope of the season from the initial 8 episodes to 18 was a mistake.
I don't mind the direction it took overall, but I do wish it had been more like the first 2 seasons. I get that he wanted to fuck with the audience for the sake of doing so, but it didn't have that same charm and vibe that made me obsessed with Twin Peaks.
Luke Perez
You just don't get the philosophical commentary that's subjacent to a character talking to a kettle. You need a fairly high IQ.
Joseph Peterson
Joshua Butler
wow could you have a more boring take
Evan Moore
It was great. No filler imo, everything was fun or interesting. Episode 8 is the best.
Austin Price
original twin peaks charm was lost. the show feels a lot more cold. maybe thats the colour palette or something but it just lost its twin peaks vibe to me.
Adrian Garcia
not this shit again
Ian Ross
>no filler every scene involving lucy
Austin King
>no filler every scene involving betty and her stoner boyfriend
Ryan Young
>no filler every scene involving ben horne and his secretary and his brother through the woods
Josiah Barnes
No. There is no filler. Part 12 was weak, partly because the Dr. Amp scene was a literal repeat of what we already saw, and the type of thing with the french lady getting off the couch was getting old at that point in the season, but that's it.
it was pretty damn ugly I'll give it that, the red room in particular was flat and lifeless compared to the original
Jonathan Williams
90% of the first 6 episodes was filler
Caleb Flores
They also didn't really utilize the familiar locations, which is a shame. It feels like an entirely different show most of the time, which you could argue that it's because of the modernity when the original run was more spoofing soap operas. Culture and society has changed, so it changed too.
Owen Rogers
Yeah you could be the naive Lynch disciple that can't even accept when he makes filler
Kayden Price
Biggest annoyance in this season was the meme of awkward, long, drawn out pauses during conversations between people. It was funny the first time. The second time it was like “haha cool he did it again”. But by the 3rd time it lost its novelty and I was sick of it. And yet Lynch insisted on having at least one of these moments in every single episode. Cringe.
Sebastian Wilson
Absolute hack of a director. His work may be terrible, but his pretentious fans who elevate him to the same level as actually talented directors are worse - if that’s even possible. Lynch is baby film “””conneisseur””” pseud’s first favorite auteur director after Tarantino. He’s so DIFFERENT and SUBVERSIVE, so that’s cool right? You are impressed by his le quirky eccentric touches, like long periods of omg soooo awkward silences in Twin Peaks, and WHOA spooky unsettling DREAM SEQUENCES (or are they reality? One may never know! XD) that make you go wtf?!? What does it all MEAN? *spends hours analyzing meaninglessness to feel intellectual* The problem is if you watch his two most popular and acclaimed works, Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive, which I’ll admit are decent quality works, you will undoubtedly be led to believe that Lynch is talented overall. I am here to tell you that the broken clock that is David Lynch may have been right twice in one day, but that does not change the fact that the clock is still very, very broken. Lynch is a shit director who coasts on a singular gimmick and you pseud faggets slurp it up and I’m tired of it. I am convinced that Lynch only pretends to be a director as an excuse for him to hang around beautiful younger women without outwardly looking like a creep. If you’ve watched literally anything he’s shat out you’ll know what I’m talking about. But hey, you pseud faggets will buy whatever he sells, so why not continue shitting out more garbage? Fuck David “One Idea That I’ll Milk Forever, Shittily” Lynch and fuck all his fans.
Angel Harris
but it doesn't feel contrived like in too old to die young, it feels natural
John Davis
The show felt off and weird because it was supposed to. People wanted more twin peaks despite having rejected what twin peaks was two times already. Now we are in a soulless future ruled by the black lodge giving out what people want, mindless violence and suffering. Everything feels like it's just going through the motions because they are just going through the motions to give your daily allowance of TV violence you crave so much more than the story.
Landon Davis
>but it doesn't feel contrived like in too old to die young, it feels natural
this. No use arguing. It's been three years. If you hate it, get over it.
Gavin Turner
Pleb status: LYNCHED
Christian Carter
>People wanted more twin peaks despite having rejected what twin peaks was two times already. what? when was it rejected >Everything feels like it's just going through the motions because they are just going through the motions to give your daily allowance of TV violence you crave so much more than the story. no one watches twin peaks for "violence"
Jaxon Lee
1. When they revealed who killed Laura. Under pressure from the executives who said viewers demanded they reveal who killed her, it shattered the fundamental aspect of the show. It revealed that viewers just wanted another whodunnit TV show.
2. The rejection of the movie was a second confirmation to Lynch that viewers didn't like twin peaks or anything he was trying to say. All viewers care about is the darkness on television. The viewers didn't care about the light, Laura, and just wanted to know to see more killing.
With season 3, the viewers got what they wanted. Darkness, and a world shaped by that darkness they craved. Everyone is a husk of themselves going through the motions to deliver the viewer they violence they crave to feed the black lodge, TV studios, the garmonbozia they need and lust for, money.
1. hmm? wtf are you talking about. The executives were clearly misguided. 2. The movie wasn't Twin Peaks, it was a horror version of twin peaks. It got bashed because of that.
Fucking retard.
Gabriel Lee
Extremely based reply
Noah Carter
You have completely misunderstood what twin peaks was supposed to be.
Hunter Lewis
Extremely pseud reply.
Zachary Martinez
I don't care about what Twin Peaks was "supposed to be," I care about what Season 1 was and why people reacted negatively to the movie. Season 1 was massively different in tone to the movie, which is why people reacted so negatively to it.
James Anderson
Go watch that 4 hour video on youtube explaining everything. Or, you know, just complain that the third season didn't fulfil your need for a short, easily understandable plot, or quirky characters, or whatever bullshit
Ryan Russell
This is the funniest reply on Yas Forums I've seen in a month. You're unironically shilling a "youtube essay" to define why enjoying Twin Peaks original run more than the Return is wrong. You're a pseud, in high school, and need to fuck off.
Jackson Thompson
That was the point. People wanted the old Twin Peaks, but it doesn't exist anymore. This was about confronting nostalgia and adapting to what the world is now instead of trying to make it how it used to be.
Brandon Russell
He took the Refnpill. Everything in The Return was inspired by 2010s kino that Lynch liked, the same way the original show was inspired by 80s tv shows.
Samuel Peterson
>noooo someone explained what the show was on a platform I don't like and I disagree with that explanation
Season three was made exactly the way it was, just for viewers like you. Lynch gave you exactly what you wanted.
Jeremiah Williams
>it doesn't exist anymore and why doesn't it exist anymore, genius?
Aiden Sanders
user, remember where you are, the conservative retards here are physically incapable of understanding the genuine, cosmic horror inherent in postwar American life, best captured in Season 3. Twin peaks is a fundamentally leftist show, and the average user can't handle the truth of America as a kingdom of murder and genocide- even in a small, rural town in the mountains.
Bentley Evans
Are you talking about that video where the guy proposes that the entire show is a meta commentary on watching tv? I know Lynch too well to believe that he would ever resort to such hackery. He’s not a dishonest filmmaker.
Parker Brown
You're a joke. Tip your fedora and claim superiority with your pseudo ideas.
Carter Morgan
Why would the themes of American decline and especially small-town decay not resonate with a conservative viewer?
Nolan James
I stopped watching this show pretty quickly because of exams and now I'm not really that interested in Lynch's stuff anymore. That being said, did this have anything to do with Laura Palmer and the relationship with her dad?
Adam Sullivan
Jesus Christ dude chill. I'm not saying you shouldn't like the first season more, like whatever you want. But if you don't see the atmosphere of the 3rd season as a completely necessary metacommentary on the show itself as well as tv and American life in general, I think you missed most of the themes of the show.
Kayden Foster
Laura is central to the show but her dad only has one scene
Lincoln Myers
Do you like the idea of "death of the author"?
Lincoln Rivera
Wish Cooper had woken up earlier in the show
Charles Wright
That was the entire point retard. It was a critique on the exploitation of nostalgia, especially by modern TV zombie revivals, and also focused on showcasing how much more bitter, cold, and impersonal the modern world is compared to the 90s, just like Blue Velvet did with the 50s vs the 80s.
Because that moral decline was catalyzed and perpetrated by unregulated far-right capitalism, which constantly kills people through A) starting wars to maintain control over resources, or B) depriving people of what they need to survive. Lynch is more concerned with the first one. Think about the CIA invading and murdering all over the world in the latter half of the 20th century. That's the kind of evil brought on by the military-industrial complex. Also, think about season 3 episode 8. What happened? It is revealed that BOB came into this world, and specifically this country, during a nuclear bomb test. The nuclear bomb, which killed hundreds of thousands in a completely unnecessary act of genocide, asserted America as a superpower, started the cold war and therefore the constant influence of the military industrial complex, is literally what killed Laura Palmer.
I rewatched the show after that video. He recontextualizes scenes, so that everything fits with his narrative. He's not wrong on everything, but it's still forced.
And shitting on the "easily understandable plot, or quirky characters" shows that you don't understand the appeal of the first season.
Logan King
Pleb Filter: The Return still filtering plebs three years later. Imagine my shock
Eli Hall
The Return has Dougie Jones and is therefore better than S1 and S2.
Michael James
All I ment to imply is that a lot of fans have dissed The Return because they would rather keep the aesthetic of season 1 then have Lynch stay loyal to the themes of the show
Sebastian Kelly
the show never had any themes besides theseus ship
>the meme of awkward, long, drawn out pauses during conversations between people He's been doing this at least since Lost Highway. The conversations between Pullman and Arquette had at least 30 seconds of tense staring between every line.
William Thompson
why did they get an ogre to play diane
Carter Gutierrez
i get that it's empty bluster by pseuo-intellectuals
Brandon Ward
He's been doing it at least since Eraserhead
Easton Sullivan
>all these people who got LYNCHED I can't believe anyone actually thought this was going to be a straightforward continuation of the original Twin Peaks story.
>if you think the show has any flaws at all you must hate it Low IQ Lynch cultists need a reality check Love season 3 but making Diane a character was a mistake