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Asher Perez
Julian Perez
Ethan Carter
is a real?
Jaxon Fisher
well i'm sorry to hear that
Henry Stewart
RIP in piece Stephen Seagull
Julian Long
Samuel Torres
He got his birthday snatched?
Robert Stewart
yes, all of them
Christian Evans
Jonathan Sanchez
Tyler Evans
What happened to Dey Tooker?
Dominic Diaz
wait, are you telling me there are jews in entertainment?
Carson Adams
pouring one out for my dead homie right now
Luke Lee
dey tooker
Kayden Reed
>mother isn't jewish
not jewish
Cooper Jackson
Kevin Lee
Dude’s been wearing those tiny glasses for like 4 years straight. Look up any recent Segal movie and he’ll be wearing those on the cover.
Owen Roberts
Well I'm sorry to hear that.
Henry Brown
according to Reform Judaism and science, a Jew father's genes and DNA do count
Jayden Anderson
Cause now....?
Caleb Barnes
he was a good man
Brody Howard
Are the films of Seagall entertaining in the ways that the films of Wiseau or Breen are?
Grayson Gomez
Isn’t he an antisemite tho?
Dylan Gutierrez
Yes and some of them are actually good compared to Wiseaus or Breens
Noah White
nice try mr. troll
Carson Long
commie oligarch shill
Jonathan Bennett
>Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.
Jacob Lewis
>tfw no more music and movie kino
Elijah Allen
Seagal is Asian.
Jaxson Adams
Birthday Snatcher!
Nathan Sullivan
These threads are the best
Luis Robinson
Wasn't that the whole point of the film though, that he wasn't a Samurai in the beginning?
William Sanchez
How do I get crime vision lads
Camden Collins
not according to his Wikipedia and
Zachary Campbell
Leo King
Bros, the chills at 2:07
Wyatt Morgan
>whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care
Jace Jones
Segal obviously didn't watch the movie.
Cooper Torres
Leo Bailey
I don't know what's funnier, the way he shits on cruise, the fact that he actually believes that he should of gotten that role, or the fact that this quote is actually true
Carson Gray
Nathaniel Mitchell
>Budget: US$16,700,000
Zachary Jones
Okay guys but what is the budah nature?
Jeremiah Bell
Half of that is catering for Seagal
Eli Adams
Money laundering.
Kevin Thomas
Adam Ortiz
Anthony Hernandez
Nathan Baker
Pretty much all of Seagal's DTV stuff is simply money laundering. It's no accident that so much of his stuff is produced through Eastern Europe and Asia, where it's a lot easier to grease the wheels.
Sebastian Roberts
It's not just because any name movie star, no matter how washed up is still in demand there, and they're happen to get who they can/Segal is happy to work?
Cooper Lee
>They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care.
Segal is the perfect living embodiment of 'based retard'. Someone post his Webms.
Nathaniel Flores
The original tracklist is funny enough
Tyler Barnes
Asher Reed
why is she drooling
Evan Reyes
I found out the true reasom why he couldnt do the role on the steven seagal forums....
Jose Martinez
Holy fuck I forgot about this. I miss seagalposting
Landon Parker
>reform judaism
Lincoln Perez
>(with Bo Diddley)
God damn it.
Ryder Lee
It's not drool...
James Stewart
he is the world's oldest 13 year old
Carter Bailey
Charles Cruz
I remember renting this movie and falling asleep on it within the first 10 minutes. I missed out didn't i
Brayden Butler
>this is one of my personal backups isn't that amazing?
Jonathan Campbell
Nolan Perez
Cruise is gay