Actually thats not what monster is called, thats a name of the doctor

>actually thats not what monster is called, thats a name of the doctor

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Monster_(Marvel_Comics)

Correct, there never was a monster named "Bones" in Star Trek.

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whom are you quoting?

what are you referring to here?

Based ESL monkey

>actually, according to Wookieepedia, that random alien from the canteen scene is called a Devaronian

>That’s not the name of that character, that’s the name of the ship!

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>For the last time, Zelda is the princess, not the guy you play as!

>you see... In a clever little homage... The name of the monster... you're not going to believe this... the name of the monster... is.. Adam...

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mfw I still think of an Elf dude when I hear Zelda

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Thanks user, but I was actually referring to the doctor. Rushing to correct someone else often leads to your own mistakes.

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>tfw too autistic to notice ESL typing
my brain just fixes everything while i'm reading unless it's too much of a mess

They should make this official

>actually, that plothole is clearly explained in one of the novels
>the reason why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mordor was that they didn't give a shit.

Whatever, man. That Metroid guy is cooler anyway.

Wasn't Frankenstein his last name and him creating the monster the monster would be Frankenstein too? You people don't change your last name from your parents do you?

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>actually the doctor was the real monster

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halo is a pretty cool dude

My parents didn't make me in a lab with corpse parts.

But they did make you and your moms womb not being a laboratory is debatable


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I am mostly certain that when I read the book he was called Adam by Dr Frankstein. But no one seems to have this memory and I cant find it in my copy anymore. Was I mandela effected?


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>I am mostly certain that when I read the book he was called Adam by Dr Frankstein. But no one seems to have this memory and I cant find it in my copy anymore. Was I mandela effected?
I just checked, and not only has the Wikipedia entry been deleted, but I can't find a single reference to it anywhere online.'s_Monster_(Marvel_Comics)

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He never had a name, why would he?

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the monster says "I ought to be they adam, but rather I am your lucifer, a fallen angel." something like that. Just making a biblical reference.

Makes sense that Im mixing things up, but I never read these comics.

Dr. Frankenstein gives life to a creature and was planning to call it dude all the time? People name boats, why wouldnt he name his creation.?

Dr. Frankenstein was the real monster :^)

>cartoon Frankenstein is just called "Frank"

The monster name is "Modern Prometheus's Monster" you fucking idiots



>"It's not a dragon. It's a wyvern."

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have you read the book? He hated his creation from the moment it was born

Number one way to identify an autist

>book explains everything

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>actually, Superman was originally a Moses figure rather than a Jesus one


Name 22 Japanese and French Kinos that have ever quoted this at the 54:32 minute mark.

the monster specifically states at the end of the novel he was never given a name

>it was all in his head

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They kinda did though.

Post pics of yur mums butthole please.

Doki Doki Panic

No, you're just a moron.

>t. just got btfo by his sophomore English teacher during his classroom web seminar

He is compared to Adam from Adam and Eve, he is never called or named Adam. I think this is where your confusion comes from.

reminder all soijack posters are mentally ill

Actually, Sneed is the old man inside the feed and seed, not one of the two farmers outside the building who talk to Homer.


hence why he needs to be protected



Dis nigger look like he got a pretty pink boipussy lmao