Doesn't even have any redeeming episodes and is 3/8ths doneInb4 it's all a simulation inside a simulation bullshit in vr tweest
W/estworld season 3 is a fucking trainwreck
I've never watched this. I heard Season 1 is kino, Season 2 is a piece of shit, and they're going for some kind of Inception dream within a dream thing in Season 3. Is it worth watching? Also did the holocaust happen?
>I've never watched this. I heard Season 1 is kino, Season 2 is a piece of shit, and they're going for some kind of Inception dream within a dream thing in Season 3. Is it worth watching? Also did the holocaust happen?
I'll wait until s3 is done and this shit gets canned
No it's not worth watching until someone makes a supercut without Delores
>implying Maeve Sue is any better than Doritos
>>implying Maeve Sue is any better than Doritos
I wunna bang her she's pure sex
The actress I mean.
Her character is absolutely garbage post s1 and arguably one of the worst ones in the show
She is an old nigress while Dolores is actually hot.
>She is an old nigress while Dolores is actually hot.
>flat ass chest and thighlet with no waist or belly
>actually hot
Besides her tomboy face she's very ugly and lanky.
Is this what lanky chads deem hot now?
nigger please
episode 1 was good, but then 2 and 3 happened
and then serac
and then trans peter abernaty
enjoy marilyn manson's used goods