A fucking breakfast sandwich

>a fucking breakfast sandwich

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I make one of these at home like once a week. Didn’t realize it was that big of a deal

>women humor
buy another one ffs

Is that what they learn at acting school?

That film sucked so fucking bad but i watched it just for margot robbie

>American Cheese

This will not catch on.

But what if it does?

Honestly I would agree with you all, until I saw that spurt of hot sauce. That sandwich looks so fucking good.

Why is cheese so fucking good bros? It makes everything better

for me its cage-free brown eggs, smoked and skimmed gouda cheese, turkey bacon and sriracha in a flaxseed oil-coated cauliflower-based roll


taste absolutely depends on the brand, but ultimately it is still just cheddar with extra oil, perfect for breakfast sandwiches.

I take first meal very seriously and that sandwich looks absolutely wonderful. Even though I could buy as many more as I wish, I would be peeved as balls if someone busted up my scene with some nonsense, knocked me over, and ruined my meal. Most people would be, aside from the obviously very cool, intelligent, well-adjusted and super convincing gentlemen here.

For a schlock scene involving an over-the-top psychopath clown lady who is really hungry, nothing about it seems bad or stupid, the scene itself not withstanding.

Women can't cook a fucking thing these days, making that egg sandwich is likely an impossible challenge for her.

shouldn't it be called Bacon Egg Sandwich with cheese and not Egg Sandwich?

>a fucking business card

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I don't get the hate, it was a mindless romp but it never promised to be anything else, did it?

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Why is this movie trying so hard to appeal to that demographic of genuinely retarded screeching autistic girls? There's hardly any of them, and everyone hates the few that there are. Fedoralords outnumber them 10:1 or something.

Eggs were way too under cooked. The yolk would have spilled everywhere after the first bite.

Harley is a ditsy whore who can't cook.
She sits at home eating ice cream and cereal.

>hes a hard yolk guy

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American cheese melts easily and smoothly. It's perfect for burgers and hot sandwiches. Stop being a faggot.

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Why yes, I do care to keep myself clean while I eat, and enjoy solid textured foods. How could you tell?

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delicious covid 19 flavor

Not hard, but not runny either. Ideally it should keep its shape, but still have a golden sheen to it.

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So does Cheddar/Swiss/Gouda

>American cheese
>I wanna taste it

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That's fuckin' gross. Do Americans really eat sandwiches made without gloves by muslims?

her being 47 yo in that role ruined it for me lads

Someone post the webm of that clip from that Facreau movie about him making cheese sandwiches

looks like the kind of meme sandwich that's taylor-made for reddit

Painfully unfunny, been done a dozen times in better stories

Our Based TOP NO1 Chef , ok Chef Ramsey says , throw that shit in the bin or get beaten mutt !

I don't really like cheese that much. Cheddar is kinda gross.

watching any of this is like a nightmare. Why do people think this is a good character??

I know you've all been thinking it

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>using melted clarified butter instead of just buttering the bread normally and it melting into the roll
>streaky bacon instead of back bacon
>hot sauce instead of brown sauce
>completely wrapping in foil so it goes soggy

also, he cooked a bap but foil wrapping is perfectly flat

>you are now aware that she's just copying Lori Petty in Tank Girl

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I glad I don't know you because I can tell you are a tastelet with your tastebuds burned out from oversalted trash


Why the olive oil? It just gets soaked up by the bread and its flavour is masked by the butter and cheese, you're just making it much more oily.

this guy gets it ..

GOD FLU NEEDS to kill you fat whales

This webm annoys me for some reason. Not sure why

>Only fat people know how to cook
God Americans are so sad

Nahh . basic in Bong how to cook and in the services and served . Making Food rear to feed shot guys

well hello mr fancy pants

Why does the order the ingredients are stacked in keep on changing?
It's clearly bacon egg cheese at 0:16, egg cheese bacon at 0:21, bacon egg cheese again at 0:26, with some random action shot of what must be someone else's sandwich with bacon and bread at 0:06, despite no one else being visible in the shop.

wonder if they were fishing for a Denny's promotional tie-in.

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So he cooks as good as he directs huh

Because second unit shot that scene like 10 times and they didn't have access to a continuity supervisor.

show the fucking FOOD not the ho


Also, isn't there a roach in it when she bites it?

Go to bed joe rogan.

I don't know user. I always put a dash of tobasco on a fried egg. Just a bit of heat, doesn't mess with the flavor.

art imitates life

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If it doesn't change the flavor why even put hot sauce on it? Why does heat make something more palatable?

What a shitty looking egg sandwich. Why did someone thing this was worth filming?

>t. wypipo

Why does he take it off the plate, only to cut it in half, to then put it back on the plate? Why couldnt he just do that on the fucking clean plate and not on the dirty table?

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How do you crack 2 eggs at once?