Did you know I have a daughter her age, you sick fuck?
Did you know I have a daughter her age, you sick fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
why would I know anything about your personal life, pal?
“Nice, can I have her digits?”
Anyone remember that episode where there was a dangerous homicidal kid, he was like 10 years old? Why was that case being investigated by the SVU?
>Did you know I have a daughter your age, you sick fuck?
Is he trying to set us up on a date?
Is she single?
I mean its receding a bit but your hair looks pretty full never hurts to start preventing it now though
>tortured rape victim gets pregnant
>"hey stabler what about abortion"
i was the product of a rape so i empathize with the victim
Are you saying you're not the product of rape any longer?
Your forehead wrinkle looks like a white person smiling at a nigger
i like the episode where he is chasing after a former criminal because he thinks he is committing crimes again, he isnt, and kills him
the Anger episode?
Unstabler was based as fuck
dont know or remember maybe
he chases after some former sex offender and corners him on a roof threatening to throw the guy in jail
the guy gets his gun and defends himself then i think someone else steps in and kills the guy
it was the funniest thing i ever seen in these shitty cop dramas
why do you keep posting this?
I like to think Ice-T ad-libs all of these.
His daughter is half black in Happy
You now remember that he was in Man Of Steel
Pics or she doesn't exist
He says this fully knowing that the perp pops a boner every time he does. He's helping out a fellow pedo
is he using his daughter as bait?
Imagine actively trying to pimp out your own daughter in a police station - dude's got balls
Cops usually pimp out their daughters to each other.
Why are you offering you sick fuck?
Have they done an episode on incels yet? Bet it would be hilarious!
No, but you can have these digits.
>go home gamergirl
>Eventually things work out about as you’d expect them to, with the SVU team nailing the local incel ring
>a guy dressed as a pizza delivery person forces his way into a couple’s apartment, pistol whips the man, and then rapes the woman, calling them “Chad” and “Stacy” throughout the horrifying ordeal.
>Fin: The pizza guy called Rick Chad.
>Benson: And he kept calling Anne Stacey.
>Fin: You thinking what I'm thinking?
>Benson: This guy hit the wrong apartment.
Amazing shit
>the local incel ring
Chad and Stacey wouldnt let that happen, so Benson is right
How do the writers stay so in the know on current street lingo - it's amazing
SVU isn’t just sex crimes. Any violent crime involving a minor.
Nonsense, you can have these, check em while you're at it
I fucking hate this show so much. "Oh I have a daughter that age,"
You know what else you have faggot? An oath you swore before God and country to uphold the Constitution of the United States. That Constitution has amendments, like the 5th, and the 4th, and the 2nd, and the 1st. I don't give a shit about your daughter, she's got a 1/10000 chance of anything bad happening to her.
You know who has a 1/1 chance of having their rights violated? Anyone accused of a crime on Law and Order. If any police department outside of East Germany behaved this criminally, you wouldn't need to prosecute them, because the people would drag them out of their homes in the middle of the night and hang them from streetlamps.
I'm not just angry that the show is bad or that it has shitty morality, I'm angry that people genuinely watch this show and believe that this is how policework is done. It makes everyone in law enforcement look like a psychopath. If I locked a guy in a closet knowing he was claustrophobic to get a confession I would be on the street jobless faster than greased ice, but this fucking KIKE writer portrays it like it's a noble thing, like any measure taken in torturing confessions out of people is justified. FUCK Law and Order and FUCK everyone on it. 80% of the criminals "convicted" on this show would've walked IRL if they had simply described how the police treated them.
I wish I could call these people a bunch of Fascists, but you know what? The Nazis had more respect for due process. They actually checked to see if you were a Jew instead of just torturing you into confessing to it.
are these actually in the show
This is some brass eye tire shit, does chris morris work on svu?
It's just a fucking show dude, no one cares about actual police procedure when they're watching Law and Order. Stop being hysterical and womanbrained.
please let this be pasta
no but my dubs will be sufficient
Show me a picture I need to fap.
yea, he's actually a pretty good actor
I like to believe he and Faora are living together in another reality
Happy was good too.
Women don't care about the law. I do, because the law is the only thing that separates us from animals.
Anything that reduces the law down to a set of inconveniences that the police have to "overcome" to catch criminals is subversive bullshit. The entire reason we have a concept of Jury by Peers is so that the law cannot simply railroad people into punishment without due process. The cornerstone of this entire concept of respect for legal rights. This predates the United States, it goes back to the Magna Carta when Prince John got his ass kicked by the Barons.
This show is not only evil in that it is shit and unfun to watch, it is evil in that it undermines the foundational principles of our entire legal system. A show called Law and Order is about the total abolition of Law and Order and the return of barbaric tyrannical rule. The world of Law and Order is essentially just Cardassia from Star Trek. The verdict is decided before the trial begins, and whatever means are necessary to achieve that verdict are taken.
Again, you're getting unnecessarily self-righteous and histrionic about this shit. Settle down.
didnt see it
Then you're old enough to not be using profanity on the job.
>no one cares about actual police procedure when they're watching Law and Order
I think the first several seasons of the original law & order were actually pretty good for this. All of the spinoffs are sensationalized garbage though.
No. This shit is real and it is materially and demonstrably impacting the world we live in.
Entertainment media has always been important to how people perceive the world. Most people in the modern day, particularly the younger generations, I've noticed, draw their moral conceptions of the world from the media they consume.
Well that's all well and good. I drew much of my moral conception of the world from Seneca and Zeno, and their works were technically media. Well, Law and Order SVU (god help us) has conditioned an entire generation of people to view the Law as chains on the righteous instead of chains on the guilty.
I am not being histrionic. I have spent my entire life meticulously analyzing the circumstances of this country because I am a nationalist and that is what a nationalist is supposed to do. We are on a monstrous backslide towards despotism the type of which would make the Assyrians blush in shame. What sort of country do we live in, supposedly the ideal of freedom and justice, when our own entertainment flaunts the blatant abuse of human rights as a viirtue?
It's sick. It's Jewish. It's fucking evil.
They're perfect for when you have a massive cold and can barely think straight. Just lie on the couch and watch Ice T prattle on about some weird made up drug thing while captain totally not a self-hating pedo beats people up.
Yes, because
>brings the mic closer
Every 10 years the cells in your body actually completely change. I was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- Fin could you get that article up? Yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go looks over at the screen Look at that ... Yeah, that rapist must be what? 400 pounds? Jesus those things will tear you to shreds
Based and Javert pilled
Why does everytime I learn a new word it seems to describe me thorougly?