Name a better trilogy.
Name a better trilogy
For me, it's Pureflix™
How can people have so little awareness that they need cheesy ass movies like this to tell them God might exist?
Nigga go outside and watch a bird fly. Learn about all the crazy ass shit your body does so you stay alive. Nigga just go look at a forest. Then tell me there is definitely no creator.
The last 3 dumps I made.
The prequel trilogy
This is true, praise Odin.
There is definitely no creator.
Replace the word God with unicorn, fairy, ghost, etc.
>look at the trees
amazing this is still used by people with free internet access
>no u
well im a christian now
>Literally "no u" when confronted with burden of proof
I hope you Christ cucks don't argue like this.
Why did God give us such fragile bodies susceptible to cuts, bruises, cancer, and broken bones? Seems like a cruel joke on his part.
>Replace the word God with unicorn, fairy, ghost, etc.
Damn bruh, "no u" hive mind
Shut up mutt
because our ancestors ate an apple
I think the reason this image triggers atheists so hard is that they know deep down that their secular religion is just as faith based as Christianity, but they build their whole personality around being perfectly rational beings. There is literally zero proof that atheists are right.
>reject Christianity
>immediately start worshiping social justice and diversity as a God
Now that's just insulting
so the teenager newfags larping as christians like yhis pandering garbage or is this bait?
I'm not an atheist tho user
Why can't Christians make anything that isn't sterile, melodramatic and incredibly predictable garbage? Music, tv, movies, etc. It's all the same shit over and over.
>There is literally zero proof that atheists are right.
thats not how negative claims work
its actually people larping as Christians/ real Christians because they think if they become an atheist they have love fags and trannies
The body is fragile, yet resilient. A pregnant woman can take the full force of a baseball bat to the stomach 3 times before any harm comes to the child, yet reusing a Nettie pot can kill you. Your bones are self-regulating calcium storage units which can be built to become stronger than concrete, yet stubbing your toe the wrong way can snap it. The human body is an amazing thing user, and it's beautiful to learn about.
Christians make a lot of great art. You're just thinking of American protestants.
Protestants are deeply afraid of change. Seeing the same simple, wholesome, and belief affirming shit regurgitated to them for decades is calming for them.
>not being an atheist natsoc
Not gonna make it.
Clearly Christianity is on the way out, the question is what will replace it?
I can’t imagine the west just going more and more secular until everyone’s an atheist
>A pregnant woman can take the full force of a baseball bat to the stomach 3 times before any harm comes to the child
H-how do you know this, user?
is their anything more cringe worthy as millenials and zoomers online larping as christians/atheist commies/nazis? At least zoomers are too young to not know how pathetic they are, millenials should have grew out of that in their early 20's
>all atheists are leftists
>blend s
Islam. It's immensely appealing to losers and morons because it gives them power.
Because all Christian entertainment is made by cynical hucksters that hold real Christians in contempt
Protestant cringe
>recognizing anime for any reason
This is my sentiment exactly. These movies are manly for people that feel their faith is under attack which it absolutely is. I personally thought the first one was a bit hockey and it felt like propaganda but I still believe in God, I just didn’t need the movie to reaffirm. My mother though can’t get enough of these movies. I personally don’t get it, but I like how it triggers people.
There's no such thing as an atheist. They just move their faith to something else, and generally it's political or ideological.
The reject God and replace it with their own, and generally the one they replace it with is stupid. And generally it's leftist morality based on some weird idea of equality. The atheists are just as blind an insufferable as the redneck southern baptists that they love to make fun of so much.
Because earth isn't paradise and we weren't made to be immortal? What would be the point if this realm was simply a mirror image of heaven? God mode is fun for a few minutes in games but it gets real old real fast without any challenges.
Something humanistic, people are getting more fed up with the status quo. Personally I'd like to see a return to more nature worship and communal traditions, I think people need that right now.
Very few atheists are like this at all. There are way, way more 'weak' or 'passive' atheists who just think god probably isn't real and go on living their lives than there are atheists who try to somehow build a worldview and culture around there not being a god.
The fedora-tipper meme is cringe at this point, they are almost an extinct breed. Personally, I'm so extremely anti-christian that I don't want anyone on either side to remind me that anyone has ever believed in that bullshit. Shooting fish in a barrel is not fun anymore. I don't want to make fun of it, I want it to be completely forgotten so we can move on.
>And generally it's leftist morality based on some weird idea of equality.
It's weird because I figure leftist morality would be based in darwinism, eugenics, survival of the fittest, etc. as those are based in truth and logic which they verbally say they revere. But you're right that it's all based on this sense of equality which is clearly not based in evidence or fact, just emotions.
yikes, don't shoot up a school when they reopen
*tips your fedora*
If god exists, why did he leave us?
>I don't want to make fun of it, I want it to be completely forgotten so we can move on.
You know that's not going to happen, right? Religious belief is nearly 50% heritable. It's literally encoded into our DNA. It would be smarter of you to pick the best kind of religion to defend that vibes with your values and use that as a bulwark against the not so tolerant religions, rather than to throw up your hands and proclaim you hate religion. I don't know what the future will bring, but I can predict with a certain degree of certainty that atheism is destined to lose.
Catholics create fantastic art, and always have. The problem is that protestants abandoned awe for austerity long ago, and as such are incapable of speaking about God in a beautiful manner.
People aren't born with a desperate need for faith, faith was a Judeo-Christian conception that was not present in early religions. People just need some form of spirituality, which is completely different from faith. Early animist religions just saw our surroundings as alive, which doesn't require faith or evidence because it is obvious that nature is filled with many animated forces. The only faith based part of that is in specific deities, which were taken much less seriously than monotheistic ones and aren't really necessary to gain the benefits of an animist outlook. You don't need to have faith in the fact that you are alive and are part of a greater system you can't fully understand but can feel the effects of, it's right there for you to experience.
The concept of IQ is fee-fees bullshit.
>God isn't real and religion is stupid
>proceed to import millions of muslims
Why does the left do this?
I hate christianity as it is a cringey, retarded, irritating, and unnatural religion. I don't hate religion in general, I recognize that people are built for something like religion and I think a lot of our problems stem from the fact that christianity does a very poor job of filling that need.
>The concept of IQ is fee-fees bullshit.
Not really. The idea that IQ is all environmental is all fee-fees, when it's largely a product of genetics.
stop believing in stereotypes you read online, specifically this site
And yet religious belief is at an all-time low in almost every developed country, and still dropping.
>christianity does a very poor job of filling that need.
I think it's a good idea to judge how well something does by how long it lasts. As something that's lasted 2,000 years and is still one of the primary religions, I'd say it does a fair job.
Intelligence is a philosophical concept.
The proof is millennia of human spiritual experience. The burden is on atheists to provide a better explanation for the existence of religion and spirituality in the first place. The most reasonable explanation is that higher planes and spiritual beings actually exist, and they have an influence on our plane. "Everyone in the past was stupid and we're smarter now" makes no sense as an explanation when you see how stupid and dysfunctional our culture is today.
Same reason why they focus on manspreading as an important issue while ignoring the muslim grooming gangs in london.
Go be a Muslim then
>Pretend to be a devout evangelist to own da libs
Why do retards do this on an anime website?
back to the future
>Nigga just go look at a forest.
Forests are fucking horrible. Most the time a forest is just dead branches every step, you can't see shit and you choose between biting insects or freezing cold.
Mountains are the patrician natural wonder.
>being a Christian because it's mathematically viable
Doesn't sound like a very earnest faith to me desu.
>The most reasonable explanation is that higher planes and spiritual beings actually exist, and they have an influence on our plane
Animism lasted for at least 10,000 years and there is reason to believe it was present in all animals since the beginning, but there are singular religions that dominate whole countries which are much older than Christianity as well. 2000 years is not that long on the scale we're talking about, and Christianity didn't really even get all of those years. Christians were a tiny group until about 300 AD, the church didn't control most of Europe until about 1000 AD, and it fractured apart around 1500 AD into sects that may as well be religions in their own right, and now Christianity's core countries are turning to secularism and atheism and those that still claim to be christians would be unrecognizable to early christians.
>And yet religious belief is at an all-time low in almost every developed country, and still dropping.
It is. Atheists also have the lowest birthrates when compared to all religions, except I believe Buddhism. In that sense, atheism is an evolutionary negative rather than a positive, and therefor, the genes which aren't predisposed to religious belief, are less likely to spread.
There will be no large scale atheism in the future. The more religious, the more kids.
>"Everyone in the past was stupid and we're smarter now" makes no sense as an explanation when you see how stupid and dysfunctional our culture is today.
The worst third world shitholes on earth are populated by superstitious hardcore conservatives.
>Intelligence is a philosophical concept.
No it's not. If you want to say someone with an IQ measured at 60 is only philosophically less intelligent than someone with a 120 IQ, rather than demonstrably, then you're wrong.
Do one for dubs
Viability is the most important thing first. No viability = no faith. Good viability = ability to have faith.
Take a Japanese IQ test and tell me how well you score.
Austin powers
Unironically a better choice but still pretty retarded. I like animism/paganism because it exists on a sort of 'sliding scale' where you can choose to believe in a personal presence of a lot of literal gods with colorful stories if you're a superstitious type, or if you're someone who has trouble swallowing this stuff like I do you can just appreciate the animate way of nature and enjoy your position in it as a red-blooded human being with a job to do, and not feel put upon by the first category because their beliefs are not aggressive and they aren't having some internal battle over "faith" that pops out all the time like Christians and Muslims do.
That isn't proof they were right, it's proof that thinking those thoughts is useful evolutionarily and societally.
when are people going to realise we don't need religion any more? It was useful in the past but where we are today with nuclear deterrence and a western alliance, we don't need it.
Yes christianity in it's modern form will absolutely not last. It will either have to return to traditionalism, or christianity will fade away as people adopt a stronger religion. Nu-Christianity has been detrimental to the population for sure.
By your logic, because one can be "good" at understanding Japanese, or bad at it, it must be philosophical as well.
Christianity isn't really one thing, "Christians" are extremely different from one to the next even in the same place and time. All they have in common is being extremely irritating.
Satan is the best friend the church has ever had, he has kept it in business all these years
We don’t need atheists either.
>you're a nazi if you don't like mass immigration
Yeah, no. It's the left that's causing all this bullshit.
Atheism will become an obsolete concept when faith-based religions disappear, we are already partway there and I am happy to find myself using the word 'atheist' less and less.
>God doesn’t exist because he doesn’t serve my comfort
How is this a cosmology
>when are people going to realise we don't need religion any more?
You're a fool if you don't think people aren't actively replacing religious belief with ideological or political belief. Have you not heard of the church of diversity and equality where the facts are racist (evil) and you're a bigot (non believer) if you don't adhere to the thought?
Religion is important as its a method of self-control and self rule, rather than looking towards the state or ideology for that rule.
only jews and sexual degenerate atheists hate Christ remember that