Best documentaries about WW2?
Best documentaries about WW2?
The Greatest Story Never Ttold
I'm a 6'3 guy and don't really care for WW2 movies.
>but muh Land-lease imminent
>h-hehe yeah they didn't even need the United States to take on Russia
>t-they just waited until the US got involved because b-because!! SHUT UP AMERIFAT MUTT MUTT!!!
I'm an 8 inch dick, and I really care for WW2 movies.
who the fuck thinks ww2 was like that?
what the fuck is poland doing
Not me
I'm a 20lb pair of boobs and I think it was like that
What do dinosaurs have to do with WW2?
>firebombs specifically targeting non-military targets
>pardoning some of the worst war criminals in history for personal gain
>gunning down schoolgirls after baiting them to leave hiding
>throwing nuclear bombs on hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting civilians to flex at the russians
Any movies about being the good guys?
Through the consumption of tv, movies, and my above average American public school education, I unironically thought it was like that until I turned 20 or so.
Literally their entire logistical chain and a significant amount of their industry was provided by America and the Bongs.
>french is a chicken
Butthurt Eurofags, Vatniks, and edgy 16 year old Americans who are rebelling against their conservative parents.
they got exposed for being little bitches long ago
Any movies where Hitler is the villain.
>cucks the mightiest military in the world with DIY weapons and mudhuts
How were VCs so dangerously based?
We could've won if it weren't for those meddling hippies.
Bong will always the best wins like the Falklands
where as Mutts had Nam kek
Realistically what would the world look like today if Archduke Ferdinand’s taxi driver didn’t make the wrong turn?
Lanklet confirmed.
>declare war on the 4 most powerful nations on earth in the same war
Are all Germans and therefore most Europeans really this retarded?
I wear size 13s, know what I mean, and I really, really like OPs image
Its LEND-lease you stupid woman.
>go to Vietnam
>do a shitload of drugs
>fuck a bunch of vietnamese women
>rack up a 50:1 KD ratio
>go back home to 1st world country
Truly a crushing defeat for the burgers.
no those boys that fought in vietnam were fine soldiers, they never stood a chance, whole war was unwinnable from the start
-A multi-national successor to Austria-Hungary would have developed in Central Europe.
-Czarist Russia doesn't become completely undone, so the Bolshevik party's October Revolution fails. Vladimir Lenin moves to the United States where he becomes a professor of Russian history at Columbia University. Having maintained his left-wing connections, he comes in contact with the International Ladies Garment Workers Union and helps write the pro-union musical, Pins and Needles.
-The Germany of the 1920s is not bled by the victorious and vindictive allies so the Nazis never come power. Europe would have been a more German-speaking continent.
Adolf Hitler — an aspiring artist and vegetarian — never goes to war and never enters politics. Instead, he becomes the manager of a company that produces alternative medicine.
-Jews continue to thrive, and there is no Holocaust. The small Jewish settlement in Palestine continues, but without a flood of refuges it remains a minority community there.
-Without World War I, there is no World War II and no Cold War. Science develops much slower — the U.S. doesn't put a man on the moon, there is no atomic bomb, and penicillin and antibiotics are slower to hit the market.
Most nam vets came back poisoned like Gulf 1 vets
They killed most of the Americans they killed by sending babies with explosives in their diapers crying to American soldiers and detonating the explosives when they got to them.
Like taking on the Taliban , should of seen how the soviets got raped in the 80s
Two words: lend lease.
>barely win 1 war while getting free stuff from US
>win 2 wars simultaneously while giving everyone else free stuff
>1000 yuros a day dead from the Shanghai shivers
>still find time to seethe about America being superior to them
>win 2 wars simultaneously while giving everyone else free stuff
I wonder who got them involved
Trump will save you mutts
Yeah but they also lost to fucking Vietnam, so it evens out.
But a lot (a LOT) more Russians died, so by Canadian logic they won.
then they are truly fucked
name some good kinos on Russian history ?
>Japan being that small
better graph
Japan owned most of China back then
they do
>Muh lend lease
Reminder that the Soviets stopped the German advance in 1941 with negligible lend lease aid, and the bulk of lend lease came post 1942 when the Germans were already on the retreat.
I saw come and see recently, that movie is fuckin crazy
all those dead gentiles make me hard
t. chosen one
all we had to do was nuke those nips but hippy faggots back home said no
I like this minus the German speaking continent part. We are in a bad timeline:(
>literally "War Russia"
>highest casualties per capita
Yes, I know Bellum was both war and beauty
I think anyone with half a brain realizes this already
>china manages to lose almost the most people while not even really fighting
the eternal bugman
Pearl Harbor, a Michael Bay movie.
Does anyone wonder why do we still keep talking about the same thing and events all the time? This conversation has already happened many times before but each time it ended without any conclusion. Why do we keep wasting our time on this? We won't change the mind of our opponents and we won't get any value from this discussion either. Just leave this thread, for your own good.
is this your typical dumb mutt unit
Yep, it was already over 41 Germany made an insane gamble that made the look like they were still in it 42 but that was the last hurrah.
Can we stop this meme already? Vietnam recieved copious training and supplies from the Soviets, had the most advanced IADS in the world, a competent modern airforce, infantrymen that were just as well-equipped small-arms wise as their counterparts, fighting in terrain that nullified their huge disadvantage in armor and air mobility, had their logistical and C2 bases in areas that were forbidden to be attacked for the entirety of the war, and were still ground to a halt for 10 years until politics pressured an American withdraw and South Vietnam were too much of weak-willed pussies to defend their own country.
I just come for the polandball memes.
Its a classic here new fren
Polandball memes died a long time ago.
>not even really fighting
user, I...
>Muh zerg army doesn't need logistics
Zoomers will believe anything nowadays if it lets them feel smarter than Boomers
I saw they had jet fighters in a rambo film , an top gun
Unironically this
chang beat you fair and square
Case Blue didn't even start until the summer of 42 and the Soviet counteroffensive until November.
Best-case scenario for the Soviets without any aid is that they stalemate after the failure to take Stalingrad, sign a cease-fire once either Stalin or Hiter die, and enter into a cold war.
Totally irreverlant consider Kursk alone
most of the people he would have killed were vietnamese civilians
>this based gook blew the fuck out of the US
Can they ever recover?
God I hate their dumb mutt glazed over eyes.
Any military historian will tell you that we could've easily beaten them without dropping nukes. We could've just bombed all their dykes which would've flooded all their rice fields and then just sat back as they starved to death. We didn't do it because muh humanitarianism
>Le quan Hahaha dead Malines Congo
chang doesn't live in vietnam, tardball
try nguyen or tuan next time
Then he's no different than the American soldiers
his buddies mopped up the rest
but them two lolis dude , you just know
>Thinking Americans couldn't have won easily if abandoned their rules of engagement.
>we could have beaten those poverty gooks if ethics didn't stop us!
proud of you
>le lead sponges
Most other Americans I know.
Nope, they're still seething to this day.
Agent Orange , Naplm much
>t-there definitely wouldn't have been a world war if this one event hadn't happened
Everyone was chomping at the bits to go to war. Italian and French irredentism, Russia still a feudal and unstable shithole, nationalist movements in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia, Germany in an arms race with the UK...
>mutates your children for generations with agent orange
heh, you made me use .2% of my population
>wtf i dont wanna follow the rules
>i could have won if i just bombed the chess board
>>throwing nuclear bombs on hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting civilians to flex at the russians
You think they would have expected it after we warned them, and then dropped one. Seems to me Nagasaki wasn’t unsuspected faggot.
by seething you mean winning and dominating your minds
usa usa
based. Americans STILL in denial about it
not with McNamara's morons
Well, most of these deaths are civilians or POWs. Also the thing is - Russians did 80% of total german deaths.
Yeah, russians won this war, and allies helped a bit.
Will Americans ever get over the fact they got destroyed by 4'8" monkeys that hid in tunnels?
>implying buck tooth gooks followed the rules
Best vietnam kino?
>warned them
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