Only the best and most excellent costume design of all time in this thread

Only the best and most excellent costume design of all time in this thread

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This is gonna be a fun thread

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They ditched those real fast.

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Weren't his arms really short in the cgi?

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It's possible an all CG costume could work now, or in a couple of years, but 2011 was way too early to try that. It looks dreadful.

This looks really bad.

Add a belt and it's not so bad.

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I liked her sister's which just had her tits hanging out for no reason

I like Sara and Helena.

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That's a decent costume, thread is for rubbish ones.

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What from?


Cyborg in Smallville

Smallville is just tragic.

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>It's possible an all CG costume could work now
Endgame time travel suits were 100% CG

>some fucking hoodies

And they looked seamless, but also were only in a short portion of the film on-screen and never in any action scenes. I mean as your main costume for the whole film.

>Harrison, let's get you out of that gray undershirt and into your costume...
>Fuck off, I'm only here for a day.

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That stupid Robin Hood from recently

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The one that turned the Middle Ages into the Iraq war

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The silver codpiece really tied the room together.

Why do all the nu-Wars gals wear capris?

so moms can low key role play with the kids

I wish that Medusa would switch costumes with Titans Starfire

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Disgustingly small picture heres a better

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Ankle and calf fetish

That's a modern jacket.

suits the acting


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Oh my fucking God I don't remember it being that shit.

they pointed out that Green Arrow just made stupid leather costumes for them for no reason, at least

The big budget one turned out to be not particularly superior

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For a show that once had excellent costume design it's sad.

post the webm

What were they thinking?

>is it cold in here Robin? I'm starting to chafe Batman

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It's ad mzing how exposing Michael Cera's disgusting lips can make a pretty good costume look ugly

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That's Aaron Taylor Johnson

That armour...
>playing doesn't cover vital organs
>just breasts wrists and bits of leg
>exposing fingers for no reason
I bet theres a variant where she has two swords strapped on her back.
What was Krypton's tax policy?

That’s not Cera.

Nice try user. ;) You almost got me to google

That first Arrowverse Elongated Man suit was probably intentionally not great but still

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That was most definitely played for laughs.

Right now you're fucking me off
>what's your name kid?
>The Human Condom
>That Sucks! I give you the Amazing Plastic Man!!

That'd be his final outfit if it was Smallville

I unironically wanted to buy the Smallville Flash costume to cosplay at a comic book convention, I just never got around to it.