Never understood the machete meme. Axes carry so much more power and easy to carry. You cutting bone not grass.
Why Do Zombie Movies Love Machetes when Axes Are Better?
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They tend to dig in and get stuck, a warhammer to crush would be much better, but thats just my opinion
Running and swinging with a heavy axe would get tiring pretty fast
matchetes are found more often that good axe?
warhammer would splatter a lot of blood which would be bad if its spread aids style
Crushing dosnt really couse exterior bleeding, cutting does more.
whatever retard you can get punched in the nose and spray blood a couple feet
ideally it would be a spear, your accuracy is better, the motion is less exhausting, and retrieval isn't as cumbersome as an embedded axe
Why not just a gun, a spear is too big to carry around, it can get stuck whne you run.
I'm buying a AR15 and a halberd, see where your axe takes you
depends on what sort of "zombie" you have, but the general rule is loud sounds attract zombies
maybe something closer to a pila, have a small collection of small ones without barbs, that can be thrown in medium distance or used to stab faces in close range
plus you can turn it sideways and shove for crowd control
Already have an AK and long sword. A halberd or pole axe is next on my list.
Aren't pilums designed to bend on the metal shaft to throw any would be shield wielder off balance? Wouldn't a short spear be better?
>tfw assembled a short winged spear (just under 6ft) last summer
>Not getting full motorcycle kevlar or a shark suit so you don't get bit by some zombie hiding in a closet
Everyone focuses on weapons but a good set of bite proof armor would be excellent while scavenging
All my knowledge on weaponry has been osmosed from my friends who go to school for the subject.
I don't know what you would call the weapon specifically, but I can imagine it'd be around 4~5 in length with a sharp point, no "wings" on the head that way it doesn't become embedded, and strong grip.
Short spear sounds right?
>zombies can't bite you
>they can still catch you
>you get piled on by zombies
>they try to eat you constantly while you die of dehydration beneath their weight
nightmare fuel
That goes without saying. Just don't run into a crowd of them
Mmm post pics
Zombie killing requires a certain silent finesse. Axes are messy and unrefined compared to a katana.
Put a potato on the barrel of the gun
Don’t mind me. I’ll just be wearing my anti-zombie suit
Where the fuck do you live that machetes are more common than axes? Somalia? I don't know a single person with a machete, but most households have an axe or three.
Pretty sure that happens to some dude wearing medieval armor in the WWZ book
If it looks like pic related then it would indeed be a pilum. I would not recommend a pilum for zimbabwes. A short spear would be pretty decent. Even better if it has wings on it so if you don't 1 shot the ghoul it won't be able to run up it like a boar and tear you apart.
At work. Gonna have to dig in the archive a bit to find a pic of my ak. In the meantime, here are some of my swords plus a Kyle Katarn lightsaber.
that's a terrible idea
If the spikes do their job, the zombies are just going to be impaled on your armor and be harder to shake off
Found it
Everyone has a machete or two at home, who the fuck owns an axe? Probably the kind of neckbeard who has hammer, lmao.
Maybe if you live in a tropic environment. Here in the north it's the opposite. Most everyone has a hatchet or a splitting axe in their garage.
Dude, just go to an island in the middle of the ocean.
For me it's an ax/hammer/prybar hybrid. You can fight but also use it as a tool or to loot.
For me, it’s a splitting maul.
Although I’d probably shorten the shaft and add a makeshift grip so I can wield it one handed.
>8lb head
>1 handed
You'll throw yourself off balance with each swing and completely disintegrate the cartilage in your shoulder socket if you used a "weapon" like that.
Just use a geologist hammer with a long handle.
t. City Slicker
machetes are more common throughout the tropics. They're better for hacking through jungle.
Most people don't have axes available nearby.
Like, Home depot has machetes. Biggest "axe" they have is like a tiny one in the tools dept that goes on your belt. Not like a battle axe.
Why the fuck did you put that stupid hat in the picture? I see how the guns, sword, and backpack would be useful, but how is that gay fucking hat guna protect you.
I love how RT is self aware of the fact that what they publish is fictional.
why do multi-tools have these hex bolt slots. what survival situation requires that
>not wearing a hat when you go innawoods
You're never gonna make it.
>using anything other than the chainsaw+boomstick combo
Do you even watch horror kinos?
10/10 would make a good dead rising bossfight
Based axe-poster. This is literally my favorite weapon in any piece of media ever and the fact that it's real and I can go to the hardware store or wherever and pick one up makes me so happy. I always use it in any game that allows it as a weapon.
An intruder breaks into your house. What weapon do you grab from here?
The flesh and bone are both actively rotting, so you don't need a giant battle axe to break a zombie's skull.
they'll be walking skeletons before the bones show any sign of decay
Definitely the mace, swords are very difficult to swing indoors and the mace requires far less skill to wield and would almost always do way, way, way more damage.
Sting + Shield
Mace + Shield
In that order. If the saber or cut and thrust sword were sharpened they'd be an option as well.
Not true at all. The bones would be actively de-mineralizing and would not be capable of healing, so micro-fractures would accumulate and weaken them.
They don't need to show SIGNS of decay in order to be considerably weaker than living bone.
smashing an orange with a mallet vs slicing through an orange, which causes more juice spray?
You know what would be a lot more durable than a Chinese shovel?
Any other shovel from any other country including a child's plastic toy shovel.
For me? It's the frying pan.
Cutting tools spray the most blood
>Only get two shots
>You get bum rushed by a zombie and and it pushes the saw back onto you
>You aren't Ash, and certainly not Groovy
A Challenger Appears
A polearm is your best bet, something to control range. Ideally a large group of you with them-a Macedonian pike syntagma would be game over for zombies
zombies that can run are scary
for me its halberd
Why not just carry a stick and poke zombies in the chest, knocking them on their back? It’ll buy you like five minutes of time
Are there any movies with zombies in medieval age?
>>Only get two shots
Doesn't matter when a shot is enough to obliterate a zombie's head
>>You get bum rushed by a zombie and and it pushes the saw back onto you
Chainsaws can cut trees, imagine what they'd do to shitty, rotting zombies.
Face it, you're just not groovy enough. Boomstick + chainsaw is the most kino demon hunting loadout.
Army of Darkness, nigger
I meant without the time travel stuff. Medieval people dealing with zombies.
Chainsaws are trash for weapons.
Sure you would fuck someone up with one but youve got to carry around gas for it, and those blades are designed to cut wood. An animal is full of sinew and shit that would just jam up the blade and motor if you tried to use it more than once.
Me too, great weapon.