/hmmm/ Dark Crystal

Who coughed?!

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This guy did, got a problem?

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Any crystal bros succumbed to the darkening?

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Locke & Key got renewed for a second season.

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Are you kidding? Jesus, this world is ridiculous.

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I'm starting to think they forgot about AoR, Like, literally forgot. One day the Netflix twitter will post "Oh shit, that Dark Crystal thing! It was renewed back in Nov. Lol, sorry"

fucking love this goth boi. here's better quality.

Attached: hansom.jpg (1662x2048, 243.07K)

Nice, thanks!

At this point I wouldn't be surprised.

And we're back!
I wonder which Skeksis would fare the worst concerning the social distancing. My bet is Sil, if only because he would be unable to be a slut during the outbreak

For skekTek it would be like daily life but better, since nobody could hurt him.

I imagine Ekt needs a lot of attention and wouldn't do well in isolation.

Pretty much any Skeksis that's a loner or fine being alone would be fine with it. So that would be Tek, Mal, Zok and maybe Shod.

I can't imagine So handling it well with his paranoia with death. He would take drastic matters into his hand.

Wait, do gelfling women not have boobs at all?

Seems like female only have a small chest, they're pretty flat.

If you want a big titty GF, you have to go with a Skeksis or Aughra for maximum thiccness

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Got an email saying my Weta pendant wont arrive until July. Yikes.

I heard that Brea was delayed too

Yikes. Guess I can expect my skekSo to arrive somewhere in 2021 then, kek.

All they have to do is ship the thing so it shouldn't take long at all. It;s the stuff that was still in the middle of production that's been delayed to hell.

Oh, I see. Well, that sucks. I hope anons at least get their stuff this summer.

I bet So would be steal any female he like without trying, no matter what planet he rules.

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Some people have been getting them. Wouldn't they all ship out at once?

Nah, I ordered from the 'leftover' skekSo's that were on sale last weekend. I hope the original run are all delivered now.

Good morning /hmmm/

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Cute art

It's evening here, so good evening.

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Thank you

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And a good night from me.

Good night user, Dream of Skeks for me

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Good night, see you later

Ugh, everything hurts today. I'm going to hit the sack.

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Sil was way too cute saying that

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Sil is pretty cute, you just gotta find a way to curb the scheming and the skekicidal tendencies.

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Oh hey fresh art

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Gotta admit, Tek being able to make a functional prosthetic eye and being able to link it to his brain by himself in a zero tech world is nothing short of impressive and horrifying

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Cool, you actually went through with it! I thought maybe the shipping changed your mind.

The Dark Crystal twitter account tweeted again today. That's twice in the last week. Cue the desperate hope that it means something

It means whoever runs it is bored in lockdown.

Oh yeah, shipping wasn't gonna stop me. I was just surprised. But it's still worth it.

Tek's a true genius. It's actually odd that he never managed to fix skeksis infertility when he had a millennium to think on it, but maybe he didn't try very hard.

Don't get my hopes up

Y'all are thinking too material. Skeksis infertility is due to being half a soul instead of any genetic/physical reason.

Simple solution: clone a skek using skek DNA and the sperm and womb of a soul-bearing creature. How horrifying.

Maybe he did, and he applied it onto himself and the results came out positive. Maybe it's the others that wouldn't support him. Of course, I can see Tek bringing his sperm samples to show the Emperor be taking the wrong way.

>giving Tek a chad jawline
this is revisionist history and i wont stand for it.

They've faked us out 23 times before, why not a 24th. We should get a punch card

user pls

Then how would you feel if he also has a girlfriend? :^)

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Artist is great

Yeah I like this artist's stuff, it's very cute, but they take fanon to a new level by having Tek be a handsome ladies man.

But we can all agree that Tek deserves to be lovingly cuddled with and lewded with

Attached: Tek3.jpg (3024x4032, 1.4M)

I like the art but I think their skeksis OCs are lame
why do I find skeksick the medic super lame but I'm fine with skektek the scientist? Theyre the same joke.


I'm just glad that it's still one of the twitter I can lurk without having an account. Shame about the artist of pic related, who protected their account due to catching some flak over something

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Why not just make an account? I have three: a main account, an art account and a degeneracy account. Can switch between them ez.

I have a Twitter and only use it for following artists.

>Why not just make an account?
Laziness/Stubbornness mostly, and I remembered making one for a video game challenge contest for charity a few years back. I'll see if I recover it

The reason is because they drew incest but I personally think its blown out of proportions. I honestly don't give a damn about the artists draw

Did people with nothing better to do #CANCEL them?

My headcanon is that skeksis/mystics can conceive a child with a full soul being. Some sort of soul inheritance takes place where the offspring's soul is a function of their parents. So skeksis/mystics could father a child, but the mother would have to be a full soul being.
more headcanon: Gelfling with eyebrows are of skeksis descent. We only see this trait in Gelfs that have attained positions of power through a history of determination/ambition

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