Why is it so hard to make Werewolves scary?
Why is it so hard to make Werewolves scary?
because it's just a sort of large animal in the end. A bear could kill it easily
he looks like he's about to pontificate some shit
I didn’t get it
More like defecate some shit
Dogs are dumb. We've had them beat since the dawn of human existence. And werewolves are just really unfortunate people cursed to turn into dumb animals from time to time. That's not scary, except for the people who catch werewolfitis.
Because white women aren't afraid of dogs, they'd rather fuck them.
Really because that image scares me
Give me one werewolf movie that is actually scary
I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nowooo~
It's all how you use it. A bear can kill a lot of villains and monsters in many movies, that doesn't make them less scary. Imagine sitting next to a guy in a broken elevator and he starts sweating and shaking, and then turns into a giant ferocious beast. That would be horrifying.
H-he’s big!
nazi werewolves are the best werewolves
>Whaddya gonna do? Shoot me? I mean the balls on this prick
tfw no werewolf gf
i never get the whole oh no im a werewolf it sucks thing
just lock yourself up SECURELY over night a couple of nights a week
Because Furries made them into a joke.
Werewolves aren’t retarded. If you locked yourself up you’d still know how to get out
They're not any scarier than real wolves.
literally dyel mode
Kino show. I swear its really the only good thing on shudder.
Most of them are cheesy and look cheap, that's why they're rarely scary. A better idea would be to focus on the slow transformation into werewolf. This is the source of horror. Ginger Snaps did that, that's why it's a #1 werewolf flick for me
Hollywood is sitting on a goldmine but they won't just give us a hot female werewolf in a movie.
Thats the main thing theyve never done with werewolves right- having the clever killing ability a human has.
Idk why everyone likes the black haired goblin. The sister is way hotter.
I don't know why they always insist on making them bipeds, looks way too fucking goofy.
I kno rite?
People often say that before they watch all three movies. Brigitte's character makes her the most likable of the two
Because it shows they’re not just normal animals, but humans made into beasts
And it’s harder to film something well if it’s on all fours than if it’s stood up
I think the problem is one of biomechanics. Obviously, actors in werewolf costumes move like humans, not wolf-human hybrid monsters. Also, the costume itself, being non-living, doesn't really depict the qualities we'd expect of a living animal; the fur lacks the vibrancy of real fur, the suit lacks the rippling muscles of a real animal, the claws lack the dexterity of a human hand, and so forth. And that all just hurts the viewer's suspension of disbelief.
Because it retains more human features, which reminds you that it actually isn't a beast. That's the point of the werewolf myth, and what movies should focus on. The struggle of retaining your humanity.
Van Helsing had some of the best werewolf designs but people poopoo'd on that movie because muh CG.
GS2 werewolf > GS1 werewolf
first three underworld movies were pure werewolf kino
No, because I have my bear whistle and I know a grizzlybro would be there in seconds if I blow it.
Because werewolves represent a physical threat, its hard to capture that on screen.
CGI would be too fake as the fur needs to look 100% realistic/real for it to actually work and no amount of CGI will change that
Practical effects is limited by the creatures' size, make it too big and it just looks awkward with awkward body movements.
The best werewolf that can be put on the screen is ironically the original. its just a regular size human with fur, claws and fangs, it moves like a human but looks canine enough (Also Penny Dreadful was very faithful to this). Another problem I find with Werewolves in movies is that they always HAVE to make it into some kind of Hulking monster when in fact they shouldn't be, they're supposed to be just slightly stronger than humans with knives for claws and teeth, their main strength should always be the night. for this sole reason I think its also the reason why theyre shit, because we live in an age where we no longer fear the dark.
Anyone else think a werechimp would be scarier?
Imagine some weird looking half man half chimp, bloodthirsty and with the strength to tear a mans arms off with ease
>it actually isn't a beast
It's literally killing everything it sees. Sounds like the description of a beast to me and no matter how many limbs it uses to move around
bretty gud
If a werewolf bites a chimp, does the chimp turn into a wolf or a man?
Man, imagine if that chimp lifted weights. Hey, you wanna smoke some weed?
What movie is this
we call those niggers
The Wolfman is certified kino
I think I'd agree desu, but you can't say the original one lacked soul. That hairless alien looking thing was memorable, to say the least.
>for this sole reason I think its also the reason why theyre shit, because we live in an age where we no longer fear the dark.
I liked in American Werewolf in London how they showed this difference between the well-lit city and the rural towns
so the Hulk?
people poopoo on the movie because its garbage. if this design was in a better movie than people would still praise it.
There are only two movies that made Werewolves look badass and cool: Underworld and Van Helsing.
Other interpretations suck balls.
Ginger Snaps Unleashed, one of my werewolf faves
They are anthro.
Are you aware of what that word means?...
I actually thought the werewolves in Van Helsing were pretty badass looking.
Isn't this the movie where they have a masturbation group session? If not please tell me which one it is, I distinctly remember it was a movie with werewolves.
>hairless alien looking thing
It's funny because I remember Sam describing it as "furry, all fours", but it barely has any fur
Yeah, it's that one
Stop blaming furries for this.
There is porn of everything, yet it doesn't somehow "ruin" other genre's.
>werewolf movie
>monster is just used as a mindless blood sprinkler
>never explore the obvious aspects of man or beast internal conflict such a creature would have
at least Nicholson tried in wolf and as shit as cursed is, it also tried using comedy to address amplified territorial behavior and sex drive
thats gingermeme2: tonight, you
its not a great film but if you like creepy rape fan fics you'll love it
All I remember from Sam's description is the HUMAN CIRCUMCIZED DICK he put an emphasis on. Regardless, those werewolves were scary as fuck because there's no off switch. Once you turn it's over.
Holy fuck thanks, this shit got burned on my brain, I'll download it specifically for that and fap for old times sake.
>creepy rape fan fics
Your description is quite shallow to say the least. It explores many other themes
They should be a mix
I mean they are half human and half wolf. William from Underworld 2 was pretty good imo. Good mix of both, and by far the best looking werewolf in the series.
its a niche within a niche bro
i love GS1 and 3 but 2 is a hard sell. its very dark, both literally and in themes
>because there's no off switch. Once you turn it's over
That's what the horror of Ginger Snaps is built on basically. You gradually turn into an unstoppable killing machine and you can do nothing but watch. Scary shit, come to think of it
>Hollywood is sitting on a goldmine
Cats bombed
I rarely come across people that liked 3. Good for you. My favorite is Unleashed though
The lupin werewolf from Harry Potter was pretty freaky looking when I was a kid
Yeah because hit was shit. Not even furries liked those creepy deepfakes designs.
>commentary track has the director going on about modeling wolves after cats
The only watchable Underworld flick is Rise of the Lichens
that’s supposed to be a werewolf?
3 is a filter movie. It has everything any fan of monster movies would want, more of the girls, more gore, more wolves
If you flip the pic he is telling you to...CHECK'EM