Webm thread

Webm thread

Attached: alien.apocalypse.dvb.webm (544x480, 1.45M)

Attached: dingdong.webm (1920x816, 2.7M)

Shitty sci fi movies on the sci fi channel will never cease to amaze me how bad they are.

Attached: 1572387895329.webm (1920x1080, 2.24M)

Attached: forbidenplanet.webm (1280x533, 1.15M)

Pretty good for decades old effects

Attached: 1585379214444.webm (460x258, 606.17K)

Looked like Putin in the thumbnail


Attached: 12M-BSO.webm (1920x1080, 1.77M)


12 Monkeys tv series

Attached: 12M-OBC.webm (539x306, 2.87M)

Attached: 1585222695295.webm (1280x691, 2.99M)

Attached: 1563505874562.webm (480x600, 346.91K)

Post more Hunter please, pp hard.

Attached: JC-PtT.webm (1014x1080, 2.94M)

Attached: playing against bots on hardest difficulty.webm (864x360, 2.86M)

Attached: AQotWF-TW.webm (740x540, 2.96M)

I don't know how nukes didn't kill the robots.

Attached: first order.webm (608x1080, 2.94M)

walt disney made this monster at the time

Looks sick dawg what dat be

hahaha badass

>Ass to ass... ESS TA ESS!!!

I know I tried watching this but I couldn't justify losing so much time to myself


Why can't you neckbeards fawn over actual attractive women instead of filthy fucking weirdos?

damn, those fuckin hands at the end

>the episode with the sexy nazi outft,
i cant find it anywhere

Attached: .webm (1920x1040, 1.92M)

They can relate with asperger girls,obviously.

the weirdos are the best user, they are loyal and like anal. They can even work and let you stay at home in Yas Forums

Attached: kaya scodelario spinning out 1579825082295.webm (1920x960, 3M)

Attached: Hitler riding a T-Rex.gif (640x360, 3.57M)

This. Plus it looked scarier when I saw it on a black/white TV as a wee lad in the 90s.

>Why can't you neckbeards fawn over actual attractive women instead of filthy fucking weirdos?

What did normies mean by this?

Attached: 5A406953-0512-4FA2-B0C2-0A8203A6F7B9.jpg (2686x2686, 2.63M)

Attached: the man in the high castle 1.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Can someone make a watto compilation webm and a dex's diner webm? Please?

Attached: gotta put a pin in that, B -watto.jpg (640x427, 48.21K)

>them colors
Fuck digital

>T-Rex raises wrong claw

Attached: endgame power stone.webm (977x408, 2.52M)

she cute

Attached: .webm (890x480, 2.83M)


jeez I need to learn to create webms

Anyone have Steven segal room clearing?

I've tried so many times to understand this sequence and I still haven't cracked it. It makes no sense at all.

So the powerstone is in the glove. So why isn't he better at pushing her off? He clearly does it easily later with the same stone. So the only thing that really happens is...he switches the rock from one hand to the other and suddenly he's strong again and it works. What?

And even then, if he removed the powerstone from the glove, which we've agreed is what lets him punch her later, why doesn't the arm which previously held the powerstone falter when he completely removes it? He's still holding her off just as well as he was before, with the powerstone in his glove.

And don't the stones go all over your body anyway, which is why all that light shoots all over you? So why'd he have to put the magic rock in his other hand at all?

Fuck this scene makes me mad.

Attached: M&C-FBS.webm (1222x500, 2.75M)

The writers thought that the heat and radiation of nuclear weapons wouldn't affect robots for some reason, even though radiation is devastating to electronics and even many analog technologies. Also silly because nuclear warheads are designed to minimize fallout, and often have relatively low yields since anything above a few hundred kilotons just shoots straight up into space without doing damage.

Attached: mera.webm (1200x1080, 2.39M)

Infinity War established he needs to close his fist to activate the gauntlet, which is what she was trying to prevent him from doing in the first place. He's holding her back with his own strength right there. The stones power damages your body but you can't use them unless your hand is closed, I guess as a safety feature since any time they're used they heavily drain the person using them. Bruce's arm never recovered and he only used it once.

It was the focus of the entire final battle in Infinity War, if he couldn't close his fist he couldn't use the power, so he switched the powerstone to his raw hand without the limiter and just punched her. Crippling it in the process, should be noted.

whats going on here?

Attached: ST-BS.webm (1728x720, 2.83M)

Attached: S-ES.webm (1694x720, 2.82M)

I'm gonna miss her bros

finally some decent webms

Attached: Birdemic Shock and Terrored.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Attached: legend 1985 enter, darkness.webm (800x340, 2.91M)

Attached: Saoirse Ronan - How I Live Now 1410614.webm (800x433, 2.98M)

Attached: lord of illusions 1.webm (1000x572, 2.94M)

Attached: tP-NTL.webm (1688x720, 2.53M)

Attached: EoER-N.webm (1000x414, 2.92M)

Attached: lord of illusions 2.webm (1000x572, 2.82M)

Attached: RP-H&tSfH.webm (1280x534, 2.89M)

Attached: Anya Taylor Joy 1515318401357.webm (1000x1000, 2.96M)

Attached: tF-FTS.webm (1332x720, 2.52M)