Thread for the civil discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.
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Vincent Gallo
I read the Valerie book a couple years ago, albeit in English translation. It was surprising how faithful the film adaptation is, though ironically Jireš actually aged the character down, the total opposite of what you'd get from an American movie.
What are some books that were made into film that I should read? I'm not talking about Macbeth or King Lear but more "unknown" books like Valerie or Satantango.
Pick one
Parasite, although in my eyes Bong is very hit and miss. He's made some truly awful films like The Host, Okja, and Snowpiercerer, but Mother and Parasite makes up for it.
>Thread for the civil discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.
Visually, Midsommar.
Performance-wise, Joker
Parasite did everything above average but didn't have better performances than Joker or better visuals than Midsommar.
So, the verdict is Parasite is objectively best of the three.
Go complain about Star Wars and shit.
I thought this was a general thread about film. Why are you discussing movies.
this isn't capeshit general, retards
What did you think about Last Year at Marienbad? I still can't understand it. Maybe I'm not supposed to. Still, an amazing film.
>this isn't capeshit general, retards
>What did you think about Last Year at Marienbad? I still can't understand it. Maybe I'm not supposed to. Still, an amazing film.
it's the end, we should go back to Reddit
Close your eyes, point at random and watch the film your finger lands on. All are worth a watch. All the titles are below.
>Under the Skin, Haraguzza, Love Streams, The Sacrifice, Kin-dza-dza!, Pieta, Red Shoes, The Emigrants, The Tales of Beatrix Potter, The Reflecting Skin, The Double Life of Veronique, The Silence
>Twenty Four Eyes, Cries and Whispers, Nazarin, The Color of Pomegranates, Exterminating Angel, Event Horizon, Underground, Close to Eden, To Catch A Thief, Still Walking, Dogville, Ink
>Eyes Without A Face, The Embrace of the Serpent, L'ange, The Ballad of Narayama, A Brighter Summer Day, Käki, Lone Wolf and Cub - White Heaven in Hell, La notte, The Triplets of Belleuville, Phenomena, Vedreba, Dead Man's Letters
>Elevator to the Gallows, Oasis, Macbeth, War & Peace, Dead Mountaineer's Hotel, Viime Reliikvia, Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural, The Third Planet, The Chekist, A Spring for the Thirsty, Memoirs of a Sinner, In My Skin
>Nosferatu the Vampyre, Garden of Words, Riaru Onigokko, The Ascent, The Ballad of a Soldier, Häxan, Hachi-ko, The Flowers of War, My Sassy Girl, Ponette, The Best of Youth, Letter Never Sent
>Carnival of Souls, Solaris, Walkabout, Bad Boy Bubby, Goodbye First Love, Afonya, Tampopo, Young Afrodites, Ivan's Childhood, The City of Lost Children, Phantom Carriage, The Cranes Are Flying
>City Zero, Angyali üdvözlet, Symbiopsychotaxiplasm, Dragon Inn, Shadow of Forgotten Ancestors, Celine and Julie Go Boating, La Belle Noiseuse, Ashes of Time, Gate of Hell, Babette's Feast, Visitor to a Museum, Neco z Alenky
>Witchhammer, Valley of Bees, Marketa Lazarova, Passion of Anna, A Flor do Mar, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Woman in the Dunes, Finisterrae, Ga, Ga - Chawa Bohaterom, Red Balloon, Black Moon, Farewell My Concubine
>mfw the midget-minded American who can't comprehend Italian neorealism and thinks Ozu is too complicated wakes up
The last four lines, went over the word limit.
>Pather Panchali, Ashes and Diamonds, Camille Claudel, A Jester's Tale, Diary of a County Priest, Ugetsu Monogatari, Hard to Be a God, Ju Dou, Bugsy Malone, Journey to the West, Chinese Odyssey: Cinderella, White Mane
>The Noose, Black Narcissus, Only Yesterday, Don't Look Now, M for Murder, Female Prisoner - Beast Stable, Raise the Red Lantern, Cold Mountain, Sansho the Bailiff, Mirror, Innocence, Whisper of the Heart
>Joint Security Area, The Scent of Green Papaya, Skin I Live In, Saragossa Manuscript, Mouchette, El Sur, Winter Light, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, The Conformist, Autumn Sonata, Life is Beautiful, Woman Under the Influence
>Last Night, Three Colours: Red, Wild Strawberries, Arriety, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Obi Oba - End of Civilization, Way Down East, Touch of Zen, Zazie dans le Metro, Passion of Joan of Arc, The Road Home, Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left For the East?
Pick one
Convince me this isn't Scorsese's best.
because After Hours exists
Post filter lists. I've managed to filter 6 shit threads.
What are some directors that resonate with you on a very personal level? For me, it's Tsai Ming-liang
with these filters there are no threads left
Naruse, though his films are very removed from my life.
Mikio Naruse was a Japanese filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer who directed some 89 films spanning the period 1930 to 1967.
This guy must have shit out films in his sleep.
Based Jireš. Czechoslovak New Wave is the best wave.
Give me a quickrundown on Boccaccio '70
Dreyer theatrical
four love stories
It's fine, but not a required watch, only if you want to watch everything that directors involved made.
I go on about my day screaming philosophical quotes at random people
Did a Danish man cuck you?
Never met a Danish person in my life.
Is this any good?
it's fine, but I prefer Tree of Life and Song to Song
>Boccaccio '70
The Fellini part is really fun. You don't need to watch all of them, so skip right to it.
What should I watch today? The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, City Girl, Miracolo a Milano (De Sica) or A Hen in the Wind (Ozu)? I will watch them all this week anyway.
From Tarkovsky's book. Anyone got other first hand examples of plebs getting filtered?
Tarkovsky himself got pleb filtered by Alexander the Great.
the entirety of Yas Forums
it's one of his weaker films tho
Plus Tarkovsky is pretty much allowed to say any shit about other filmmakers and films, he's just too influential.
And Eisenstein was pleb filtered by Man with a Movie Camera
Is this a stealth cunny thread?
Of course not
Not really. It's still a pretty great film.
Sure he made some great films, that doesn't make everything he said gospel. On the other hand Angelopoulos praised Stalker but less so Nostalghia and Offret.
Watched pic related yesterday. It was great.
it's not gospel, but it's weird saying that Tarkovsky got "plebfiltered". When someone gets plebfiltered it is because he doesn't understand anything about cinema. Tarkovsky on the other and just had strong beliefs. He didn't enjoy "immoral" films and films that he thought were trying too hard to be nice looking (graphomania). Theo, while similar to Tarkovsky, has always been much colder and distanced from the characters. And Tark didn't like when a film was too far away from characters on screen. He hated 2001 for that for example saying that Kubrick was too focused on technology rather than people. This is not a question of being filtered but a question of personal beliefs. He might have misunderstood some films, but not because he didn't understand cinema.
>Angelopoulos praised Stalker but less so Nostalghia and Offret
Is he a proto-redditor?
Reddit doesn't even know that Tarkovsky made anything except Solaris and Stalker
That's why, praising Stalker and not The Sacrifice which is one of Tarkovsky's best.
same argument as I made for Tarkovsky, trying to call out great and influntial film directors on being "reddit" or "plebfiltered" is retarded, since their critiscism go not from lack of understandment of cinema but from personal views that they formed throughout their lives and careers in film. Those views have weight even if you disagree with them, unlike opinions of retarded redditors and capeshitters who never accomplished anything in their life, and most likely don't even have a hidden talent for it. You may not agree with the controversial opinions from someone like Welles, Tarkovsky, Angelopoulos, etc. but those opinions even if not "right", are understandable and can't be argued just with meme words.
Malick's best
Somebody can understand cinema but dislike some works that are great, or too experimental and then you can also say that given person got plebfiltered.
I disagree, i would say Theo is close to his characters and his films are very emotionally resonant, especially something like Eternity and a Day, The Travelling Players and Landscape in the Mist. I'm not claiming he did not understand cinema but he had a very limited perception of it.
Q : The most important thing in your ftlms seems to be the consistence of every single shot. It has to have its own fo rce and build up its intensity as it goes.
A : It is for this reason that my personal film language is based on expanding the dimension of time. Before you enter into the gist of any given shot, you have to be given the time to find out the relations between the actor and the landscape. For this reason, I love Tarkovsky's Stalker; Nostalghia, I like less; Sacriftce, I do not like at all. As far as I am concerned, the Holy Trinity-that of the actor, the landscape, and the camera-is perfect in Stalker
What are some films you can't understand or like if you don't have a soul?
>Au hasard Balthazar
>Tokyo Story
>Spirit of the Beehive
>Wild Strawberries
What else?
You don't need to enjoy every type of filmmaking to understand cinema. Tarkovsky was well aware of what horror genre is, what action films are, what were they supposed to accomplish, but he jus didn't enjoy those types of cinema. This is different from a person who saw, let's say a David Lynch film and said "it was meaningless, and random lmao" while at the same time having film experience of only watching marvel flicks and meme movie of the week.
I myself don't enjoy most films of Steven Spielberg or George Lucas. In fact I believe they did more harm to american cinema than good with their influence. But they did an influence, they're remebered while not being a modern "hype" filmmakers like Nolan for example. But I would never say that they don't understand cinema, and If I ever was to argue with a controvertial opinion of theirs I would not resort to just buzz words.
Most of Wong Kar Wai's filmography
I beg to the heavens, anyone with any interest in film please watch this lost masterpiece “Demons” by Toshio Matsumoto, the greatest revenge film ever made. so far the only copy that exists is this less than stellar YouTube copy, but the last 45 minutes of this film changed me, this is a brutal violent work of art that feels like a blend of Mizoguchi, Kurosawa, and Teshigahara all while topping them in every aspect.
Seriously watch it.