Why isn't capeshit fun? They have limitless resources to make kino but they won't...

Why isn't capeshit fun? They have limitless resources to make kino but they won't. I want to see a Spiderman movie directed by Raimi with that Holland faggot meeting a parallel dimension Spiderman played by Tobey Maguire. They can easily pull this off due to the multiverse split in Endgame or whatever the fuck it was. That right there is pure entertainment, not another cookie cutter Chinese CGI formula Marvel piece of shit with no plot and character development and endless ESL friendly quips. The Raimi movies had wholesome humor in them that didn't detract from the experience. A movie like this done right won't fail to mint money. Why do I have better ideas than hollykikes?

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Blame the Dark Knight.

You have to be super serious interpretations or the normie tards won't give you money.

Also there's a topwide agenda to create unhappy media to keep everyone divided and angry.

TDK was fun though. It had cheesy comic book-esque one liners and moments, it was never super up its ass like the Snyder movies.

They don't want to do anything with promising directors that have too much (!) creative control over the whole project.

Edgar Wright supposed to write and direct the Ant-Man movie but they cut him off because he took too many liberties.

I guess they fear that it won't be accessibleas much if they use people like Raimi.

>You have to be super serious interpretations or the normie tards won't give you money.
what the fuck are you talking about? the quippy garbage movies from marvel are far more popular than the nolan flims

The Nolan movies have stood the test of time
meanwhile something like Endgame or GoTG 2 or even Thor 3 has already faded from pop culture relevance.

I think they weren't supposed to be interpretated as cheesy one liners though.

so please explain why marvel keeps shitting them out and we haven't seen anything like TDK in years

Except Raimi's movies were completely accessible and all three printed money at the box office. Same with Edgar's own movies. DC does it right, Nolan's movies made money, James Wan's movie made money, even Todd Philips' movie made a billon. It's not like you're getting Gus Van Sant that you'll fear your movie will be inaccessible

>"then you're gonna love me"
>"I don't wear hockey pads"
>"the Lamborghini then, much more subtle"
>"hello, beautiful"
>some other quips by Joker and Lucius
it wasn't Reddit humor like muh Beyonce, oh wait Britney, haha get it xDDD

>have stood the test of time
In that they are still as awful now as they were back in the 00s

Get this hothead out of here!

I can't answer that definitively. I guess it's about finding a director that's really passionate about a certain idea. My favorite capeshit are the Raimi/Nolan movies and Constantine, and it's no surprise all three directors had creative control and real passion for the movies.
And there's also the fact that the Marvel soi machine didn't fully explode until 2014 or so, whenever that first Avengers movie came out. And since Disney got Marvel, they've been pumping out endless cookie cutter capeshit movies. Even the Iron Man movies tried something different in all three, nevermind that they failed for the most part.
And finally, I'm sure the post 2014 political atmosphere has a role to play. The funniest quip in Marvel movies for me has been the part in the first Captain America movie where he kisses his girlfriend in the jeep and then turns to Tommy Lee Jones who quips "I ain't kissing you!"
something like that would be considered offensive today.

I used to love capeshit like 10 years ago, but now I find it extremely boring. Spider-verse was really fun though, they could have removed the 3 useless Spider-Men in it though.

They sucked all the joy out of it.

I forgot about them, you're right but there are not that many compared to the serious scenes with the "we live in a" theme with the Joker and Harvey. I found tdk quite serious, too much to be compared to a cheesy comic book or a marvel capeshit

They are made to be safe, by the numbers with no big surprises. Aka for women.

It was serious because it suited the tone and the plot. Jew producers mistakenly assumed the movies made money because they were serious and that's how it all went downhill.

>17 posts
>no one has looked at OP image and said "god i wish that were me"
step up, niggas

>people actually talk about the topic
The horror

>nu/tv/ is super gay
I guess I shouldn't be surprised

>not wishing to be choked by a man

That's because it's a decent topic for a change.

Excuse my esl comprehension but are you saying that being a serious movie is why made the movie successful or not? Because you can be serious without going too far like Snyder.
And still while Snyder failed, the depth he was willing to go in his themes make him more worthy than any marvel capeshit.
Although I disagree with the initial point. If anything being a quipfest is what jews think of "worthwhile movie" nowadays.

it's been posted a billion times

No, I meant the producers thought TDK was good because it was le gritty and serious, and not because it had good direction, a good plot, character development, and other things.

>decent topic for a change
It's capeshit hate thread. Let's not pretend those are exactly rare.

You could change the protagonists and antagonists of every Marvel film with each other and the plot would still be the same.

>not being amused by ironically gay jokes and shiposting
>not remembering/liking 2014 Hannibal/Mads homolust threads
It's like, are you gay for real?

>ironically gay
How am I supposed to tell with all the trannies and mentally ill faggots around here?

by not being new

Oh ok. I think that a those factors were good because of the will to be serious. For instance, there is some marvel movies that could have been way greater if they decided to go deeper. The consequences of New York and the Stark politic in Homecoming, the Civil War act and the different political belief. Like another user said, the first three Iron Man were good in this regard, because they were willing to go deeper in the Iron Man's character and how he handled things psychologically without a lot of actions or excessive humor. Out of the two endgame movies, the best and most remembered things are the end of each characters' arc not simply the "avengers assemble" bullshit with Cap going back home, Tony having his family and finally overcoming his New York ptsd with his sacrifice.
And while these elements are scattered and disseminated in the marvel capeshit, it was a fully understood and aimed task in the Raimi/Nolan/Snyder's movies. That is also why I hate thoroughly the Black Widow character that only exist through her quips, why there is a clear difference between BvS and Justice League (and even then Aquaman and Shazam managed to score being discounts marvel movies and adhering to their light and children aimed formula) and why without Captain America and Iron Man the incoming marvel movies are going to suck regardless of the talent of the actors or the directors

>Like another user said, the first three Iron Man were good

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The Virgin hoverhand
The Chad fangirl strangle

The Virgin homosexual
The Chad faggot

Because comic nerds get mad about fun. These are films literally based of childrens pictures books and yet the core audience is 20 - 30 onions drinking basement dwellers who demand the films cater to them rather than the children they are intended for, as a result we get repetitive boring attempts to make them serious adult movies using washed out colour pallets and generic action scenes that have already been done better elsewhere.

The best marvel films are the ones that fully embrace the fact they are stupid, forgettable, popcorn, children flicks like guardians of galaxy or thor Ragnarok Yet these are the ones boards like Yas Forums rage about for being dumb quip films.

Because they don't want to. They also don't want to take risks and make genre movies. An Iron Man Trilogy could be part Corporate Boardroom Drama (Social Network, Glengarry Glen Ross, etc) and part Espionage/Sci-Fi. It could be the Valveverse meets The Big Short. Instead it's just Capeshit. A Question film could be a straightforward Noir movie. Deathstroke could be a sleek action thriller/espionage drama. And so on and so forth. But they don't want to do that, because it's easier to put some bright lasers, poor CGI and basic capestories in a blender and call it a day.

Capes could be used as the foundations to make some actual films, but we can't have that, oh no!

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"in this regard"
They were quite boring, like Captain America or the Hulk (even if it the second best of the three for me), but I liked that they focused on the human behind the heros and how they dealt with their powers. Plus, Sam Rockwell is fantastic

>the core audience is 20 - 30 onions drinking basement dwellers who demand the films cater to them
The core audience are normies who are watching their phones at the movies. And dumbfuck chinks. Fucking Disney shill.


How am i shilling for disney mate ?

Maybe you need to take your childrens picture books a little less seriously.


Raimi is directing Doctor Strange 2

By trying to pretend those movies are not made for the lowest common denominator as they are. For the record, trying to make serious capeshit is even more retarded but Marvel is really disgusting in what it tries to achieve and whom it appeals to.

Into the Spider-Verse was a fucking shitload of fun. Just dumb fun.

One is easy to make and the other takes extreme amounts of time and effort

that sounds like a great idea

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that's the entire point of these films though. Serious comic book films are fucking stupid which is why we are seeing a shift to more crowd pleasing brightly colored popcorn flicks. These films are literally based of a child's entertainment medium trying to treat them as anything other than crowd pleasing fire and forget popcorn flicks is a pointless endeavour. Let them be bright stupid crowd pleasers there is no need to get mad that they are no longer trying to target the adult nerd demographic.

They should of made him Dr. Doom he was wasted in Doctor Strange.

It doesn't work on film. It can only work Nolan style or Snyder style

Agreed. Comics have been around a long time and there's a lot of drastically different stories and themes which could be explored in thousands of different ways and different styles. I think that's a big reason Joker was a success was that it took something everyone recognized and did something different with it. I think they need to retire the whole "I get my super powers and then a bad guys shows up and I have to fight him" plot. Spider-Man 1 already perfected it 20 years ago. Time for some different shit.

Bull shit the first two Superman movies from the 80's hold up.

Yes, Iron Man would be the same with Captain America or Star Lord as the main character

lol what a fucking retard

>there is no need to get mad that they are no longer trying to target the adult nerd demographic
I'm mad they are trying to infantilize the 20-30 normie demographic. Those movies are carefully designed to avoid any emotional investment. Any serious moment is undermined by a quip. Any sense of threat from the villain is neutralized by a quip. The movies are intentionally shallow, with an in-built coping mechanism for the normies so they don't have to feel childish for liking them.

>it's true
holy fuck. Finally some capeshit to look forward to.

Because they zogged capeshit up to the breaking point, that's all they care about. Notice how in spoiderman homecoming, there wasn't a single straight normal white male character.
Actually there was ONE, and they turned him into a surprise autistic villain.
This stuff doesn't bother me as much as the fact that it doesn't happen accidentally

Because all the plot is contrived.

When characters are literally all-powerful you have to create nothing but unnatural McGuffins to prop up the laziest form of adventure writing since fucking Homer.

Who fucking cares about CapeShit movies when you know the ending when you walk in the fucking theater? Who gives a shit about a bunch of actors fucking around in front of a green screen pretending to be all-powerful?

Capeshit is garbage because it's like watching kids play pretend at the sandbox. The only good examples of anyone TRYING ANYTHING withe the Capeshit genre is Brightburn.

It's tentatively called Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Part of me wants Bruce Campbell to do a cameo as a Dr. Strange kid's party Magician in a parallel universe. The scene writes itself.

You can't just print good scripts and stories, they take time and somebody has to have a passion for what they're making.
Marvel forces a movie out from between their asscheeks once a year they don't have time to write anything worthwhile.

these movies are intentionally shallow because the source material is shallow. You're mad because brain dead childrens films are catering to children instead of you, I understand you probably grew up reading comics and have an emotional investment in these characters, but getting mad over it is the same as getting mad that the latest disney princess film doesn't cater for you, nowadays these films are fundamentally designed and targeted to appeal to younger demographic.the 20 to 30 year olds watching it are there with their kids or to zone out and watch bright lights whilst eating overpriced snacks, rather than the basement dwellers looking to spend their neet bucks on their latest obsession.

Not every films needs to be a thought-provoking multi layered masterpiece, cinema has always catered to the unwashed pleb masses and always will. Let children have their films and focus your energy on something better.

capeshit has always been and always will be entry-level infantilized storytelling