What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

Attached: 81Bbai6lTeL._SL1420_.jpg (1000x1420, 383.65K)

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one of the most basedest movies of all time

one of the last good comedies


what was that, 02?
good year, underrated year for movies

>that Nazi rally scene

Goddamit Raimi not again

definitely pre-9/11 kino

This is the kind of shit we have to send out on deep-space satellites

I like that movie. Totally forgot about it though. Going to have to rewatch.



Almost looks like a Team America poster tho I do know Rat Race was years earlier

A little girl shitting out of a car window at 80mph.

why was this shit song everywhere

Dubs of truth confirm.

This kino was only good because of smash mouth

wrong, that would be Amy Smart

>that scene where jon lovitz burns his tongue and crashes a ww2 event with hitlers car

comedy gold, they dont make em like they used to

Attached: sdasdasd.jpg (1200x654, 90.47K)

For me it was Rowan Atkinson

Best scene in the movie: youtube.com/watch?v=46zrey2IAak


what are some essential mid-200s Comedy Centralcore kinos like this and pic related?

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Based whoopikino


"Are you insane?! This is Hitler's car!"

this is feel good

why don't they make stuff like this

that green screen though rofl

If this was made today they'd probably have all the whites cheer and work up some kind of black get together that it offends.

This is a perfect example of the type of comedy they don't make anymore.

Also Major Payne, but that's more to do with the jokes that wouldn't be allowed today under any circumstance.

Should have bought a squirrel.

John Cleese starting the race, as well as him and the suits playing Banzai throughout the film, were definitely the highlights.

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Give me good comedy that came after 2015

One of the greatest comedies ever

I legit cant.

Death of Stalin

A poor rip off of a much better movie, but still good because even being 10% as good as It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad world is pretty damn good.


the greatest comedy came out in november 2016


dog fuckers fuck off

I Feel Pretty starring the gorgeous and lovable Amy "So I started sucking" Schumer

Attached: Amy_Schumer.jpg (2336x3504, 2.93M)

I googled why are there no good comedies for kicks and found this reddit post
>They literally haven't gone anywhere. Game Night and Blockers have been moderate successes. Girls Trip was a huge success last year. Popstar is a recent cult hit.
>The movies haven't gone anywhere. The likelihood that they become huge hits is probably less because people aren't going to the theaters like they used to. A lot of people only go for a spectacle where you can watch a comedy at home and it's basically the same.

Attached: 2018AmericasSweetheart.jpg (740x416, 77.02K)

man she really faded away from the public eye

Well, she doesn't even need to be famous anymore. She probably has a huge chunk of money from her shitty films and paid appearances. She was never poor to begin with anyway. She doesnt have to work anymore. The wierdest thing about her to me is that people like Opie and Anthony supported her.

Time for a sequel Bat Race

No, the sequel should be Black Race. Starring all black people and a few white women. The Rock leads and his co star is Peyton List.

The Rock is probably whiter than you

The Rock is so far from being white he can't understand basic colonial economics, fuck off.

They don't make them like this anymore. Damn shame.

I literally can't, comedy is dead, apart from quips in capeshit movies, that is, if you consider those comedy.

They're shit because spoofs died in the 2000s when their quality dropped like a stone, very few good satirical films get released because they tend to only reach a niche and talented writers are a rarity, and the success of The Hangover set the formula for future flicks.
Now you just get shit romcoms or shit bropics made for the cucks, sadsack landwhales, and normie couples that post on reddit.

It's just a remake of It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World really.

>look up CG Jr
>metoo'd out the fucking ass and beyond
How much did his people pay/blackmail to keep that off the front pages? First time I've heard anything about it.

For me, it's Pepto Bismol.

everything is a remake of everything else

Well, the only reason why they're struggling is because it doesn't make sense for anyone to pay what theaters are charging, so they could lower their prices and start making money again but they keep on raising their prices to compensate for less people coming, and that's just digging the hole deeper.

My grandfather used to pay a nickel and get to stay at the theater ALL DAY and watch cartoons and movies and newsreels, as long as the theater was open, he could hang out and watch whatever he wanted, and they would play cartoons all morning long.

Nowadays a movie ticket costs at least ten dollars, it might be more, I haven't gone in years, but that's literally just to watch a single movie.

How does that make sense? I can buy the movie on DVD for the price of the ticket to see it one time. So why would anyone bother going to the theater unless the film has spectacular visuals that look better on the big screen. Even still, how MUCH better do they look? They have pretty big, wide, HD televisions now. The "big screen" has gotten a lot smaller.

>One, tubby tubby
>Two, tubby tubby

He can't afford to pay anyone, it was kept off the front pages because he managed to completely detonate his career and nobody cares about him.

Seriously, want don't we see comedy's like this anymore? It's all vagina jokes now

Game night

Blockers sucked largely because it was embarrassed of its own premise and had to apologize every five minutes.

>that scene that turned into some lecture about women being paid less

>That scene where you're homophobic if you don't want to sexually assault another man.