Why is he so ashamed to admit he's Polish? Are Poles above or below niggers?
Why is he so ashamed to admit he's Polish? Are Poles above or below niggers?
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He's american isn't he? Totally different my man. Pic rel: an actual Pole.
epickie tripsy kurwo
Tommy is a westaboo
He's a citizen of the United States, which makes him American.
Because he's actually an alien.
My guy, poles are always skinny guys that look like Putin in Tapout tracksuit. These little scabs will twat you when you're not looking if you're arguing with them tho, so keep your guard up.
The mere existence of Poland is a joke
Because the Communist Polish Secret Police tortured him into revealing the names of his friends that were working in the Solidarność unions
Because he knows they lied about the Holocaust and that makes him uncomfortable around the jews in Hollywood.
The only thing below niggers is advanced niggers like the Aboriginals.
I'm forced to work with the supposed educated Polacks all the time.
>Why is he so ashamed to admit he's Polish?
The entire country has a major inferiority complex just like all post-soviet countries. It doesn't help that they've been occupied for centuries and were wiped off the map for a good 300 years. Furthermore they have good reason to be insecure because they're a bunch of crabs in a bucket. A pollack would shoot himself in his foot if it would give Piotr his neighbour an itchy nose
>Are Poles above or below niggers?
Well slavs are not white so that certainly puts them in poc territory. They're also bound to do something highly illegal in a very primitive way that will benefit them short term but will eventually fuck them up the ass.
I'd honestly say they're worse than those darker skinned individuals because at least black people can be charismatic and charming in their naivety. Polacks are just a bunch of angry vindictive cunts. And Polacks aren't even dumb. Their culture is just completely fucked so it makes it worse.
A lot of Europeans hate each other for historical, immigrational reasons. In Europe, historically speaking, Pollacks are hated because they are just like niggers: fighting, social upheaval, there are too much of them, etc. But I could say the same about Italians. It's more of an immigration issue. Potatoe niggers being the most famous example.
Having said that, I've had lots of positive experiences with Poles. Hardworking, honest people. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. I consider them peers.
Tommy Wiseau is an interesting mix. He insists on having lived in Paris for some time, but I don't hear it in his speech. He's a slav for sure, mixed with some californian
>The entire country has a major inferiority complex just like all post-soviet countries. It doesn't help that they've been occupied for centuries and were wiped off the map for a good 300 years
Shut up, WE saved Europe from Islam!
Do the abbos have a negative cultural impact comparable to that of nigggers? All that awful music, degeneracy, lowered cultural standards? Don't abbos just sleep on the highway and get drunk like the American Indians?
How do you pronounce his last name?
A perfectly ignorant Yas Forums response
Well done!
Oh kurwa ja pierdole! How could I forget? I'm so fucking tired of them bringing up all their ancient past glories. Too bad all their noble families and intellectuals were unceremoniously massacred in some forsaken forest and all that's left is the moonshine chugging Stachu and his peasant culture that bleeds down. It just so happens that Stachu managed to achieve a modicum of power and now dictates policy. The soviets and Germans really knew how to fuck a country for millennia to come.
If only Yas Forums had a modicum of the resentment I have for contemporary Pollacks as I do
>be polack
>get triggered shen somebody says something mean about its countty
Like clockwork
Give us respect, Iceland would be speaking muslim right now if not for Sobieski!
And we are saving Europe again from rapefugees, we are not cucks!
You've never seen an American Indian in your life
I see you too know the standard Pooland memes. Consider yourself lucky that its just the basic hussar warrior bullshit. Also if you're ever in a position to give a Pollack any sort of power in a work place environment I'd strongly advise against it. Pollacks being peasants can only properly function in subservient roles and they excel at it. Also acknowledge that contracts for Pollacks are highly relative
On a side note please for the love of god don't get trapped in the traditional Polish waifu bullshit. They aren't any better than Ukrainian mail order brides. If you snag a "good one" then all it means is you're moving back to Poland so your disgusting squatling spawn can be closer to Babcia and the family can feed off you.
He gets off on his ethnic ambiguity because he thinks it gives him a sense of mystery. Which, I suppose, it does.
Yas Forums idolizes the Poles because they burn down that faggot arch every year and are super Catholic.
It's actually jarring to see someone who actually hates them.
Yas Forums is mostly eastern euros and their delusional diaspora
Prince Harry legitimately is a race traitor, but it's funny to hear a Pole call him one.
Oh, no, that's a gimmick!
My German grandpa loves telling a good Polak joke every time the family gets together.
They're functionally extinct in 90% of the country, but if you live in Montana you're going to run into Blackfoot. It's very depressing to see a race that has fallen so far from their original state.
The same is actually true of Abos. If you look at what the aboriginals looked like when the Brits found them they're ripped as fuck supersoldiers who could hit a bird in flight with a spear from 50 yards and run as fast as olympic sprinters. The absolute state of modern Abos is proof that Kaczynski was right.
It's not true I am not Polish I am naaaaht
But do you like nigs more than abbos?
So a Pole is plowing his field when he finds a bottle, and rubs it to see if there's a label. A genie comes out and offers him three wishes.
He thinks for a minute, and says "I want the Mongols to invade Poland again." The Genie looks confused but claps his hands, and from the East, a horde of Mongols appears. They burn down the Pole's house, rape his wife, and then leave back into the East.
When asked for his second wish, the Pole says "I want the Mongols to invade Poland again." the Genie looks a bit uncomfortable, but makes it so. The mongols come back, and burn the Pole's crops and kill his son, then ride off.
For his third wish, the Pole makes dead eye contact with the Genie, and says "I want the Mongols to invade Poland again." The Genie sighs, claps his hands, and the Mongols return, kicking over the few remaining bricks of the Pole's house, and forcing him to take off his shoes and hand them over because there's nothing left to steal, then they ride off into the East.
As the Pole tosses the bottle back into the field, the Genie says "Wait, I must know. Why would you wish for the Mongols to invade Poland three times?"
"Because," the Pole says, tapping his head sagely, "for every time the Mongols ride through Poland, they must ride through Russia twice."
there are two kinds of pollacks
the ultra nationalist types, the ones that love their country more than anything. "the winged hussars"
and then there's self-hating types. the ones that hate everything about poland. the country, people, culture. everything.
both of these groups constantly collide. that's poland for you.
Fuck kek. Gonna tell this one to my Pappa later. He would get a kick out of it. Psst he was a Nazi during the war
>and then there's self-hating types. the ones that hate everything about poland. the country, people, culture. everything.
Never met one of those online
Shame on you !
They probably pretend not to be Polish. Like, if you were ashamed of your identity, why would you tell anyone?
His thing about being from New Orleans, having an accident, and being mysteriously wealthy? It's true, all of it.
>Foreign accent syndrome usually results from a stroke,[1] but can also develop from head trauma,[1] migraines[2] or developmental problems.[3]
QRD is that Wiseau is from New Orleans, was hit by a truck or suffered some other traumatic brain injury, which gave him foreign accent syndrome, and he got a huge settlement from whatever person or company was deemed responsible.
The Poles invented the Based Retard stereotype.
>It's actually jarring to see someone who actually hates them.
Because perhaps Pollacks are more complex and abhorrent than the lulz of burning down a rainbow arch (that coincidentally wasn't put up as some pro-homo landmark). Furthermore Catholicism doesn't combine well with the nationalist larping and racism that Yas Forums is known for. If anything Catholicism promotes 3rd worlders to breed like writhing toads, is a safe haven for child fuckers and is pro-immigration.
Is he Oatmeal Cookie's secret brother?
Who the FUCK tells people where they're from? When somebody asks, I tell them it's not their business.
>and then there's self-hating types. the ones that hate everything about poland. the country, people, culture. everything.
but these same types will sperg if any non-squatting slav shit agrees with any of their criticisms
Everyone you've ever seen insult poland online is polish. Nobody else gives a fuck about them
You're too old for this website, grandpa. Time to take some Ambien and get lost on the highway
Are Poles the Florida men of Europe?
He's probably just super insecure about his accent and foreignness because in his mind, he's not cool enough. But then again, who the fuck knows what's going on in his mind.
He no Pole
He American
What is wroooong with you?
Hello tommy
I live in building full of fruit picking polacks in the Netherlands. They are okayish as long as they have work. Right now they are scavenging through the building drunk as fuck.
Whenever I go in town I see at least two people of my building drunk in the streets. All in track suit or homeless people clothing.
>electrocuted while peeing
surprisingly common in general desu
>tries to bury wife alive
Don't see the problem here
>thought i was mark
>came up as denny
Kill me
>It's very depressing to see a race that has fallen so far from their original state.
They went from kidnapping, raping amd scalping settlers to getting drunk, running casinos and living in trailers. I'd say it was an improvement.
good job undermining any point you were trying to make by using a homophobic slur, ya dingleberry
90% of left leaning lbqt enthusiast are like that, they hate everything about Poland and love European union, fuck our 2nd biggest political party is exactly that
Nah, there's a lot pointing to him being from Poland besides the accent.
>Uses phrases that are literal translations of polish idioms
>Wiseau is a very un-french name
>Personal quirks often reminiscent of soviet-era Polish people (eg, drinking hot water)
>Openly catholic
Besides, he sounds a LOT like one of the polish priests from my family's church
From someone who is from a family of irish and norwegian immigrants in Chicago i learned every polak joke before I knew how to read.