To reiterate, her husband had Alzheimer's
To reiterate, her husband had Alzheimer's
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how can I believe anybody if they don't have the self discipline to stay in shape
go away netflix kike
She said so, it must be true.
I want to kill this kike whore and her cuck new husband
>her husband had Alzheimer's
So he just abandoned his millions and disappeared to kill himself? Yeah right
this cunt laughed everytime she talked about her dead husband
I hope you niggers are ready for me to spell out the objective truths of this program.
1 - Carol Baskin and her hubby BOTH murdered her husband.
2 - Joe Exotica DID pay to have her killed.
3 - Jeff encouraged Joe to hire a hitman, but it still wasn't entrapment as Joe demonstrated clear intent.
4 - Joe was crazy but still mentally competent enough to be guilty of animal abuse.
5 - All zookeepers and animal sanctuaries in the show are unethical and profiteering as fuck.
Every last one of these fuckers is a criminal.
Laughed it off reminded me of someone
Based and truthpilled
i hated this fucking whore more than anyone on this show
fucking with joe exotic's mom and threatening the daughter of her ex husband
this bitch was like the mafia.
You just know she has federal immunity for informing on other wildlife sanctuaries she beefs with. Shes a very calculated sociopath and the only winner in this story, sadly.
federal immunity?
>breaking in the office to steal his wills
>Wills re-emerging with new details like everything being left to her and saying "in my death or disappearnce."
How do you even defend this? She is guilty as fuck
>Alzheimer’s means you disappear off the face of the earth
this, she never gives an explanation as to why he just magically disappeared
She said he probably went out flying and crashed into the gulf and that there wasnt any logs of a plane leaving from where they found his van because he didnt have a license.
The most innocent I could imagine her being, in regard to her husband, is that one of her tigers killed or mortally wounded him, and she cleaned it up herself in order to keep the park and the money.
he forgot to exist
Joe would have never known who she was had she not specifically gone after him. People blame joe for doing stupid shit like the blow up doll thing or putting a hit on her but what the fuck can you do when someone with millions is actively trying to take everything away from you? so fucked up.
>went out flying without telling anyone
and nobody saw this plane take off? nobody saw a crash? yeah right. even the drug lord believes she did away with him.
It's obviously a bullshit story but thats was her explanation. She said if he crashed in the gulf nobody would ever find him.
>went out flying without telling anyone
after specifically going around and telling multiple people he felt he was in danger and even went to a judge who dismissed it as hearsay because she only verbally threatened him
Lmao yeah I don’t think enough about this has been discussed.
it was creepy how she had answers for everything as she laughed
"meat grinder hahaha, i couldn't even fit his hand in there"
fucking creepy bitch
And nobody at the airport saw him fly off? On a plane that isn’t missing?
owns 20 million
doesnt pay any of her workers
this bitch is Mr Burns in real life
even the original officer who was put on the case after all of these years says he believes she did but cant do anything about it because there is nothing to go on. I dont know how the office thing doesnt count though. I feel like once she got the money she had so much that it was near impossible to for anyone to reall go after her
Based on testimony from someone with an axe to grind, no corroborating evidence.
The evidence is really right there in the will where it says "in my death or disappearance." Nobody writes that in their will, yet it just so happens to be in the will of this guy who disappeared.
I hated this bitch more than any other person on the show.
her smug arrogance. her better than you attitude
her hipocrisy
she makes money from a zoo while trying to shut down zoos
fuck her
she probably got the idea from peta
yeah exactly, hillary is a fucking creep
>hahaha you would just need to put sardine oil on him lol
I believe it, and a case could be made, but it would be a weak case without a witness who saw the act taking place.
Same, Joe was a stupid redneck, and Doc could even be considered based for manipulating whores the way he did, but she had no redeeming qualities.
Her lawyers were just trying to collect from the suit. Joe fucked over his own mom. Surely user understood SOME of the horrible manipulative shit Joe did.
I can see why some people may not love joe (even though he is based) but anyone who talks shit on doc are simply envious of him and nothing more. dude has done nothing wrong but god forbid he gets laid because bitches are bitches
It's clear that joe never understood the "professional" side of business which he later came to realization and why he decided to work with jeff to begin with. if he had been more savvy in that sense he would have been on doc's level a long time ago and would have simply done the same legal shit that carole did to him when she first started harassing him (file for harassment, restraining orders, etc)
Holy fuck
Joe is 1000% garbage but he doesn’t deserve to be in prison for 22 years.
yeah a woman that took 20 million from her missing husband needed some old lady's house. brilliant
the same woman that pays zero to her volunteers that clean and feed tigers
even the asian news lady said it was shocking that this cunt was asking to collect for the one million dollars
i hope she gets eaten by tigers.
was this the most level headed person in the doc?
I too would want to forget I married that.
>The most innocent I could imagine her being, in regard to her husband, is that one of her tigers killed or mortally wounded him, and she cleaned it up herself in order to keep the park and the money.
a big part of the problem is that even if she is innocent and he did just magically "disappear" there is no sympathy for a woman who came in and ruined a family then took all of their livelihood the moment she could. She easily could have continued what she wanted to do and been fair to her ex husband's family but she blatantly kept almost all of it for herself.
Based beyond belief
The worst imaginable thing that could happen to her is someone somehow finding the evidence to reopen her old case and convict her. if that were to happen then itd be a good thing that she wasnt killed because then all of that money would just end up in the wrong hands again where as if she got convicted it could all be seized.
She almost Freudian slips it live on camera:
>"If I were gonna.... if someone wanted to kill you, you know, they would put sardine oil all over you."
many problems with the sardine oil theory, what did she do with the body afterwards, how did he not notice he was covered in sardine oil, etc
Joes employees, this guy, the former Doc playtoy girl, and all of Don Lewis’s associates and friends were pretty level headed. I don’t understand why thumbman made them video him jet skiing though.
she reminds me of OJ how blatant he always was even before he got acquitted for his wife's murder. A regular person would show empathy where as killers gloat about it
>trying to convict a white person in an American court without a confession or a smoking gun
That would be Joe's campaign manager. He's the only innocent person on that whole show with nothing to gain.
my boy right here gave the best speech at the end
an activist PETA woman no less.....
she's untouchable. she gets millions in donations from her fans
she has to be worth 50 million by now seeing how she does not pay any of her employees
>what did she do with the body afterwards
My theory is that the body is tied with weights at the bottom of a swamp somewhere, possibly even the ocean.
>how did he not notice he was covered in sardine oil
Could've tranquilized him and then covered him sardine oil while he was sedated.
What was his endgame?
>Campaign manager for a gimmick candidate? That's my dream job!
Yeah, how did she get a judgement against Joe in the first place?
if you're gonna sedate him anyways then you can just suffocate him or stab him, no need to get a tiger involved
Shot him first. Cut him up and covered him in oil. Done deal.
>Cut him up and covered him in oil. Done deal.
Okay Joe Exotic, a tiger is not going to eat large bones like the femur, feeding the body to the tigers is not an option
Either way she obviously killed him.
I was wondering if all of those plaques for the deceased cats actually had urns or not. If so then its very likely that they have their own incinerator onsite and he is simply mixed in with the rest of the ashes
the whole thing was copyright infringement because was so retarded to steal her logos for his own company
a battle about logos ended up in a 1 million dollar lawsuit where joe's mom lost everything and joe gave his zoo to jeff