I unironically love Star Wars NuCanon

I unironically love Star Wars NuCanon

You may seethe now

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where did the first order come from?

Ex imperials in the unknown regions

how were they funded?

Left over imperial funds, sympathisers in the New Republic, and materials from the millions of unexplored planets in the Unknown Regions

How come the new republic didn't notice that the same companies that made the empires weapons was still making new TIE's and Star Destroyers for 20 years and shipping them to the unknown regions?


Why does the First Order need to requisition individual vehicles and weapons from random casino richfags when they have a galaxy-spanning empire with probably hundreds of arms factories?

The New Republic is a laissez-faire based economy

>the Death Star was blown to bits in the OT, how were there giant chunks in that ocean?

So a galaxy of thousands of inhabited star systems was taken over in a week by a military funded by Kickstarter

The First Order isn't a galaxy spanning empire. I wouldn't even say it's half the size of the OT empire.

That would explain why they didnt stop it not why they didnt notice it.

Same reason there is sound in space

Considering they pretty much destroyed the entire new republic and left the rest of the galaxy lawless until the swept in, pretty much

How would they have noticed it if they don't pay attention to it?

>and left the rest of the galaxy lawless until the swept in
What about other factions like the Confederacy of Corporate Systems and the New Separatist Union?

How did the new republic not notice millions of kids being stolen and shipped to the unknown regions?

Its 1/10 the size
The first order was building for 20 years and consistantly going out and taking tens of thousands of kids. They went soace vikings.

The funds cane from palps old entourage and imperial funds plus them mining the star killer olanet into tfe ground.

The first order were trained special forces hard, people consistantly dying. They were trained for speed and force projection. They were a combination of rebel, clone and storm trooper tactics

How come the entire population and government of the new Republic were centered on four planets that were like 30 feet apart?

How was the Big Death Planet Laser able to shoot a beam across the entire galaxy instantly so that no one on those planets had any possible warning? Wouldn't that take thousands of years to get there? Unless the planet that shot it was like, as close as Earth is to Mars? In which case, wouldn't they know that some random group of extremists who all wear uniforms exactly like the Empire that very recently fell and used ships exactly like them and whatnot, was building something on that random planet in the same solar system?

Where did the recruits for the First Order come from? Like, did someone go around whispering "Hey I know the Empire technically fell a while back, but wanna join our secret, covert group of Empire LARPers who will essentially act like a military and follow strict heirarchy and protocols like one, until one day in the near future we blow up some planets making us the actual government somehow?" How do you pitch that, and where do the people come from?

Come to think of it, all the military personnel on the Laser Planet, how did they get there? Did they fly themselves there, or did they take a transport from somewhere else? Where is the First Order's training/recruiting/outfitting base?

Also who actually BUILT the thing? Surely some company somewhere would have been like "Yo I know this money is decent, but should we really be helping work on a giant death planet laser? Didn't this end up going very poorly the last time someone did it?"

Also if Rey was a Palpatine, wouldn't that technically make her the heir to the Empire anyway? Why would she need Kylo's approval or whatever, doesn't she technically outrank him by lineage? Or does lineage not matter and it's like a tenure thing?

Not big enough to be able to do anything about it.

They did but were too mismanaged to do anything about it. That's why the Resistance had to be formed.

The new republic the first 5 years was a chaotic mess with corruption. Youd have random imperial elements already tearing shit up who didnt lay down arms. They were used as cover by politicians who were sheev followers or bought up

honestly I feel the same user

>That's why the Resistance had to be formed.
Why would they be the Resistance if they're not actually resisting anything? Aren't they part of the dominant power structure, and they're fighting the somehow-bigger-but-still-not-actually-official First Order which is functionally a paramilitary social club?

JJ's asshole. The Jewish Nu Wars writers literally said they wanted it to be a White Nationalist organisation despite on-screen having lots of blacks and Asians in it (gotta get that diversity quota!).

Daily reminder this is a lie and even if true it makes the 'canon' Battle of Jakku utterly retarded and dumb. There's no logical reason why the empire would intentionally scuttle their fleet in a battle designed for them to lose because some old dead cunt said so. That it was carried out by a black lady only adds a cherry to the top of the insult pie. Nu Wars canon is low-key racist because it implies only a black woman would be dumb enough to follow a command to get millions of imperials killed pointlessly.

Listen the movies are dogshit

But the expanded universe explaning them and beyond is good. The galaxy is kind of immediate post war berlin. Its fucked up. And you have random gangs of imperials roving around, chaos, corruption etc. The first order is pretty well explained.

>The first order is pretty well explained.
This is satire.

Endor went from being a forest moon to one of many moons around a gas giant called Endor because JJ wanted that specific shot in his movie where the metal bits were poking out of water. It's that cynical.

Please keep the questions to one post at a time. It's unfair to the other anons wondering things.

>How come the entire population
It wasnt the population, just the government.
>government of the new Republic were centered on four planets that were like 30 feet apart?
It's the republics capital. Much like how the vast majority of Americas government is in Washington DC

>How was the Big Death Planet Laser able to shoot a beam across the entire galaxy instantly so that no one on those planets had any possible warning? Wouldn't that take thousands of years to get there? Unless the planet that shot it was like, as close as Earth is to Mars?
The lazer was made to travel through hyperspace

>wouldn't they know that some random group of extremists who all wear uniforms exactly like the Empire that very recently fell and used ships exactly like them and whatnot, was building something on that random planet in the same solar system?
No, it was in the unknown regions. They knew the first order existed, they didn't know they were building anything

>Where did the recruits for the First Order come from?
Kidnapped children and Imperial loyalists which were much more common than you would expect

>Come to think of it, all the military personnel on the Laser Planet, how did they get there? Did they fly themselves there, or did they take a transport from somewhere else?
I'm sure some of them were there all their lives and some were flown in

>Where is the First Order's training/recruiting/outfitting base?
Hasn't been shown yet

>Also who actually BUILT the thing?
It was an imperial project first and foremost, but when the empire fell the First Order picked up the pieces and turned what was essencially just a base/mining operation into a superweapon

>Or does lineage not matter and it's like a tenure thing?
Lineage doesn't matter. It's all just whatever mindgames Sheeve feels like playing

Because no one wanted them to rearm. Politicians, business men, etc. It was out of fear of war or money from the first order or palps followers pulling the strings.

They were resisting against the first order

why seethe? you're just a retard

In the expanded universe yes. In the movies no.

How come when the laser planet fired, the atmosphere wasn't immediately burned off suffocating everyone on it

Palpy had to destroy the old empire and start from scratch when he died because keeping it going would run the risk of another Imperial rising up and gaining respect, which would be out of his control.

By the time he was ready to return to the Galaxy, he needed to make sure whoever was in control was still being manipulated by him



Same reason there is sound in space

Why did no one come to help the resistance when they asked for help?

The "resistance" is both a now-antiquated anti-Trump barb and because JJ wanted to remake A New Hope but couldn't canonically because the rebels now ruled everything. So he cynically came up with the resistance to be the new plucky underdogs because the existing rebel government was apparently too retarded and corrupt to do anything. Thus inadvertently proving the empire was better at running the galaxy. But they're hoping you don't notice that.

Oh so poor directing. Got it

Fear of the first order. Individually each planet would have been absolutely fucked so they were afraid of rising up


>Fear of the first order.
But if no one took the first order seriously what would they be afraid of? If they were already aware of starkiller base it would stand to reason they were aware it was destroyed too.

Worthless explanation. He already ruled from lightning planet and had millions of followers. He could have simply recalled the entire imperial fleet out there and wiped out anyone who refused to join him.

The fact of the matter is JJ wanted his white supremacist evil empire and it all logically fell apart so the last movie is a retcon of the previous two movies.

Why didn't the eagles just stop the first order?

How did Disney approve having the Chiss use blue psychic lolis for space travel?

>It wasnt the population, just the government.
It was 5 planets, why would the government need 5 full planets? Also how were they so close together?

>The lazer was made to travel through hyperspace
How the fuck does a laser travel through hyperspace? How does it know when to stop being in hyperspace? Is it magic?

>No, it was in the unknown regions. They knew the first order existed, they didn't know they were building anything
So in 30 years, only one single person ever decided that the First Order was bullshit and left, and then immediately told everyone what they were doing? Somehow their brainwashing of clones and stolen kids worked perfectly right up until one random-ass dude was like "Nah, yo"? Not a single person shipping materials or construction or flying a ship or something knew a group of Nazi LARPers were building a planet laser and mentioned it in passing?

>Kidnapped children and Imperial loyalists which were much more common than you would expect
Imperial Loyalists makes very little sense. What about the Empire were they loyal to? Because the only thing the First Order offered was A.) The Nazi LARP, and B.) The fact that they took their orders from a shadowy figure no one got to know the name of.

>It was an imperial project first and foremost, but when the empire fell the First Order picked up the pieces and turned what was essencially just a base/mining operation into a superweapon
So the Empire put plans into motion to make not one, not even two, not even fucking three, but FOUR fucking giant laser weapons, off of which got blown up? Like, not a single time was it prudent to try a different tactic? This one just works so well that they're going to keep beating that drum despite every single one being destroyed immediately after firing their weapon once? Like, the Empire's entire investment into a planet-sized superweapon is cool as long as they get to shoot it once? That's a lot of cash for one fucking use.

>How the fuck does a laser travel through hyperspace?
It doesn't.

JJ wanted his visshies and it was logically retarded so they had to make up some bullshit about hyperspace and all that afterward. Nu Wars fucks up warfare so badly in a series titled "Star WARS" that there's now no need for fleets, or even a military. You just build a big laser gun and shoot it across the galaxy at your enemies.

The idea that Leia, Han and Luke won the fight, became huge heroes and brought peace to the galaxy, and the literally 100% of the entire population promptly forgot who they were the next day and all three of the heroes just fucked off to their own personal lives, all of which coincidentally involved not speaking to anyone else for the next 20+ years. And in TFA, Luke and Han are functionally in the wind, so only Leia has a concrete location and her location is NOT being a princess or ruler, but it's leading a somehow underfunded group of unofficial military guerrillas in their fight against a much larger and better funded unofficial paramilitary social club that also sometimes murders people with impunity.

Essentially in TFA, Leia and her crew are Greenpeace attacking the big whaling ships of the First Order. Technically both things are illegal, but they happen out in the middle of nowhere so the government(s) don't give a fuck. However, framing this as a "Resistance" versus a "Big evil empire" is disingenuous because why the fuck would Leia not have the clout to bring this shit up to the actual government and their military and have it dealt with?

The government didn't take the first order seriously. That doesn't mean the citizens didn't. Especially once they blew up the entire capital system

I don't actually like 9, so I find this one hard to argue, but he didn't rule anything from Exogol. He had followers, sure, but they were simple sith cultists who just worshiped the sith. They weren't regular citizens.

They had good taste

Please keep one question per post. Lots of people have questions they want answered. Unless you format your posts properly I'm going to stop responding after this

>Why did the government need 5 full planets
What do you mean? It was the capital system. Why would they restrict themselves to a single planet?

>How the fuck does a laser travel through hyperspace?
It enters hyperspace when shot
>How does it know when to stop being in hyperspace?
It collides with a planet

>So in 30 years, only one single person ever decided that the First Order was bullshit and left
Are you talking about Finn? The First Order had plenty of deserters. Only one of them happened to both be from Starkiller and join the resistance

>Somehow their brainwashing of clones and stolen kids worked perfectly right
It worked pretty well

>What about the Empire were they loyal to?
The form of government. Many people believed the galaxy needed a hyperstrong military like the empire that the New Republic refused to create so they instead joined, yes, what is essencially an Imperial LARP.
>The fact that they took their orders from a shadowy figure no one got to know the name of.
Snoke? Everyone knew about Snoke

>So the Empire put plans into motion to make not one, not even two, not even fucking three, but FOUR fucking giant laser weapons, off of which got blown up?
No. Starkiller was an imperial mining operation that the First Order turned into a superweapon

not this shit again

based boomer

>Especially once they blew up the entire capital system
Didn't the "Resistance" literally destroy Starkiller the next day?

Yeah but at that point the damage is done. Starkiller was a major loss for the FO, but nowhere near as big as losing your entire capital. The galaxy basically become lawless

Because the writing and plot are fucking dumb and anyone arguing otherwise is just desperate to polish a turd. Its not a coincidence all the Nu Wars defenders are Millennials or older. That's their childhood. The audience Nu Wars was marketed to, Zoomies, don't give a fuck about this franchise and have already moved on. Endgame was their Star Wars.

As far as I am concerned, Han, Luke, and Leia becoming heroes is the canon ending and nothing else happened afterward, because the writing in Nu Wars is so terrible that it defies belief. If JJ and the Jew Crew weren't utter hacks, Nu Wars could have been something decent. Like how troubled times gives rise to the desire for a strong central authority, and how that's not always a good thing. But instead they went for the lowest common denominator white man bad trope and didn't care about plot or character development. All that mattered to them was clubbing white Americans over the head with how they're morally evil and shouldn't exist. Telling a story was a secondary concern.

Really? All the zoomers I know love the trilogy. I always assumed it was because they didnt have previous connections to the old characters


When TLJ came out I was pissed off and thought that's it star wars is dead for me now. But now, with a cold mind, I realize that there's good things too: Mandalorian, Rogue One, some novels, Jedi fallen order.


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>3 posts per person

More like OP samefagging constantly to try and make his thread seem more alive than it is.

It rhymes with sega.

OP here. I'm just answering questions as they come

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>What was Snoke's tax policy?

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I think NuEU is more consistently decent than Old-EU, but Nucanon has yet to produce any of the great works on the level of stuff like KOTOR, the Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Empire, or the Jedi Knight games

Kylo Ren is unironically my favorite character in the whole franchise and I love TLJ so I'm glad the Disney buyout happened for those reasons alone

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