I finally gave in and watched this. Already 3 eps in. It’s like watching a train wreck. What does Yas Forums think?
I finally gave in and watched this. Already 3 eps in. It’s like watching a train wreck. What does Yas Forums think?
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fuck off netflix marketing intern
It's funny because it starts off bad and just gets worse and worse. Literally everyone is a scumbag except maybe some of the park employees.
kys netflix shill
You’re both fucking retarded
I have only reach episode 2 and I think Doc Antle is a total scumbag. Frankly so are Joe, those exotic animal buyers and Carole (if she really did murder her husband).
Also, RIP Lakshman.
Yeah Doc has crazy eyes. Carole def killed her husband. Joe, idk what it is, he comes across worse than the others but I can’t help but root for him. The song he made about Carole killing her husband was fucking hilarious(ep 3 I believe)
Joe is a pretty charismatic guy. Dangerous and seemingly unstable if you are a normal dude, but still, there is that free, alpha spirit in that madman that makes people and even tigers follow him. It's pretty based actually.
Feed them all to the tigers
Half the time, the tigers in that show look like they are about to snap and kill all their crazy owners, the other half, they look scared shitless and just want to fuck off as far away as possible.
Is meth really good enough to get fucked in the ass on the reg for it?
It's basically just charisma and he's the underdog in a story where everyone is evil but they're richer and smarter than him and have the law in their pocket
>Imagine putting your dick in Joe
>His ass hairs clinging to your swampy musk after working hard all day
>A chocolate chip left on the tip for you to scrape off
>His stomach bouncing bent over as you thrust in and out
>Having to whisper sweet nothings in his ear after pulling his blonde curls back
>All for that sweet, sweet meth
true white trash kino
How did he do it bros?
Also the truth about these guys was the best twist.
>we're not actually gay
Mind controlling someone with drugs into being your concubine is pretty hardcore.
Reminder that bitch carol baskin killed her husband and is still walking around a free woman
i think it’s made me realize how many retards believe murder convictions should rest on hearsay
Louis was there first.
I liked it, sort of like a Louis Theroux documentary on steroids. Could have been 4-5 1 hour long episodes though rather than 7, 45 minute one.
Leave Joe to me.
Joe and doc are just so fucking disappointing as people, They have million dollar parks, a cult like following and hundreds of vicious pet tigers each and the best thing they can think of is to fuck a couple of barely legal whores, methed out country boys and bitch about some fat cat lady on the internet. All that potential squandered on sticking their dicks in some stretched out holes rather turning themselves into meth smoking gun toting tiger warlords.
Bitch probably smells like Funyuns
i don't think joe was smart enough to hire a hitman for carole and i think he was set up by jeff, but should still be imprisoned for the other stuff, like the euthanizing tigers etc
A timeline exists where Joe actually does turn his park into another Waco, with hundreds of tigers roaming free and mauling feds.
>Carole brags about how much money they make off facebook every month
>Carole says any picture taken with a tiger is exploiting them
She is doing the same thing as all the other tiger people. Even though she is the smartlest cult leader out of all of them.
she doesn’t breed or sell or do cub petting so no, she’s not doing the same as thing as the rest of the tiger people
That is the glorious time line i wish to live in, using all that power just to fuck illiterate meth men is just such a fucking waste.
Doc still has a fucking subdivision sized Ranch where he rides around elephants and only showed a tiny fraction of his workers on the documentary. He will 100% be the next David Koresh except it’ll be PETA lighting his houses on fire not the ATF
the real question is, why are normies convinced that this is actually real?
Literally almost everyone in this docu is a cunt. Even the people that are supposed to "safe" the animals are unlikeable. Nobody in this docu benefits from being in it.
Got a big Grizzly Man feel from this.
I believe that god created corona virus in order to force everyone to stay inside and watch this masterpiece together. This is most important piece of entertainment media that will ever be produced by mankind.
Best boy right here.
>has an army of “volunteers” (Jannies) who work for free
>charges out the ass for people to come and look at the tigers
>but she’s in the right because she doesn’t breed and sell cubs
If you can’t see the hypocrisy i don’t know what to tell you lad
Why is it apparently so fucking easy to start a cult in America?
he was my favorite too.
The only one who made me genuinely uncomfortable was doc. He had an absurdly hostile and controlling personality
Land of the FREE home of the BRAVE
combine BRAVE and FREE and you get some wicked CULTS
>that interview where he had clearly taken some meth or heroin
I felt bad for him, all he wanted was to take care of Animals. Him and the guy with no legs.
White America is still a fairly open and hopeful place, they have the weird duality of being deeply individualistic and deeply devoted to their leaders. People like Joe manage to offer them an outlet for both of these things, a crazy unique life style and a larger than life charismatic leader. Most other populations are too jaded and cynical for this sort of shit to work, so they have to resort to different form of cult building.
charities typically utilize volunteers. why are so many people confused by this concept?
the breeding/cub petting is the primary issue with private owners and zoos so by not doing that they’re clearly not doing the same exact thing.
>gets defensive when the subject of a cult came up
This guy is so fucking guilty
The 3 main people in this documentary are prime examples of how a cult can be founded. Joe offered community to the people without one and drugs. Doc had machismo and charisma and knew how to prey upon vulnerable young girls while making them financially dependent on him. Carole convinced people that they were working towards a greater cause.
If only they had teamed up. Then they would have had everything.
t. carole
She is still profiting off big cats in captivity and she was a past breeder.
Charities utilize volunteers but they are a charity. Carole is making money off these people's free labor.
The guy at the end summed it all up, the amount of money spent on legal battles could had been used to help big cats in their natural habitat. Instead it was just wasted on petty feuds.
great reddit response
He was drunk
>How many wives does he have?
>I don't FUCKIN care.
The producers seemed to have fallen under Joe's spell a bit. I'm really supposed to believe that fucking bitch down in Florida Carole Baskin had the strength to grind up her ex husband? No it's too absurd.
Anybody else want to pork Carole? I can't be the only one.
shutting down private zoos such as joe’s is an important part of helping tigers in their natural habitat. the US has no leverage to demand better protections and treatment for tigers in asia when they breed, mistreat, and monetize them domestically.
You can tell a lot of Joes crazy antics stems from overcompensating for his insecurities and self hate. The other people are actually insane/sociopathic.
That point was stupid. She's using it to shut down disgusting tiger farms, she's way more effective that way
Joe Exotic is a scumbag and I hope he's not getting royalties from this show. He tried to hire a fucking hitman to kill people at Big Cat Rescue because they criticized him and he's going to be in jail for a long time.
I think she’s hot even when old and fat
I laughed when the dude accidently killed himself
"hurry it wont fire if it doesnt have the clip in, see look"
>puts gun to head and pulls trigger
guess he forgot about the one in chamber
it's a meme show that was taylor-made for reddit
i felt bad for the guy who witnessed it
Americans, is this actually what your country is like? Or is this some sort of weird comedy mockumentary?
She has a shit ton of tigers, millions in assets, her husband’s assistants are helping her forge his will, a brother in the police department and a dad who hated Don, what more would she need to get away with murdered
I hated every single person in it but seriously could not stop watching. The only person I could sort of understand was the campaign manager but it seems like everyone else was just living in a perpetual self imposed hell
>critically endangered animal
>dont breed them
The guy in episode 2 summed it up best
why the fuck did she cut the sewage lines to the office
>Dude, it's a ruger, it won't shoot without a magazine.
me too
yeah everyone in the US is like this
best campaign video
ruger sr9s have a magazine disconnect meaning the trigger won’t engage the striker unless a magazine is in the weapon, granted it could’ve been broken or he’s a retarded meth head and had a different gun
poo poo pee pee LMAO
Why is tiger breeding bad? These things are fucking endangered, and we're not going to be stopping illegal poaching anytime soon. So why is it wrong to try and make more when they're on the brink of extinction?
How would you start a cult anons?
What would be your doctrine and your appeal?
What sort of people would you attract?
What would be your endgame?
this does less than nothing to help preserve their habitat or protect the population of wild tigers. tigers bred in captivity have no conservation value due to rampant cross-breeding. also tons of deformities and health issues due to inbreeding and overbreeding
The campaign manager is exactly what I imagine /poltv/ to look like irl.
in small southern towns or flyover, yeah.
it's pretty standard.
it's the fucking meth making these people like this.
high speed chicken feed shake and bake