Will he ever recover from this?

Will he ever recover from this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the response video was the worst thing he could've done to handle the situation
>visibly seething so hard that you face is red and eyes watery
>deflects by focusing on people making fun of his cuckoldry instead of addressing the bigger problem which is his gf's public disrespect of his person
>basically does exactly what he made fun of leafy for doing, which is focussing the the criticism surrounding obvious insecurities instead of the important points
>when addressing his hypocrisy over statements about e-whores, intentionally cherrypicks clips about him midly joking about them, instead of the genuine rants he has had
>at the end of the video, all we have seen is a man on the verge of tears admitting to being okay with people jacking off to his girlfriend's naked pictures and directing his rage out on underage twitter accounts
>mean comments are constantly being deleted on the video
is it the end of him?

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Just some cuck

Can someone explain to me women cognitive dissonance?

>if you don't like whores, this means you're an incel
>even though by their very nature, whores make incels obsolete

>I wouldn't do it, but it's their right to sell their bodies
>n-no, just because I wouldn't do it doesn't mean I think it's a bad thing!

>prostitution should be legal because it empowers women
>men should stop objectifying us while we objectify ourselves

He's clearly a beta male who got his first gf and put the pussy in the pedestal and now he just doesn't know how to say no. Even when he addresses it in the video, "What should I do? Put a shotgun to her head? Break up with her" He just couldn't think of saying no.

Many such cases

yeah it really comes out with how emotional he gets that he probably doesn't have as much say in the matter as he'd like you to believe

No way. He will still rake in millions of views, but his reputation is destroyed forever. Only way to recover some of it is to send that bitch to the curve and do a content cop on himself

only a dilating incel would view it as cuckoldry

His first mistake was making it public knowledge that he had a girlfriend.

>All girls should do porn because there is some psychopath jacking off to her anyway
Biggest cope of all time

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Prostitution should be legal because men have been selling their manual labor since the dawn of time
Whoring themselves (or having someone whore them) is the ONLY manual labor of any worth that a woman can sell when compared to their male counterpart

That being said, it doesnt mean they deserve any respect, a whore is still a fucking whore

Power drive. They want to destroy any mechanism or institution that gave men power or equality, while preserving and strengthening theirs

Only if he left the slag right away.

Him doing a content cop on himself is the only way he can save this. I feel like he could repair a large portion of the damage that way. Anything else is just going to exacerbate his destruction.

It is something i don't understand, Ian is reasonably good looking, he is tall, he is white, and he is now a famous and rich internet personality. He should be drowning in pussy.

That would defeat her goal, which is to get famous at his expense.

>haha I'm the real winner, making so much money from my girlfriend selling nudes online, at the end of the day I'm the one she comes back to!

(6 months later)

>haha I'm the real winner, making so much money from my wife having sex with strangers for cash, at the end of the day I'm the one she comes back to, and we have an awesome black son on the way too!

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Honey it is 4pm

this, why is everyone posting this guy?

History is repeating itself

>Be fucking cucked simp loser
>If I call myself a cucked simp loser while playing a "character" it means it's not true and it's all a joke and it is in fact, dear reader, who is at fault

>Ian is reasonably good looking

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I'm not sure what this thread is about but just a daily reminder the holocaust never happened

idubbz says trans rights

Idubbbz is an Nazi.

It will be just like the time people were saying boogie was getting cucked by his wife and black friend

Everyone was coping
>The dude is gay
>She woukd leave boogie
Now she is kicking her obese ass on some black manba
Soon enoughbshe will do blacked and cum esting cuckolds

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She's still trying to cuck Ian with Chris Raygun.
Wonder how he'll tackle that once she eventually leaves him for Chris.
>no it's ok chris is a friend of mine

The absolute state of the simp defense force

Any content cop he does now is pretty much redundant. People can literally say "Yeah I might make some shitty videos but at least I'm not a cuck"

God I hope leafy comes back just to needle him.

he was at least, now he's balding

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No amount of fame/money/attractiveness can defeat autism

not the end of him
betacucks are supporting him and praises the video for being the "perfect" response

>to the curve

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I like jerking off to big tits. The bigger the better. 2d, 3d, 4d, it doesn’t matter. I like when they bounce, I like when she bends forward and you can see em hang. I like when she sucks on her own, or gets them sucked on by another chick. Bonus points if they are full of milk. The best part though, is the slow tease and reveal of big titties coming out to play. Nothing better than a nice view of cleavage that gets bigger and bigger as she slowly pulls down on her shirt. Sometimes I dream about being a mountain climber, but instead of climbing a mountain, I’m scaling a huge pair of tits and I make camp at the nipple, because of course I can’t climb the whole thing in one day. Sometimes I dream about being Atlas and holding up the biggest breasts in the universe..

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Why is everyone on this website obsessed with interracial cuckoldry? It's sickening.

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television and film????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The perfect response would've been to ignore it and move on like nothing happened. All he accomplished in making that video was show just how insecure he was.

It's pretty funny this is exactly the sort of shit he would call people out on and laugh at for years. Also how long before someone just leaks her shitty tits and solo stuff, so she has to take it further to keep people interested?
She'll be fucking random dudes in no time.

UGh! Racist and sexist much?

Keemstar said on twitter that Leafy is going to make a response video.

cuck youtube drama kino

Have you not noticed it being pushed a lot in porn and popular culture lately?

And? That doesn't explain the obsession. It's pathetic really.

More importantly, will Reddit ever recover from this?

They alrewry did
There was a thread up wither her flat ass and ugly deformed tits but they deleted it

When it is being pushed heavily across the medium of television for example a board dedicated to the discussion of said media will likely discuss it. Not to mention this board is full of mutts who subscribe to blacked and shit like that.

Can somebody explain to me why people care so much about this? Yeah if my girlfriend sold her body online I wouldn't like it and I would either tell her to not do it or leave her. But if Ian is okay with it what's the issue? It really doesn't affect your life directly. So why give a shit?

Cause it is funny?

Kino incoming

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In the end, was it worth it?

Because it's the exactly the sort of thing he'd rip into other people for doing. Plus his girlfriend is a bit of a hypocritical cunt from what I've seen.

Don't you fags have some subreddit to talk about this eceleb shit ?

Let's be real boys, he deserves this for being so dismissive of airsoft fatty and his lifestyle.

You don't condone degeneracy. If you wouldn't do it then you think it's inherently wrong.

It’s fun to make fun of him.
Although, there are fans of his that are legitimately upset because youtube e-celebs are friend-simulators to them, so they feel personally involved.

This is viewed as a flaw in ian's character.

Some people are fine with being simp beta soiboi cucks, but it has more to do with the expectations ian set.

Obviously everyone thought he was a different guy.

its simply amazing how moving to California immediately turns anyone into a cuck faggot

Nah just like most other youtubers their loyal fan base of teens will suck their cock regardless

>when the villain was actually the hero all along

ok Ian


>/sp/ during world cup
>African team
>ctrl + f Blacked - +1000 results
it's a Yas Forums thing ;^)

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this, what if the child consents?

So it's just dirty fags projecting? Man, I wish for simpler times, before people spammed 'huehue beebeecee!' at every opportunity. If these faggots would just stop obsessing about it so much maybe it'd stop being pushed so much.

Would he? What do you base that on exactly?
Just because I wouldn't do it doesn't mean someone else shouldn't? It's not like she's murdering people out there. She's making dosh selling pictures of her half-naked body online.

More like iCucked hehhehehe

Could he be goaded into releasing nudes of himself? I mean, it's completely non-shameful in this day and age as he says

link me nigga. too good to be true

>>prostitution should be legal because it empowers women
>>men should stop objectifying us while we objectify ourselves

Kek I've been pointing this out for years. I remember some feminist bitch I was talking to unironically defended prostitution "because women deserve to use their body to make money how they choose."

I was like, "so if I pay you $1,000 to lick my asshole that means you're the empowered one?"

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>send that bitch to the curve

>It's okay because she's earning money from it

Jesus Christ, have some fucking standards in your life. Learn to say no to degenerate behavior before it consumes your society and becomes the norm.

She has no hips at all

>why do you care if i just shot a child bro, it doesn't affect your life directly

All he had to do was just ignore the drama.
Now everyone knows it's actually getting inside his head and made him mad enough to make a video.
He will wear the cuck badge all the way to his death bed.

now this is kino

I feel like the cuck soijack shaking with excitement rn srs.

i thought that keemstar and leafy hated eachother

The greatest redemption arc of all time

This whole ordeal has certainly destroyed the perceived persona he built up over time. His only slight retort was saying that people jack off to other guy's girlfriends all the time, problem is his girlfriend is purposefully giving material for them to jack off to now, it's a completely different scenario. He didn't offer any real defense and just deflected by nitpicking tweets and videos made about him. Deleting comments too, all stuff he would rag on hard in a content cop if someone else acted this way. Ian's finished

the most retarded post itt

he should just create an onlyfans account for himself

they were actually friends for a bit, leafy burned that bridge the second keemstar got in hot water


I think he knows that this was a bad response. However the response video is getting a lot of views, the drama is only giving it more attention so he is getting more money. He's has to be doing it for views.

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they must unite to defeat the common enemy
kino af tbqh

In my very first post I said that if my girlfriend were to sell naked pics of herself online I would most likely not approve of it. I don't even know ians girlfriend, why do I care if she wants to sell her body online? And why should I give a fuck if Ian approves of it? I don't know either person.

And you're telling me you have never jerked of to pornography? Is that not degenerate as well?

>no actual nudity

Why are you incels mad again?

Holy shit this is the gayest shit. This is tmz E! tier shit. Doesn't help that this guy looks like a literal twink.

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Yeah this shit was hard to watch

>Girls selling soft porn of themselves online?? What's next, shooting kids???

I can only hope she's a good cook.

She's not even hot

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Fucking hell she looks like complete shit compared to other girls on only fans. Why pay for someone with no ass, fake tits and a basic face when you can literally get 10/10s
I guess her whole 'pull' is hurr former youtuber now explicit.


She's a titty streamer, she was always purposfully giving people jack off material

Because the more people do it, the less likely you are of finding a girlfriend who wouldn't do it. This will eventually affect you as well. Get some perspective.

I haven't watched pornography or masturbated since I was like 16. Stop projecting.

>so he is getting more money.
He wont see a dollar of what she makes on onlyfans

I dunno user. Hard to be respectable if you're a certified cuck. If I had to chose I'd rather be a wife beater or a adulterous ytber, like that drdisrespect guy if I'm not wrong?

Yeah, e-thots should be at least 7/10

>I haven't watched pornography or masturbated since I was like 16.
Teach me your ways Boddhisatva.