Can you guys think of any war of the worlds or jonestownesque movies where mass swaths of the population have been...

Can you guys think of any war of the worlds or jonestownesque movies where mass swaths of the population have been fooled into thinking an apocalypse is taking place?

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Yep it's hilariously obvious that most media outlets are CIA propaganda

Will he be the next corona denying religitard to die from it?

>create virus
>give it to chinese citizens because you are losing a trade war
>get upset that they contain the virus while USA falls apart and the world discovers it is actually american virus

please stop this will not be a fortuitous path lol

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H1N1 had an entire year. Wuflu has had 3 months, only two really in the West.

>they contain the virus
dilate chinksect

china has succeeded in containing the virus completely. wuhan is open. all of china is open to visit you can see for yourself go to wuhan visit factory all is well.

West has fallen apart though, The riches of america prove to mean nothing.

Supposedly world class "european health care" has proven to mean nothing as their entire nations are put on hold and their economy dies.

right wing max headroom

>China’s Mobile Carriers Lose 21 Million Users as Virus Bites
You're fooling no one chinkbot

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they literally just closed the theaters again lol

10 social credits have been deposited in your account

He's not denying it, doofus. He's saying it's been blown out of proportion compared to other pandemics in the past.

>phone company clears dead lines
>this is somehow evidence of genocide
this all from people who deny holocaust with all its evidence lol

Some delusional racists actually thought China wasn't going to obliterate the virus. Whether viruses, natural disasters (Sichuan earthquake), man made disasters (Tianjin explosions), economics (Shanghai stock crash and US trade war), it should be clear by now nothing can actually stop China. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better your mental health is going to be. Rooting against China is going to forcefeed failure to you for the rest of your life and you can't handle it.

China’s amazing agility and indomitable spirit to find solutions!

While the USA and much of the world are paralyzed by the Coronavirus, Chinese society thinks calmly, plans carefully and springs into action like a dragon!

People die of viruses fucking every year. Literally every year the media could create a fiasco over the next scary virus that will inevitably mutate months from now. All of these childish faggots are falling for the most basic bait, its not even fucking funny.

>hurr duurr STAY INSIDE so your grandma doesn't die

Fucking retards

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seeing "hurr durr" or any equivalent immediately lets me know that the poster is a living turd

Why wouldn't it be obvious that this will have far more than that? Do you think social distancing is possible at all in fucking Nigeria?

kill yourself

hurr yourself

Its easier to contain when their people have no rights

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>virus motivates Yas Forumstards to get out of the house for once this decade
Is it all just a ploy to get incels to exercise?

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yeah and the death rate was about 0.2 percent.
Compared with covid which has a 3.4 percent death rate.

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i see it in your post lol


>believing China
Stopped reading there.

Fauci saying 200,000 Ameriburgers will die this year from corona even with shelter-in-place orders.

So long, boomers.

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>knew the virus existed and was being transmitted to humans
>censor any news of it at home and abroad
>silence the doctor who discovered it who later mysteriously dies from the "virus" despite being young and healthy
>too much info has leaked over lockdowns so admit to it to public
>CCP cocksucker head of WHO says there's no issue
>despite lockdowns let citizens of those cities travel the world
>critical mass
>beg for supplies from western world despite being the centre of manufacturing
>stop reporting on numbers, claim everything is going well to boost stock markets and currency
>infections crippling the western economy, Chinese investment in European and American/Canadian companies surges to new highs, taking advantage of the situation
>Cuck all western media outlets to not allow them to say the virus originated in China or say anything about the open air wild game markets
>despite getting 17 tonnes of supplies from the USA and 16 tonnes from Canada, ship a measly 10k masks to each country so western media laps it up and praises China morr

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>kicks out American journalists to avoid exposing their incompetence
>still disappearing people who speak out about the virus
>china has ceased most testing
>china which has a GDP per capita worse than Mexico is somehow containing the virus better than developed countries

Go to Brooklyn and look at the overcrowded hospitals and then tell me this is a nothing burger. Just because it hasnt impacted your back water, hickville shithole doean't mean ita not a big deal to the parts of the country that actually matter and pay the bills.

Yas Forums has a resident CIDF. He literally has every thread about China open just to defend his homeland. He does it for free and takes it very seriously.

>believing China
Stopped reading there

It's hilarious you assume China is lying while you listen to someone like Trump. Literally grasping at straws.

>wow look at this mortality rate!

Fucking retard neck yourself

Oh yeah totally over flowing

All of the people I know who work in ER medicine say YOUR the retard.

If only I knew who to believe...

Where did I say I listened to Trump?
Alright, buddy

And all the people that I personally know say that its a nothing burger, and the most annoying part of their job is telling young people with light symptoms to fucking go home and drink some tea

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Just for comparison, the Spanish flu which killed 50 million people had a death rate of 2%.
h1n1 has a 0.2 death rate which put's it barely above the seasonal flu at 0.1%

But hey, kill your grandma, your aunt with breast cancer or your sister with asthma or your dad who's been smoking a pack a day for 40 years, be my guest.

>the lobby and patient entry are clear therefore the entire hospital is fine

confirmed for actually never going to a hospital before.

>first we'll admonish you
Based translator

Its so funny how people use this appeal to emotion argument like fucking cattle.
>think of the children!
>I uh.. I mean old people!

>waiting room for the ER is a ghost town

Stupid bitch

>believing anything that happens in the west because it’s completely verifiable as to its authenticity is the same as
>believing anything that happens in China who censors everything and everyone

Seething chinklet cant deny his country lied to the world. Dont worry you'll still get your 2 social credits

If you believe China's numbers you're an absolute retard

What a based virus removing liberal shitholes.
Cheers to Covid-19!

If you believe any of the official numbers you're a retard.

>Wuhan, a city of 11 million people only had 80k infected
>Usa only has 100k infected

Its likely in the millions, which means the death rate is a fraction of a percent.

What a fucking retarded statement. He's taking the death toll number AFTER H1N1 passed. Might as well say "This is nothing like the Spanish Flu which killed millions. Just ignore the news and outside."

>tells people to stay home to not overrun health care systems
>people stay home
>muh conspiracy

Average age is higher in rural areas, cleetus. And health care worse. I'm sure it'll about even out :3

>use this appeal to emotion argument like fucking cattle.
As opposed to the data I gave you which you conveniently ignored and sperged like a retard when it didnt fit your narrative?

You were originally claiming that the ERs were jam packed full, now it's because everyone is "staying home." You're either a weak pussy or a commie LARPING some morality angle, when in actuality you just want the world to be pathetic and useless like you

Figuratively. That poster is not trying to physically grab straws with this hands.

By all means continue to be a fucking retard

h1n1 in 2009 had 18,036 CONFIRMED deaths. and an estimated max of 500,000.

covid-19 has 35,000 CONFIRMED deaths already with no signs of slowing.

estimate the max yourself.

They are having riots in wuhan because the people who they forced back to work are getting sick again.

>If I cant see it, I dont believe in it
>just like the curvature of earth and space

>with no signs of slowing.

You're a fucking pussy who probably thinks infections rates are something to be scared of

>telling young people with light symptoms to fucking go home and drink some tea
>a lie this obvious to anyone who actually knows ER staff
This is how I know you’re fucking full of shit. They aren’t telling people with respiratory symptoms to go home and drink tea faggot.

Nice try with lying about actually knowing people in the medical field and finding fake posts online.

I just want boomers gone, man.


Say after day I get surprised how dumb Americans really are. Is this what they call infinity?

>Yas Forums hyped up the coronavirus for months and claimed the media was covering it up
>the instant covid hits America and Trump and some centre-right libertarian e-celebs start calling it a hoax, Yas Forums goes 180 and starts saying spamming the idea that it’s a nothingburger perpetuated by the media and the democrats to make Trump look bad
Really makes me think

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Houston is the next new york. The city shut down a week ago. We have 1000 cases as of today 15;k in isolation waiting to get tested.

Its the mega churches and refineries

China kicked out american journalists because fat mutts have proven themselves intent on making china look as bad as possible and they exacerbate disasters to try your hand at failed regime change. this will not work in china as the chinese people love xi and love the ccp.

read this article and tell me china hasn't been taking a lot of ambush attacks from the united states of america.

and look how the west must capitulate. maybe it is time to say china is the new west and europe and america may be the backwards places where people die by thousands by easily containable virus for china

Stopped reading there, no point in arguing with a literal shill

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Why are poltards so fucking retarded?

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>You were originally claiming that the ERs were jam packed full,
No I wasn’t you brainlet. That was someone else.
>anonymous message board
Fucking retard.

I’d call you a shill but I’ve noticed how biased and brainwashing our media has become lately, it’s kinda scary, who know what else they’ve been manipulating. Maybe I’m just too paranoid.

>all of china is open to visit you can see for yourself
lol sure, I'll get on the next plane
fucking monkey

Its kills fat people at a higher rate. Fatties and people

Yas Forums is just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. If the main stream media claims the sky is blue, Yas Forums will claim it's green.

>nothing can actually stop China
I would try my luck with opium & gambling.

kek all your futures are fucked either way with the amount of debt that's been added
get all your faggy pot shots now while you can

Kek needed to take out the "we" huh chinkbot

And people on xanax, zoloft, adderrall or sleep medication*

This. It's fucking hilarious these journos were criticizing how backwards and ineffective China was at containing the virus but when it actually hits Western nations the reality of who was more capable was revealed.

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Right on que with the strawman cry baby bullshit

Lol the fact that you think my literal facebook is fake goes to show how full of shit you pussies really are

itt chink internet defence force

>Itt LARPING commies that simply want a police state and everyone to be a slave to their faggot ass statist wet dream

kys ching chong

>I'll shoot the virus with my m1911 and my mossberg if it ever comes close to me

I already recovered from the virus after coughing for 4 days and drinking peppermint tea. You're a pussy, you're whole family is a pussy, and you should all kill yourselves to end your faggot filled bloodline

>drinks peppermint tea
Whatever you say homo

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Get back into your hole, bitch

they haven't controlled shit. they're just fudging the numbers

H1N1 only killed like 20k people.

Not sure why Ameritards try to shill so hard for coronavirus.

What is your end-game? Get neckbeards on Yas Forums to believe you based on some stupid tweet images? To what end? no one here has the power to do anything other than jerk your dick.


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OMG i know its like none of these Yas Forumstards have visited r/coronavirus

What a badass

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Dont you forget it punk
looks like I was spot on

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Is this for real or what? Are there real people who actually buy the poorly baked chink propaganda?

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This kills the CCP shill.

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really hard to tell if CCP shill or bait

Xi pls

people take the piss in strange ways these days

I honestly can't tell what's real and what's shitposting anymore

Its very simple whats happening if you spend 3 minutes thinking about it and doing your own research.

>China deals with civil unrest for a few years now
>People literally flying American flags in Hong Kong for the world to see, including citizens all through out China
>Anti-CCP movements grow within China's borders
>suddenly theres a big scary outbreak. China is literally allowed to steal people out of homes and put them in camps infront of the world, no one questions it
>Trump promoting nationalism and anti-globalist policies
>CCP buys Western media sources, gets in bed with WHO
>scare the west into grid locking their economies, far left factions in all western countries cheer
>make everyone so fucking poor, their only options are to open up trade with China again so they can spend their government issues checks on cheap Chinese garbage all over again

>Yas Forums
its the redditors at /ptg/ learn the fucking difference. /ptg/ boomers are the most retarded posters .

Its some rusemaster pretending to be chinese

Two can play at this game

>Puerto Rico