Why aren't cats ever portrayed correctly in movies?
Why aren't cats ever portrayed correctly in movies?
That can't be real...
Finally some real proof
>everyone quarantined
>cats having dance parties in the street
wtf is this real
mindfuck omg
How did they get the cat to dance like that in the pic? Any1 no?
>le funny forced meme
Fuck this place is shit nowadays
kino meme fellow 4channers
>reddit enters the thread
Where do I buy a dancing cat??
What the hell, cats can do that?
Is this real?
I have a job in 3d animation, and I suspect it's fake...but fuck, if it is, It's very well done. Im leaning on the side of real DESU, if the cat has a good trainer I think it's possible.
Oh my god guys, don't be stupid. It's a dance made by humans. You can't teach a cat to dance like this.
I don't see what the big deal is, his moves are pretty shit.
Is that cat dougieing?
You really do need to go back.
I was banned for 3 days for posting this. On the board where bane started. These fucking scum sucking brainless retards this site has working for free are non human.
>it's another sequel that loses all the charm of the original
Damn, she gute
Has anyone actually ever honestly ever served out the entirety of their ban? I did a couple of times before I realised that my router has dynamic IPs.
A system of coordinated electrical pulses stimulate the cat to dance like a puppet
t. scientist
It's only been a few weeks into quarantine and already men are desperate enough to tart up their dog
working around a ban is a waste of a perfectly good break from Yas Forums
who hurt you disgusting simps?
what the!!!!!!
come on man ain't nobody buyin it
Big boo hoo , i once got permabanned for posting Naruto
Neck yourself if you cant tell this is fake.
Being a janitor at an animation studio doesn't mean you have a job in animation
stop with the fuckery and tell me if this is real or not
Is that real?
Fucking niggers. I hate every last one of em.
Dogs are such pathetic fucking animals. It's two on one and they're like 5 times its size and still keep nipping and nagging at it. Also why the fuck is that retard filming this?
Based. I dislike cats.
this one is fake
I wanna kick that cat so hard against a wall
I'm crie everytime
I remember when my old cat fell out of a 4th story window and got attacked by a pack of dogs but they were too pussy to fight her properly and they ended up running away.
Animals operate so oddly, like when a bear gets scared by a mouse.
Yeah, but you wouldn't.
that's because a third of dogs are genuinely retarded
subhuman shitskin triggered
try me
I hate this stupid meme
>hurrdurr pretend t be retarded to bait losers
What the fuck is this actually real or troll? Please respond I need to know!
Yeah I served a fucking 30 day ban for posting the letter S in that one sneed raid on the reylo generals a couple years ago. worth it
>It's fucking real
Wtf? How
You guys are sooo lame.
Troll is a mythical creature, you dimwit.
This one is a fake
oh my god guys its real
That is obviously a black dude in a bear suit...
Look, I'm human