Husband always begging for sex

>husband always begging for sex
>wife only gives it as a reward for good behavior
Is this how marriages work?

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It's how marriages don't work

yes, if you're bad at sex and a bad husband


Source: I'm married

actual female here, if my husband is being a good little cuck and paying our bills I'll let him fuck me maybe once a week at the most. He doesn't deserve any more then that desu

Its how white marriages work

My wife is always low key begging for sex. She's never once not wanted sex when I wanted to (except when on her period).

>character's name is Debra
>de bra
>the bra
>is female = wears bras

that's why you've got to ignore them occasionally. don't let them control you with it.


For simps, yes

dysfunctional marriages, yes

In most cases wife is the one begging for sex.

Not when your wife really loves your cock. Which she will if she hasn't ridden the cock carrousel before. Helps to be uncut as well.

>tfw they got it right in Married with children


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Blandest shit. But I guess. Sometimes you never have sex.

>tfw fat and ugly
>wife still loves the D


Damn ahaha. Just imagine how hot it would be to be Pavlov conditioned by your wife ahaha.

not if you're based
yes if you're 90s consumer human with no balls, a laugh track and a wide eyed inquisitve submissive smirk like every sitcom character
no offense to ray rayiemondie

It can turn out that way, and its almost always the man's fault.

So many men fall into the routine of letting their wife and lover become a surrogate mother. And guess how dry a vagina becomes when their man becomes nothing but a sniveling child?

If you want your women to be your wife and not your mom, then make damn well sure you stay her husband and not her kid.

High quality post

This. I've slept with multiple women who were married to men who thought the only thing they needed to do in order to have sex was be married. Married anons in the thread, stay in touch with your spouse's sexual needs and desires

How do you get a girl when you're fuck ugly?

Only retarded boomers wouldn’t.

Money, make her laugh, excite her in other ways, or just get an ugly girl

i take it when i want it

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molesting your 14 year old twink brother doesn't count, user.

>Not showing her face.

Lying Faggot.

Good thread

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Got lucky that I met one that doesn't find me repulsive and is attracted by brains and slight autism.

No money, she's 6/10. But I do make her laugh and excite her in other ways.
I think that women in muttland are much more brainwashed into having high expectations, so they just fuck chad whom they met on tinder, but don't develop a meaningful relationship and end up as lonely roasties.
Women who actually value a relationship more than just Chad's cock are much more ready to lower their expectations. Also when a woman has had few or no sex partners she'll unknowingly fall in love with your cock and see you as more attractive than you are.

I don't get how sex can die in a relationship, just have it. Its not that hard to go though the motions and if you're doing it for their benifit just tell them not to hold back. If your partner is horny and you agreed to be in a relationships were solving that problem is exclusive, why make them suffer?

you already always begging for sex, incel, you should feel right at home

>men don't provide
>women look elsewhere
By that logic every husband that has a dead bedroom should be getting some on the side

That’s only if look at it from a women's point of view. Which is wrong.

>I don't get how sex can die in a relationship, just have it
Depends on the individuals in the marriage but in general, anything good like sex can become mundane if you let it. Do you really want to "go through the motions", never having enjoyable sex, for years?

>Also when a woman has had few or no sex partners she'll unknowingly fall in love with your cock and see you as more attractive than you are.

Is this the lowkey reason incels hate whores because they can't trick them into ignoring their micropeni?

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Fuck, I hate that spelling of Deborah.

Well they don't have any logic, so there's that

>Is this the lowkey reason incels hate whores because they can't trick them into ignoring their micropeni?
no man, incel or not, wants to settle for a whore, and yes it's because males instinctively know that promiscuous women are incapable of pair bonding and are an extremely risky bet as to whether or not the offspring are actually yours.

For every bad bitch, there's a nigga tired of fucking her

muh dick muhfugga

Do you have kids?

maybe raymond was into orgasm denial, perfect marriage for him

Because not only is it a power play on the woman's side, but because even if there was a theortically perfect woman, there'd be someone who's just sick of her shit

Pair bonding is a christcuck meme. It should be male bonding (as in women are bound, not some gay fishing crap)

If you're in a sham marriage.

My wife wants to fuck way more than I do.

>every room in the house is controlled by the women, except maybe the smallest room in the house becomes the “man cave”
I guess the rest of the entire house is the women cave? Are marriages really like this?

>o you really want to "go through the motions", never having enjoyable sex, for years?
i've literally never had unenjoyable sex, and all relationships will eventually end up at that "comfy" point after the heart-racing new partner passion subsides (unless you're a dumb whore who dumps partners after that point), so yes, I would very much love to be in a relationship where I'm "going through the motions" with my loving, trusted exclusive sexual partner for decades.

I like jerking off to big tits. The bigger the better. 2d, 3d, 4d, it doesn’t matter. I like when they bounce, I like when she bends forward and you can see em hang. I like when she sucks on her own, or gets them sucked on by another chick. Bonus points if they are full of milk. The best part though, is the slow tease and reveal of big titties coming out to play. Nothing better than a nice view of cleavage that gets bigger and bigger as she slowly pulls down on her shirt. Sometimes I dream about being a mountain climber, but instead of climbing a mountain, I’m scaling a huge pair of tits and I make camp at the nipple, because of course I can’t climb the whole thing in one day. Sometimes I dream about being Atlas and holding up the biggest breasts in the universe..

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you talk like a blackpilled (i.e. delusional) incel yourself.

Is there a line for that ride? do I have to be black?


Not yet no

when i was growing up my stepmother enjoyed decorating the living rooms, parlor, kitchen, and master bedroom, and had her own writing room, while my father didn't care at all about that kind of shit but he had the basement for his lathe and tools and workstations, and the entire attic as a big rec and entertainment room with billiards and big tv's and all the computers and video game consoles and instruments and stereo equipment and weight bench. neither of these were the smallest rooms in the house, and in fact his stuff took up far more total space than hers.

so the "man cave" thing is real, but it being some cucked broom closet isn't as far as I know.

Alright, christshit

I would never trady my comfy going through the motions sex for sleeping around with thots.

>i've literally never had unenjoyable sex
Like I said it does depend on the individuals involved, I don't know your circumstances but based on that statement I would guess that you haven't had regularly recurring sex with very many different partners. Which would be a good thing admittedly, I'm just pointing out that just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen quite easily, ESPECIALLY if both parties feel trapped by a marriage

I've been in two relationships, both of which were 5+ years long with regular sex at least twice a week through the entire course of them, so I have no idea why you're projecting your own inexperience and ignorant "sex with long term partners is lame everyone should be a slut instead" mindset.

This shit fucked me up. I grew up watching sitcoms on an endless loop and I thought women didn't really like sex until I was 20 years old.

After a few years even the husband doesn't want to have sex with his wife . You just do it once a month to avoid feeling like you're in a sexless marriage, like a failure. Meanwhile the guy wants to fuck the wife's sister and friends and those bitches do come-on to him and would fuck him given the chance. This adds to the frustration.

I think this is true in most marriages but TV likes to show that beta still wants it from his wife who has mommy-ass and a stretched out pussy that you can drive a truck through.

>if both parties feel trapped by a marriage
If you feel trapped by marriage, maybe you married the wrong person and your issues are far deeper than "well sex just isn't as exciting as it used to be anymore, I kind of want to go fuck Chad from work".

How many years have you spent in a marriage?

Sex is going to stop

This only applies if you're a chad who doesn't let sex control or define you.

Maybe that explains why I never wanted to fuck my wife when she was a layabout with no job and still expected me to do all the cooking and chores after work. That or how much weight she gained.

If she's a 7 and above and you're not giving her presents all of the time, she'll start to feel like she's giving sex away for free. If she's only getting room & board she'll spread her legs once or twice a week, but she won't be breaking a sweat. 7+ is getting offers of presents at work and any other place she goes that her man isn't. She adds that up and compares it to what she's currently getting. This often translates into her just laying on the bed while you masturbate using her pussy.

Current GF is 10+ years. One at 6 years. and 7 2+ years. Lost track of how many women between those. Aside from one or two, I didn't want to fuck em anymore after a while. Fucked their friends often.

He's been conditioned by (((them))). Poor guy.

Oh well. I've gotten my fill.