why is she the best thing about Ozark
Why is she the best thing about Ozark
i just want her and marty to have a psuedo (non)incestuous relationship
She was walking weird this season and she cute
cause she's the best actor on the show with the most interesting character
her ass in the skirt whenever she sits is so perfect
i envy this dude so much
webm mmm
I hope she comes back to Marty when Darlene decides to start the war against the Byrdes.
I stopped watching a while back. Does Jason Bateman ever fuck her? Why do they have such great sexual tension?
No. He only fucks his wife 2 times in 3 seasons.
So like real life then
She isn't
You're a simp
Her wife fucked far more times though. I was surprised that she didn't fuck Omar Navarro this season.
Ruth is the best character development in this inevitable powercreep trainwreck of a show.
post pics or webm please
>no qt white trash gf
kys both of ya
wait thats not my picture
Now why would you post this american football player
You now remember the user that claimed he was teaching her math
come out of the closet already
honestly. I love all of her scenes and dynamics with each other character
when you think about it, they’ve been pretty good about not giving explosive power creep like Breaking Bad and House of Cards. the characters are marginally getting stronger, but sometimes half the season is them losing power and having to rebuild. darlene is now only as powerful as in S1 plus alliance with the mob. took her two seasons to climb back
Yeah she's great.
Why'd she stop wearing bikinis/short shorts
That's valid—I guess I'm mostly referring to the "higher stakes" thing. I know that's how a show like this has to go, that it can't just be The Sopranos day-in-the-life-of kinda shit. First they were contending with Del Rio, then Helen, now the leader of the Navarro cartel. With this momentum it'll start feeling absurd within one or two more seasons.
Del was stronger than Helen. I guess the Byrdes will also have Helen's hitman now.
The cast in this show is simply amazing.
>tfw no hannah hays gf
She's a askenazi Jew
Goddamn you are pathetic, no matter what shit I feed you, you still try to use it lol
Been in love with her since she was a curly haired QT in The Americans.
My impression is that Helen is/was stronger because of the personal relation to the Byrdes. Del Rio was absolutely a close lieutenant to Navarro, and could throw his weight around as needed, but Helen struck a chord as the close family friend who would fuck you over in a minute if it was good for business.
I preferred Del Rio's character to late-season 3 Helen, but I preferred season 2 Helen to season 3 Helen.
t. pedo
I guess what I'm saying is that when Helen took center stage it was with a marked shift in the scope of the Byrdes' dealings. She was explicitly associated with the Byrdes graduating from Navarro's launderers into Ozarks' entrepreneurs. It was with Helen that they attained some level of agency, established that they could order hits, create entire business structures, etc.
You had a sense of that with Del Rio, but it was predicated purely on fear. With Helen it felt more ostensibly to be a quid pro quo.
Why does the hilliybillie woman shoot the cartel guy in the last Episode of season 1? Thats Just Not realistic. I dropped the Show theee
Like other anons have said, she is the best role and actor on the show.
I don't understand why she isn't getting more parts in stuff. The Assistant showed that she's an excellent movie actress as well. You guys should check it out if you haven't seen it.
Goddess tier tootsies!
yeah this chick just has that actor charisma
very watchable face. don't even consider her particularly attractive but her scenes are typically pretty enthralling
Best actor on the show. I only find her cute with the curly hair, tho
>she was on Masterchef Junior
is this show any good? every clip or screenshot I see looks undersaturated with no thought in composition, and all the actors really fucking annoying. I've been spoiler by marathoning sopranos and Deadwood back to back again tho
She isn't stuck with that bitch ass Wendy condescending smile.
If she was okay with older men why didn't she go after marty? Is he that much of a cuck?
shes not, wendy and the old lady are way HOTTER
quit using the word 'simp' do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound?!
>Born and raised in New York. Her father, Thomas Garner, is an art teacher, originally from Ohio. Her mother, Tami Gingold, who is originally from Israel, is a therapist who was 'a famous comedian in Israel 30 years ago'.
why didnt he just started to mosh when listening to that great metal blasting
Unironically looked for the bands irl
Good stuff but it's all in spanish
Why did Helen do it bro's the Byrdes always get out of tricky situations that's why Omar likes them
first two seasons are a bit better than meh, but this season was very good
you can't let them know you like the music, I didn't mind it much myself. Metal for 3 days would be much easier than listening to country or rape
marty is the dad that wont rape her that she never had
I forgot how this show was.
I wish it didn't take them 30 years to produce every season.
I’d Zark her O, if ya know wot I mean
the CGI takes time
*sigh* How many years ago were we saying the same thing to kids saying ‘cuck’ or ‘based’? It’s a losing battle, friend
Brainlet here, why did they castrated the stallions?
Also, jonah is /ourguy/ and we should have a slice of life show about him and uncle ben
the stallion was owned by a rival drug lord and castration results in a huge loss of money since it was a stud horse
It was just one horse that belonged to Navarro's cartel rival. They did it to send a message.