Be bong

>be bong
>travel to rural murrica
>paint some slogans on car for bantz
>nearly get fucking murdered
Are mutts the most retarded ((((people)))) on planet earth? Why are they triggered so easily?

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what is with the constant off-topic anti-american threads?

are we being raided?

It's staged you mong

>It's staged you mong

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>Go to Argentina
>Argies decide your number plate is a reference to their ship getting BTFO in the Falkland Islands War
>Nearly murder the crew, the stars and a producer over it
Think the Argie's win here

>b8ing this hard
literally all reality tv is faked. the 'i am jazz' folks also seem to not understand this.

>rural murrica
No one told you to drive to the deliverance part

>believe Top Gear isn't scripted as fuck

Lol I'm neither a burger nor a bong, I actually live in a great country. Just laughing at your retardedness. You think that retarded redneck woman gave her consent to be on TV if it were real?

>implying that poor hick even has money for a lawyer

foreigners see this time as an opportunity to weaken us by keeping our morale low

Honestly as a brit living in drumpfville, yes. I've used the term"drumpf" ironically before and they just couldn't grasp the idea that someone doesn't have strong views on politics and is taking the piss without wanting to get into a full blown argument. At work at least once a week or so they ask to see another doctor, despite them both being carib (where Americans go when they can't get into US schools) and my academics/outcomes are on a completely different level, but no they want to see "an American".

On the other hand the homophobia isn't that severe now though, I'm openly bi and most don't have a problem, and they're a lot friendly than brits if you don't provoke them (but as mentioned early they're all absolute snowflakes)

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>n-no i live in the best country ever
>also i went mention which country it is hehe just believe me, it's good

I'd say they're asking to see someone else because you're just an insufferable dickhead

It's like mutts can't into abstract thinking or nuance. They only seem capable of processing one mundane thought at a time.

stop stuttering you queer

Also adding to this, it really is dependent on where you are. For example in the built up areas of california it's even more left wing than the UK.

It's euro hours and G*rmans are the most obsessed creatures on earth

Sure, the political beliefs differ but they're all retarded just the same.

Not really. There's a limit to how dumb you can be and still work a job which lets you live in a decent area.

What else do you expect from a nation that mutilates their newborn son's penises just because some jew told them it's beneficial for their health.

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That's absolutely based. Obviously the concept of standing up to your beliefs and not letting visitors trample them seems ridiculous to cucked Europeans. They just don't have the balls. God bless the USA

secretly love the man love. dont they all rape each dow there?


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If that were actually the case america wouldn't be a muttified spic nigger shithole.

As much as I don't like Americans, at least they're not Germans.

>what is with the constant off-topic anti-american threads?

They're not anti-American, they're anti-Caucasian - European Descent. The "mutt" talk is 100% designed to keep Caucasian - European Descent peoples distracted with in-fighting and banalities instead of uniting together, and meanwhile all the shitskins keep working together to further their plots against our kind.

Two things
>1. Don't think it's Caucasian - European Descent peoples who created the term or show up daily and push it, along with memes. It is completely an outside effort.
2. Don't be such a stupid, weak-willed little cunt as to fall for some plot for us to not regard our brothers and sisters as family. Nothing is more important than tribe and our enemy knows this for a fact, which is why they will do and say anything to keep us apart.

All the kikes and their little shitskin puppet soldiers can only triumph by subversion and discord among the Caucasian - European Descent tribe. Do not let them win, and do not ever adopt their vernacular as your own.

>also stop saying "white" as it is one of their top tools

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The south is it's own separate 3rd world country

that's what you get when you travel across nigger countries

The south isnt America. In fact they fought an entire war to prove it

Do Yuropoors and the other seething dogs of the world ever get tired of talking about the states?

Or it could just be Yuropeens who see their white american brethren do retarded shit and calling them out on it telling they should stop doing retarded shit.
Did this ever cross your mind? Maybe think for yourself for once instead of appeasing your kike overlords.

>don't fall for their memes
>kike meme
>absolutely no retort

The enemy will never have a retort but to try to meme and talk you back into a gilded cage.

Fuck off, rape toy.

All bongs ought to be murdered, though.

Do mutts ever get tired of doing retarded shit like the good goys they are that fucks up shit for the rest of the globe?

>amerimonkeys are acting like animals
>they do it at all times
>people constantly find examples of their odd behavior in a seemingly civilized country
>post about said examples on four channel dot org for their internet friends to enjoy
>"are we le being raided"
Shut up, fat.

why don't the brits respect the religious beliefs of the americans like they do muslims?

>Or it could just be Yuropeens who see their white american brethren do retarded shit and calling them out on it telling they should stop doing retarded shit.
>Did this ever cross your mind? Maybe think for yourself for once instead of appeasing your kike overlords.

>Caucasian - European Descent peoples really are their number one enemy and pretending otherwise plays right into the hands of the Jew!

Great use of logic, nigger

I'm fairly certain Jeremy Clarkson doesn't respect anyone's religious beliefs to be perfectly honest with you

see Sometimes I wonder if the US isn't one giant fake reality show created to entertain the rest of the world.

Top Gear is a Television Series

ideally people wouldnt be so retarded to take that bait

>go to the deep parts of africa, asia and torn up old USSR countries
>the closest the boys ever came to being killed is in MURICA
really makes you think

the amount of non-american SEETHE ITT is a great start to my day

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>I've used the term"drumpf" ironically before and they just couldn't grasp the idea that someone doesn't have strong views on politics and is taking the piss without wanting to get into a full blown argument.

It probably comes off like you lacking the courage to take a stance and pretending to be an enlightened centrist

based and checked

Britbong here. I don't care how many Europpoor threads Americans make. They are our greatest ally. End of.

see pic

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>Sometimes I wonder if the US isn't one giant fake reality show created to entertain the rest of the world.

Once again, no retort but a general mocking.

Caucasian - European Descent peoples are only 6.5% of the global population. By definition, "People of Color" are 93.5% of the global population.

Anyone who thinks this "Amerimutt" campaign is anything but a collaborative effort by non-Caucasian - European Descent peoples is pathetic, but not as pathetic as anyone who falls for it.

>Lololol it's not a le raid by the 93.5% of the going on 8 billion humans!
Cuck posting by an extreme minority is, but this isn't? Lmao

Why do mutts firmy believe there are only 2 options that are apparently set in stone when it comes to your political beliefs?
It might be possible for a person to agree and disagree with both parties on different points.
Don't be a fucking retard.
Not like it matters in the USA anyways since they're not even a democracy. US is a conglomerate republic. Mutts have no real vote.

Kek got his ass

Mutt is a Yas Forums meme that originated on Yas Forums to make fun of mutts discussing their hite ethnicity.
But keep on LARPin'.

>I'm a literal retard and did you all know there are more than two options to things in life? Did you all know that? I'm very smart and attuned to what's going on in the world.

>implying not staged

>not thinking in black and white, yes and no terms makes you a genius by american standards
Your nation is doomed.


>Mutt is a Yas Forums meme that originated on Yas Forums to make fun of mutts discussing their hite ethnicity.
>But keep on LARPin'.

Nothing you said goes against anything I said, nigger. Why are non-Caucasian - European Descent people so fucking awful at thinking?

You're not fooling anyone Jamal.

"mutt" was literally started by europeans, who overwhelmingly hate america and americans. in case you weren't aware, europeans feel no racial solidarity with americans, or even with each other; which is why their continent is being islamicised and africanised at record pace

>You're not fooling anyone Jamal.

>nigger rips a splattering wet fart in his pants, smells even more like shit than usual
>points to the nearest Caucasian - European Descent person with clean britches, waves hand in front of nose to waft away the stink

You have convinced everyone. Great job.

it's funny because Yas Forums is absolutely obsessed with the uk

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>"mutt" was literally started by europeans, who overwhelmingly hate america and americans. in case you weren't aware, europeans feel no racial solidarity with americans, or even with each other; which is why their continent is being islamicised and africanised at record pace


Describe their physical attributes, please.


it's absolutely not. are britcucks really this delusional?

>same gas station shut down right after for illegally selling cigs
Ok, ok

Post more Top Gear kino

you're right. it's all an elaborate conspiracy by nonwhites pretending to be europeans. europeans actually love americans and would never say a word against them

People who talk like this are always fat and short

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haha relax, i was just taking the piss at your story. no reason to freak out.

checked & based

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But it was americans and their jews who caused all these mudslime shiskins to flood my counry in the first place.
Self-awareness isn't your people's strong suit. Can't blame you though since you've been brainwashed by kikes for generations.

It's the ch*nese.

>my and my country's stupidity is america's fault
broken record. stay obsessed europoor

burgers are snowflake nation. everyone from boomers to zoomers are so easily triggered. it's basic human survival tool and since 99% of burgers alive never had to deal with a real problem that survival tool has to compensate so it sees threats where there are no any. you literally can't trigger someone who has been in a war zone, survived famine, natural catasthrope etc

absolute state of """"banter"""" on this board

>what is arab spring

>People who talk like this are always fat and short

6'3" and cut up, actually. Aside from trash genetics, what is your excuse?

>you're right. it's all an elaborate conspiracy by nonwhites pretending to be europeans. europeans actually love americans and would never say a word against them

Some may be "European," and others may be European, but that doesn't mean it's not a concerted effort by a group of people to ceaselessly push it here.

Why does your brain not work? Do you legitimately not know how to think?