Why was he a democrat president?
Why was he a democrat president?
American politics: Do you want your corrupt, corporatist, rich scumfuck pedo cabal in red, or blue?
Because he was evil.
because he was gey
He liked the black mans ribs and bbq.
Because he thought it would be easier to amass power that way
He was based on Clinton
so they could have a big bad republican stereotype as the villain
Ol’ Bill was this evil and manipulative ?
this never happened the republican character in game was a god fearing, family loving man.
in the show* lol
>thinking all politicians arent equally evil and that party lines matter
No, some politicians are legitimately evil - and they all seem to be democrats.
Of course they are.
I haven't even bothered watching the last season. Season 5 was so bad and yet I've heard that season 6 somehow manages to be way more atrocious. I'm almost curious if I should bother watching it just to experience the awfulness.
-Bad father
-Bad husband
-Supports child murder
-Played by a faggot
Yeah, he's a Democrat.
It was actually an example of 'muh subversion' done right.
Because unlike Republican viewers, Democrat viewers are mature enough to not lose their shit over a fictional portrayal of someone from their party.
It doesn’t matter what party he belongs to, they’re both exactly the same, they just pander to different groups to get elected
because republicans are evil IRL so that would be redundant
>Democrat viewers are mature
The pussy-hat people who were screaming at the sky in rage on election day, or the ones who went around with bats smashing in the windows of stores in Portland? The gibs me dat for free party?
Maturity is not something I associate with Democrats, unless you mean like, the fact that they ran two geriatric candidates against each other.
No he's based on Hillary
He shouldn't have been. The real FU was a conservative. Franky is a bad supervillian caricature made by writers who don't seem to understand how their own country's political system works. The America version is derivative as shit.
bombed a country so people would stop talking about him getting his dick sucked
torys are the traditional democrats in the US like in the 50s
>Democrat viewers are mature enough to not lose their shit over a fictional portrayal of someone from their party.
Remember when they cast someone who looked like Obama as Satan and Dems went apeshit over it?
>gay perv
>hates god
the only way he could be more of a democrat is if he fucked children and drank their blood
Democrats may as well be conservatives and republicans may as well be liberals. Hell conservatives are liberals. They are all just whores for money without any real beliefs or convictions, they simply say what they have to to gain he votes of different demographics and make sure the machine keeps going the way it's going
>it's an "americans say they live in a democracy" episode
They live in a republic.
>it's real
kek. snowflake nation never fails to amaze me
>its a “Yas Forums pops off about their boring, entry level politics while on topic threads die with zero posts” episode
Post more interesting topics then.
go back to your containment thread, the jazz tranny general
I made a Babylon 5 thread but it got archived with zero responses, guess Yas Forums would rather talk about Trump and Star Wars
I’m glad so many here agree with the casting choices of Netflix. Going forward the next black man fucking white woman show/movie will be discussed for the merits of its craft and not the “agenda” of a boogeyman. All comments about Spacey playing a Democrat makes all black and white relationships on Netflix acceptable now.
He sad interesting
because Jewllywood always makes their presidents Dems.
Why did the black dude chimp out when asked to make a bbq one last time?
lel. remember when obama bowed and republicucks went apeshit over it?
>bowing to some 4’11 turbomanlet chink
The reps were right on this
Based weeb
So glad trump bowed to a Saudi
He was a blue dog democrat. For the zoomers it means he was a born poor politician from the south. He had to be a democrat. Either that or be a famous war hero.
Hes based off LbJ who was also a freak show.
more like a curtsy
He bowed so the manlet sandnigger could put on the medal on trumps neck you dumb liberalfaggot cocksucker commie traitor
Good point, it’s what lesser female aristocrats do in front of their superiors
Should have made that manlet stand on a box.
Whoa there Cletus, he bowed to the Saudi king as part of the ceremony and it was a bow. It’s actually a greeting to mean respect in Japan and everyone does it. To bow in middle eastern countries is a sign of subservience and one only bows to a higher rank, and primarily in the royal family. Sorry Clet. Bush did it too, so don’t feel bad - all Republicans bow to the Saudi king. See how Bush bows here, see the necklace...
This is all politics for every country in the world. Name one country that doesn't have a corrupt, bankrupt, fucked up government and politicians.
Because he was corrupt and fucked kids.
Republicans are old cunts who want to make money and have private homosexual encounters at elite golf clubs and refer to their black friends as 'colored'.
Democrats want to take people's rights, kill whites, make crime legal for blacks, and turn the country into a one party Marxist state ruled by Jews.
The motivations and scope of corruption tends to matter a bit.
Because the President from season 1 who Frank had supported had defeated Tommy "CIA" Carcetti in the Denocratic Primaries
Because Francis Urquhart was a torie. Simple as.
bluepilled desu
calm down retard
>Democrats want to take people's rights, kill whites, make crime legal for blacks, and turn the country into a one party Marxist state ruled by Jews.
Nice opinion, you should tell that to a phycologist.
no, democrats are good people so he can't be a democrat
They're Clintons.
Why are so many people arguing the muh both parties are the same narrative the democrats are literally all fucking retarded at least republicans actually like America
He’s literally correct though you fucking Reddit cuckold
>-Bad father
The only movies or TV shows that follow Republicans are made to make them look totally evil and unlikable. If said show or movie is trying to make them sympathetic, positive, or easy to root for, they'll literally always be Democrats.
from that country, can confirm
hating the clintons is like a national pastime here
I only watched like two seasons but Frank isn't the villain?
They were Southern Democrats like the Clintons because they were analogues for Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.