I literally do not even care whatever else comes out this year

I'm putting all sense of purpose, my dreams and hopes for the future into DUNE (2020).

Nothing else matters. If there's one film that will make or break this generation, and in fact represents the culmination of mankind's ingenuity and the human experience, it's going to be this one.

Attached: DUNC.jpg (1152x955, 264.76K)

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Paul was a pathetic cuck.

he was too weak for the Golden Path

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>that woman in OP's pic
I'm getting Rey vibes and that's a bad thing.


I'm sure it will be great but his, even without the corona this had a rough expectation on the box office. Now with the whole virus and studios moving all their films to winter this is even more doomed. You know they're worried about the financials when a teaser to build mega hype was supposed to come this March and they didn't released nothing.

just so i get this straight, Paul didn't go there, because even with being what he was, saw the futility in trying to change the path.

Leto lived forever to go there and fulfill his foreseen destiny right up until he figured: "nah, imma die and fuck off, things will work out anyway"

How the fuck is Paul the brainlet in this one ?

>told some thot to get lost since he wanted to be with his desert warrior gf
>figured out his powers and how they work on his own
>told some old ladies that they can't have his seed
>decided to leave everything to his superpowered children

Leto II secured the survival of humanity during his 3500 year reign

Zoomers will seethe about Shani being a poor man's Rey, mark my words

From what i can see its going to suck ass. They are going to try and 1:1 copy the first half of the book with alot of ((((actors)))) that are really just famous people. Instead of making liet kynes the central character of the first movie, literally you can fit all the important atreides plot into 15 minutes then, give us world build with liet and end it with his death that way the story as some semblance of a end and isn't just a cliffhanger.

So you get this straight never talk shit about God Emperor Leto II. He made sure humanity could never again be controlled by a singular entity or destroyed by a singular catastrophe.

He saved us from the thinking machines and you better be on your face begging his forgiveness

Me too, man.

How do you know Liet Kynes won't be heavily featured ?

Dune sucks, soap opera trash. Read Greg Egan instead.

>just so i get this straight, Paul didn't go there, because even with being what he was, saw the futility in trying to change the path
Paul tried for ten years between the Jihad and Messiah to change the Golden Path and for another eighteen years after going into the desert. Ultimately he decided it would be better for humanity to die than force a single individual into becoming The Tyrant. Paul's morality ultimately fucked him.
>Leto lived forever to go there and fulfill his foreseen destiny right up until he figured: "nah, imma die and fuck off, things will work out anyway"
Leto II always knew he was eventually going to be "killed" and spawn the Nu-Worm Hybrid race that each would have a copy of his consciousness trapped inside an endless dream reliving of his past lives. Part of the sacrifice neccessary in becoming The Tyrant God Emperor was this half-life. Leto II didn't really completely die until the synthetic Spice made thousands of years later allowed humanity to genocide the Worms into extinction (which the various tech-cartels did because they didn't want a competitive spice/synth-spice market.) Leto understood saving humanity was condemning himself to 2000 - 5000 years of being a moral monster and another 5000 - 10000 years of being an animal.
They were both tragic fugures.

Liet and tuek aren't mentioned on imdb. So i think its a pretty safe assumption.

Liet is already confirmed to be gender-swapped


low IQ post is a low IQ post

>t. Moneo

name one (1ONE1) Egan book that is 10/10

You havent read the book. You could fill 3 movies easy and still miss. Stuff. Sci fi did a mini series and still missed stuff. Plans within plans
Dont even start with jessica or the fremen

They are going to go nuts

Thinking machines? You are an idiot. Leto bred humans that were immune to prescience.. it had fuckall to do with robots.

This will never stop pissing me off

The description given to the women version of kynes doesn't match with the actress sounds like a load of shit to me.



>the only thing that matters is soulless digital looking big budget Hollywood crap starring the newest talentless actor, who only got into the industry because of blatant nepotism
No thanks. It will be fine, massively overrated because people don't watch enough films and are generally stupid. It won't even be the best film of the year. Not even top 10.


permutation city

Its a rumor but actually fixes one of herberts holes in logic. Why would liet a fremen have blonde hair and look nordic as a fremen...

Liet being a black native female who gets bleached creating chani makes more sense

i read all of frank... the real books... more than once. It ain't robots. Not even alluded to be robots. LEto and the golden path was about freeing humanity from oracles.

Lol. You didn't read god emperor obvoiusly. Its in there. The end of humanity without letos golden path was a thinking machins apocalyse

Retards who didn't read the books defending nigger Kynes, of course
His father was an imperial planetologist from off world
In fact, the fremen descend from a group of religious refugees bumped from world to world for millennia , who's to say they would all be ethnic Arabs?

that ass looks fantastic, thats all i know

god emperor is my favorite book. The thinking machines are constructs from the past. The "end of humanity" was about the dangers of prescience and oracle vision. Had nothing to do with robots, and the whole point of his breeding program was making humans that were invisable to ancesteral vision.

Long story short, you got the books wrong you ignorant prick.

>Be fremen
>Live on planet with very weak atmosphere around a white star
>Avoid daylight only travel at night in suit covering your entire body
>Needs to be black
This is the power of mutt law. Having dark skin provides no evolutionary advantage on arrakis. So no it's not a plothole.

Sionna is given a vision of humanity future without the golden path. She talks about humans running from machines. They couldnt hide from the machines.
Where were the refugees originally from. Derp. Same with kynes family

they also wear hoods and cloaks over their stillsuits


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the old couple marty and ... whoever... they were NOT robots. They were advanced facedancers that evolved way out in the scattering. Leto was not worried about robots at all and commissioned thinking machines of his own that defied the jihad.

Not so sure user
I've not got the books to hand but in God Emperor and/or subsequent FRANK Herbert Dune books, there are obscure references to the return of killing machines if Leto's Golden Path isn't followed. You have to join the dots a bit because IIRC there are also references to development of mechanical replacement for Guild Navigators after the spice shortage. In other words, these would be prescient thinking machines. You are right that Leto wanted to create humans immune to prescience to prevent the race from getting locked into an inescapable deterministic pattern (which is what happened to Paul on a small scale and essentially was what the Golden Path was). But there were definitely some possible references to return of killing machines too.

leto himself did not worry about thinking machines. That is all add on shit from after frank died.

>be dark in darkness so you cant be easily seen
there. you happy now?

I did just say FRANK Herbert user, I am not basing this on shitty Kevin books.
Stuff about visions of people hiding in caves while hearing a mechanical chattering sound, some other stuff too, also see
re Sionna

How dense can you be they are wearing cloths!

nah. your read is WRONG

Dude.... its literally in god emperor. Google the quote. It leaves no question. Its why leto created the scattering when he did. The machines were growing exponentially but hunanity had a head start. Humanity needed to evolve to the point of true free will where the machines could not predict humanities every move. The way leto did that was create people who were extremely knowledgable via past memories and powerful with cullings. Also see miles teg going nuts.

Humanity ran out of time and had to deal with machines before the machines exponential growth made it impossible

Its free will and independent thought versus group think and calculation

>Later in the same novel, Leto tests Siona Atreides, who experiences a vision of the future Leto is trying to prevent with his Golden Path. She witnesses mankind's extinction at the hands of "seeking machines":[5]
>He knew this experience, but could not change the smallest part of it. No ancestral presences would remain in her consciousness, but she would carry with her forever afterward the clear sights and sounds and smells. The seeking machines would be there, the smell of blood and entrails, the cowering humans in their burrows aware only that they could not escape . . . while all the time the mechanical movement approached, nearer and nearer and nearer ...louder...louder! Everywhere she searched, it would be the same. No escape anywhere

nah, you are wrong. Reread all of it you simp. Leto wanted to protect humanity from a being like himself, but seeking an end of humanity. Humans in becoming steersmen, mentants and such had become inhuman.

Frank was not interested in robots at all. That is why there are very few of them in the books... they are in fact fucking prohibited because they get in the way of the story he is telling.


I still haven't seen Blade Runner 2049, I've got to be in the mood for it and in the current climate, something lighter seems the order of the day but this will be epic.

yeah, he mind fucked her to set up the scattering... it is like you do not actually read.

user is right. dune is not about robots.

Lol oops

Thats the best thing about dune. Everyone loves to talk about it. Few actually have read it.

Great bullshit artists filter

Is that really Zendaya? Looks surprisingly good in skintight clothes

for sure... if you think it is about robots, it goes to show you understood nothing

Sorry buddy you have been BTFO
Maybe Kevin J Anderson is more your speed

you are the one talking brian herbert robot nonsense.

Frank created the books and set the scene. I aint about robots at all.

daniel and marty are facedancers... not robots. Leto bred for invisability to prescience, not robot fighting skills. You may have read dune,but you failed to get it.

Midwit opinion desu
Frank thought BIG
in a sense the entire Dune series is just an interlude between man/machine struggles.
You can just about discern the gigantic scope of his unfinished work by reading the post-God Emperor books. Machines were always the "final boss" of the Dune universe. You can elicit this theme from his non-Dune books, which have a similar attitude toward replacing human prerogatives with artificial intelligence.