You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this

Attached: films quiz.png (584x507, 46.84K)

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For me, it is Egg Egg Horse Medal

1. The Chair Peach Vomit Pee

Are these supposed to be the titles or the plots of the films?

I can only translate #2

Apocalypse Now

This glimpse into the normie brain is disgusting

let me guess, shitty meme movie pulp fiction is one of them

First one is Jurassic Park

I'm not getting it even with the asnwer.

>Jurassic Park
> Chair-ass-sick P
i guess???

8. 2001 a space odyssey

i think the P is a parking sign you see at car parks

Number 4 is Exorcist

(The) EGGS (h)orse 1st

Bros is
Sun Sun Ayy Lmao playing ball >fucking leaf paint
Any good

a puck ear lips snow

>peach rather than ass
Who comes up with this nonsense?

theres no ass emoji

I think 3 may be The Night Watchmen?

>some emojis they translate phonetically
>others by what they represent
Normalfags are truly braindead.

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How is + eye wave Odyssey?
The fist park kind of made sense

I don't know why but I think third one is Goldfinger

8. 2001 Odissey in space

What the FUCK is no.11 bros

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Add eye sea

dumbest shit ever



its a joke, there are no solutions to these
there is abolutely no classic movie that ever mentioned any sports, and there are balls in multiple of these

1. simpsons
2. mario and luigi
7. family guy
8. light year and woodiy
10. fllintstones
11. deadpool
13. southapark
15. furturerama
17. micky and mini mouse? lol idk
19. star wars
20. star trek

fucking normies not even once

5. Sunset Boulevard
Based retardbro

3 Batman
4 TinTin
5 Dexter's Lab
6 Wallace & Gromit

>Tooth house hand hand one
That implies that thsi idiot pronounces it "Two-Thousand AND One" And not "Two-Thousand One" and that invalidates this whole list.

8. Tom and Jerry
14. Pinky and the Brain
18. Bugs Bunny

8 Tom & Jerry ?
12 Minions
14 Pinky and The Brain ?
16 Dangermouse
18 Buggs Bunny ?

5. Is Dexters lab, 14 looks like Pinky and the Brain


Mario and luigi
dexters laboratory
Wallace and gromit
family guy
toy story
south park
pinky and the brain
mickey mouse
bugs bunny
star wars
star trek

10 is blue velvet ?

I thought it was maybe clockwork orange but they didn't have an orange so they used a peach


>chair pear vomit parking
Puking because you saw a pear on a chair on a parking spot.
>A hockey/puck ear/listen lips/speak snowflake
Screaming "A" while playing ice hockey and listening to someone speak while it's cold.
>goal thinking germany
Germans thinking how to optimize their goals.
>eggs eggs horse medal/winner/n°1
Horse that got fed eggs won a race.
>sun sun ayylmao basketball LEAF palette
Ayylmaos from a solar system with two suns came to Canada to play basketball are being painted.
>ribbon can sunrise/sunset/landscape
Making an advertisement.
>law/scales bug/ant bug/ant sofa-lamp/comfy bone beer
Two ants weigh more than a sofa, a lamp, a bone and a beer.
>tooth house hand/stop hand/stop one snake BL*CKED cross/plus eye/see wave
Tooth house gives two handjobs to one snake that watches interracial pornography and has seen the waves.
>city/buildings woman/yoga bamboo
City where women get beaten up with bamboo sticks for doing yoga.
>grandma plant ear/listen you've got mail sad demon fire angry demon fire
Grandma hears from plants that she got mail from wagie demon sent by his angry boss from hell.

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I think you're right

1: Jurassic park
2: apocalypse now
3: goldfinger
4: the exorcist
5: sunset Boulevard
6: Notting Hill
7: Lawrence of Arabia
8: 2001 a space odyssey
9: citizen Kane
10: the grand Budapest hotel

lmao based

De trout spinners

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>I don't like this game because the rules aren't explained to me adequately
Spoken like the king of the brainlets.

1. Sick Ass Chair Piss
2. A Puckered Lip Snow
3. Goal? Think Germany
4. Egg Egg Horsey Medal
5. Solar Alien Basketball Leafcuck Paint
6. Bowtie Canned Sunset
7. Justice Bugs and the Couch of Beer
8. Tooth House 3: Snake Coalburners See Waves
9. 9/11 Meditation Branches.
10. The Man who Plants Schizophrenic Audial Hallucinations from Hell in my ears.

All kino btw

no one pronounces it "Two-Thousand One" though

>1. Chair Peach Sick P
>2. A Hockey Ear Lips Snow
>3. Goal Hmmm Germany
>4. Egg Egg Horse Medal/1st
>5. Sun Sun Alien Ball/Basetball Leaf Paint
>6. Ribbon Can Sunrise
>7. Scale Ant Ant Sofa/Chair Bone Beer
Tooth House Hand Hand One Snake Spade
>8. Plus Eye Wave
>9. City/Building Yoga Plant
>10. Gandma Plant Ear Letterbox Angry? Fire Devil Fire

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this is some karl pilkington tier bollocks

you win the internets

What, how does the normie brain work? I legitimately don't understand, how do they come up with this shit and how have you manage to decode their niggerbabble.
It's like reading ancient egyptian hieroglyphs, but written by animals, fucking hell.

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Based 3-digit iq poster.

It's not babble you absolute moron. Please read the following sentence out loud till you understand:
I am sofa king we Todd Ed
See? All of those symbols can be feasibly translated to words (provided you're passably familiar with what is clearly British English) that you can roughly slur together onto a phrase that sounds like what you're trying to say. It's literally a basic drinking game, except normally it's done with words and not emojis.

Chair-ass-sick Parking
A-puck-ear-lips Snow
Suns-E.T. ball-leaf-art
Knot-tin hill
Law-ants sofa bone-beer
Tooth-house-hands-one snake spade plus-eye-sea
City-zen cane
Grandma-bud-ear-post hot-hell

1. Chair ass sick park - Jurassic Park
2. A puck lobe lips ??? - Apocalypse Now
3. Goal finger - Goldfinger
4. Eggs horse 1st - The exorcist
5. Suns E.T. ball ivy? art - Sunset Boulevard
6. Knot tin hill - Notting Hill
7. Law ants ?? ?? beer - Lawrence of Arabia
8. Tooth house hands one sssss (ace of spades) add eye sea. 2001: Space Odyssey
9.City zen cane - Citizen Kane
10. Gran bud ear ??? hot-hell - Grand Budapest Hotel

I get the A Puck ____ Lips Snow, but what's the ear doing in the middle?

>peach rather than ass

>he doesn't know

you just looked up the tweet didn't you?

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based and redpilled unironically /ourguy/

>I am sofa king we Todd Ed
A based D part mint eye D like 2 file A K lame

>lawrence of arabia
Law + Ants + Sofa ok
Bone + Beer ..what