>15min in
Wow this is some terrible acting by everyone
15min in
Nah, it's fine
But does she show her feet?
She's in her panties and bras in a few scenes.
and she looks good
Get ready, Nigger-Man fans
This. OP is a nigger.
OP here,
This asian is a real QT, annoying, but a QT
>broken nose
>just aesthetic cut across ridge
>no ugly red swelling
>no crooked angle
I broke my nose and had the same thing, no angle, just a small bump for the rest of my life.
>2 escape pods are working
>3 people need to use them
Why couldn't one of them share with someone? I get it would be cramped but it looked pretty capable of taking 2.
Cause women are dumb. And fat.
including you, op. including you
What was the director thinking with the haircut, bloody hell
test Cthulhu
>45 minutes into movie
>there's only been two deaths, both super underwhelming
>check imdb and realize the film is pg13
>close movie, delete from hard drive
Isn't this guy in this film?
So the Captain knew about the monster way before? look in his locker he has a drawing of it
Yeah this was really under developed. We could have had a Quint monologue... but no. They went for action instead
And what was the deal with the captain confusing his daughter for being 14, then when they make it to the second control center Kstew finds an older picture of the daughter when she was 14.
It looks like they drilled right into a hive or something?
Why the fuck wouldn't they bring this up more in the film?
>And what was the deal with the captain confusing his daughter for being 14
His daughter is dead, and has been dead for like 15 years
It's a Chutulu reference.
Terrible movie, to dark, even the money shot in the end was barely watchable, in a literal way.
you're missing the part where a drawing of the monsters face is right there and linked to the drill site....
Where and when?
Is that a...TENTACLE?
yep that's the lovecraft sketch
pic related is the monster reveal in a 60m usd
And the cast consisted of only 6, not very high paid, actors.
TJ Miller was a poor comedic relief in this film and his inclusion trended the film towards action more than horror
he looks like me taking my morning shit
PG-13 horror movie says a lot about the retards behind it.
It's not a bad movie, but the lack of budget slips through the cracks. Kinda missed underwater movies, neat idea to put in some Cthulhu referrences.
The script is ok but the combination of quick cuts, shaky cam and poor lighting, even in the moments when the story is in a slow point made it unbearable for me.
terrible dialogues and cringe worthy comic relief
alien monster can't rip of diving helmet with all its might but she-gook breaks the vizor with a few love taps
Dude, when that basketball-american imploded, it was awesome.
>Charlies Angel Reboot
>Biopic of an old actress
>Trash Lovecraft adaptation
>all three flop
Yeah, her career finally is over. Would love to see her do some real porn though
yes, there's a few shots early on and at the end.
he is one of two people who get wiped out in 10 seconds at the very start of the rig failing. you can't even really tell it's him, just two dudes running down a hallway filling with water. they fail to make it and the water engulfs them. really sad he had such a minor role.
How did she get into his locker?
Never has the codes, has to break into everything, has no trouble with the highest security object in the facility.
i like that it was left mostly unexplained. lucien clearly had some knowledge of the creatures either from a past encounter or people going missing during his stay at the other station. his few looks he gives tell the audience all they need to know.
it was really awful which is a pity because the general idea was interesting enough. what pissed me off the most was camera work and editiong, camera constantly jumping from one awkward closeup of actors face to the other, no establishing shots and holy shit were those exposion shots ever so annoying, you know the onese where everything slows down with BWOOM sound and then rapidly speeds up, whoah dude if it was 2000 i'd be really impressed fuck off. TJ miller was a cartoon and the asian chick was just awful and had zero chemistry with smith, her supposed lover.
and like the poster above said, she just strolls into a foregin drilling station, taps some keys on the omputer and single handedly causes a nuclear meltdown with no security codes, not even a mention of her somehow obtaining access to this procedure. this movie is like cinemasin' dream come true except thyre significant enough that they ruin the whole experience. shame
kristen stewart has a black boyfriend in it.
because of course she has. second time this year.
>She's in her panties and bras in a few scenes.
>and she looks good
No, and I'm not even being edgy. She went full dyke. There's something terribly unsexy about her
So, we are to believe the station had it's own nuclear reactor?
2x4 never does up her jacket..., even when crawling underwater on her belly.
It's embarrassing, the movie was pozzed you could tell in the first minute when she says she's a mechanical engineer (hurray) and her pal is a hapless nigger who later get crushedl like a bug. She's fearless, strong and assertive. There isn't a scene in the movie where you actually wonder how she's gonna escape. She played the movie in ultra easy mode.
saw it at release so many remembering wrong but wasn't it geothermal power?
They need to reuse the suits, drilling station and Cthulu to make a starcraft movie
Or just a generic space movie
i swear you people are no better than twitter trannies nitpicking shit like this. she's relatively safe throughout the movie because she doesnt really put herself in danger. when they get a distress call it's two guys who go out to see whats up. she crawls fist through the narrow passage because she's the smallest and only the last person gets eaten by the monsters. then her captain saves her life by sacrificing himself for her. i cold see some tumblarinas making an arument that she's basically uselss and reliant on stronger and better men until then end.
TJ miller demise was kinda stupid, why was he dragging a cable, had a stash of Moon Pies?
didn't you pay attention, the cable was the guide to get through the flooded tunnel section. they made a point to show it being setup.
They didn't make the captain a useless faggot as they usually do in fully pozzed movies. Still the female hero is ridiculously badass for no reason. She's an engineer not a combat trooper. Also the way the captain died made sense. i have no idea why he was falling and what was keeping her from falling. Rididculous death.
"Ok let me connect you with my line",
Then proceed to pull -3 1/2- people through, that's laying a lot of cable.
where's the webm
At least they made the black guy die first, I missed that trope like you wouldn't believe
is this movie dare I say... lovecraftian?
That is one crappy movie
Apart from the utterly retarded choice of having a comic relief character in a lovecraftian movie, I quite enjoyed it, especially the beginning where they have to navigate the collapsing station
The funniest part is he went to buy cigs and disappeared
>The funniest part is he went to buy cigs and disappeared
yeah I couldn't believe that story, I was waiting for the punchline. Nah he's just a nigger dad who vanished like that. How are they implying that this bitch would care about this nigger, she would hate him.