>advanced alien race travels to earth from another solar system, something humans probably won't accomplish for centuries
>aliens are naked and appear to have the intelligence and behavior of a bear scavenging a person's home for food
>die to a water so they surrender and leave
were people dumber in 2002?
Advanced alien race travels to earth from another solar system, something humans probably won't accomplish for centuries
there were never any aliens OP you missed the the point of the movie
They were demons, not aliens
they're not fucking demons
>humans so advanced in 2020
>humans never ever make mistakes or do stupid shit everyday
Whats with this constant dumb trope that aliens have to be perfect god like beings?
The theory does have a lot of credence to it
Clothing is illogical
No not demons there was never any monsters at all
>Cloven feet
>Have markings around their head reminiscent of a Crown of Thorns
>Bo, the little girl, was literally an Angel
>The water burned them not because they were allergic to water (which is contradicted in the film anyway, they have no problem with rain), but because she blessed it
They were 100% intended to be demons, them being aliens was a massive red herring.
actual aliens are in essence most likely demons though
The movie is only salvagable if they are demons, due to the things OP points out.
>were people dumber in 2002?
No. Even when this came out everyone knew the plot was bullshit and Shamybamy was a hack.
This, I remember thinking this movie was retarded when I was in highschool
>best UFO Alien evidence ever filmed
>still not debunked
>nobody talks about it
they're demon aliens you fucking retards
As a model making autistic I can tell you without a doubt those ships are model kits poorly filmed. The way the light is hitting them is a much smaller object than the video implies. The huge amount of camera movement implies it's heavy zoomed in as well.
Sorry friend but that's not aliens, it's some idiots model kit collection.
The video never got debunked, a lot of researchers studied it and couldn't explain it.
I just did debunk it. It's amateur as fuck.
You're amateur as fuck.
No you didn't, the neat scientists couldn't debunk it. It's bullshit what you say. I believe it's real.
Why is clothing a sign of intelligence?
Cool. can't wait
>were people dumber in 2002?
the movie was panned constantly for all the reasons you just listed from day one.
Apologies niggers.
Well when you are at risk of dying from exposure to water you would think an intelligent species capable of space flight would be able to deduce that it might be a good idea to wear protective gear when going to a planet covered by water with an atmosphere full of water vapor. You know like a space suit.
>>humans never ever make mistakes or do stupid shit everyday
Humans don't make mistakes like forgetting to put on clothes after the travel space to land on a largely inhospitable planet.
>best UFO footage
Not even close to being the best fake footage, you can tell it's a model shot against a black backdrop. They didn't even bother moving the model, just zoomed way in and shook the camera a bit.
The footage captured by Navy pilots is far more convincing, aircraft targeting pods are pretty good at what they do.
Made sense to me. Sort of like how some indigenous tribes avoid complications in their life like advanced technology, but are light years ahead of us in terms of gender identity.
It's a different one faggot, it's not the same video and same people, that one was from a Police officer.
>bo is an angel
The fuck did i miss??
user, i...
but shambalambadingdong said they were demons
Think again.
The theory about them being demons isn't even a theory at this point. The film makes no sense and most dialogue is unnecessary if the threat really is alien.
>pentagram on their flesh
>"theyre aliens guys i promise but also theyre retarded lol"
99% of all alien footage is fake, but not for the reasons you imagine. The media has tried to paint a bad picture of aliens from the get go, it's all part of an elaborate plan.
You'll see what I mean in a few years.
based and valleepilled
okay here me out, i can get behind the idea of them being demons, but what was with the whole UFO part of the movie?
M Night himself said this movie was about faith. I'm really tired nof the morons on this site whining about obvious subtext just because they hated high school English class. Grow up. Just because you didn't see it or you wish it wasn't there doesn't mean it isn't real. Fucking discuss the movie as it is.
Aliens are good? Or bad? Explain
Can we just appreciate the atmosphere of the horror and suspence? I can't recall a movie which conveys the tension as good as The Signs do.
>gender identity
Shut the fuck up. Penis male. Cunt female.
>replying to obvious bait
Yeah except for protection from the weather, and direct damage from predators and the elements. Fucking retard.
it's not even bait. it's just a joke
Holy water kills them. Hello? brain department?
They're benevolent
Did you miss the part of the movie where they said the aliens don't attack people that live near the water? I'll agree the movie has a religious overtone for sure but everyone in this thread is looking way too deep into this movie to create a narrative as they see fit.
this is actually true, not memeing
You're life is are joke.
>tfw no alium waifu
why even pretend to live?
They were demons
Tic tac ships are the best ones yet, i agree.
Especially since the guy who actually filmed it has been interviewed multiple times, and he’s earnest
Don't remember where I was, I realized life was a game
the more seriously I took things, the harder the rules became