>I don't want tuggo
What did he mean by this?
/who/: I don't want tuggo edition
i didn't even mind tuggo, i just hated a huge part of s4 being him gazing sadly into the distance whining about his death
Did he do it that much in Series 4? I remember it being a major part of the Specials but don't remember it being in Series 4 much aside from Planet of the Ood.
I recall he was more somber but it didn't seem to be overwhelming part of the character when I watched it at the time. Then again I've not binge watched it. Maybe all at once it feels like he is a moping mess.
i meant the specials but from stolen earth and onward he's just full on emo mode and it gets a bit overbearing
This is neat. I respect Tennant for saving us from the crying take.
for /who/
Confidential was great for seeing this kind of thing. A shame that it was cancelled before Capaldi's seasons.
also for /who/
>No true musical episode of Who ever
This is the closest we'll get and it's a Greek chorus
Doctor Who and the Pirates doesn't count.
i love peter so much bros
The closest thing in the revival is probably the Proms short which is still barely anything past some instruments randomly playing:
it would be cringe, especially if the actors can't really sing or dance.
>Doctor Who
The deuce you say?!
Anyone can sing, especially if they're in show business. Dancing can be fixed in editing. It worked for Buffy.
Doctor Who is dead.
then show me its body
Don't know if it's breaking the rules of /who/ but I'm watching torchwood for the first time due to quarantine. Just watched reset. What the fuck why?
Children of Earth makes it all worth it. I started liking Torchwood around midway through the first season but I cannot for the life of me remember the plots of maybe three episodes in seasons 1 and 2.
I'm enjoying it already, there are a few questionable moments here and there. I just meant they killed off my favourite character.
Moffat hated fun.
>confidential (which was a 45 min) basically another show
>online aniamtions like dreamland
I think it's more to do with the populariyt of the show at the time. There was a time when the BBC was willing to indulge the show.
Rewatching Series 9. What's the deal with the snake guy Davros has? Seems like something that would be in Harry Potter, not Doctor Who.
What was the deal with him going around a bunch of random places asking where the Doctor is? Does he not realise the Doctor is a time traveller and could be anywhere and anywhen at any given moment? What if he found the Sixth Doctor while arsing about?
He had to do what Grandpa Davros wanted. He was probably just having his own fun time travelling and after going to so many places coincidentally found the right places and figured he had to stop.
well that's a pretty horrific corpse
Yeah, part of the decline in Doctor Who's popularity had to do with the lack of desire to continue or start any decent spin-offs. Torchwood gets a lot of hate but it had highs that match the best of Doctor Who and SJA was very consistent as a show If Elizabeth Sladen didn't die a tragically early death, I'm sure it would have kept on running for at least two or three more seasons.
>muh Clala
FUCK Capaldi
what's wrong with clala?
I like playing with my hard penis while looking at pictures of her
Feels like a self insert in a fanfic. Especially with her ending where she wipes The Doctor's memories and travels in a quirky Tardis of her own. She also didn't get really get as much flak as Rose did for essentially becoming the most important person to The Doctor.
>t. seething Rassilon
if the actress wasn't human perfection, you wouldn't like her character
I legitimately have that problem, I keep hearing about people not liking clara and I can't help but like her, and I think it may really be just because of how cute she is
I only want lalla
thats like saying "if the movie wasn't so fun, you would not like it"
Fucking this.
Also the fact that Moffat could never decide on a single consistent character for her. He introduces her as a nanny/babysitter with the most generic confident girl personality. Then in the 50th anniversary she becomes an English teacher out of the blue and it's never mentioned how that happened. Then in S8 she has this awkward as fuck conflict about a double life, because for some reason she wants to be a teacher with a relationship and also travel the universe part time. Then in S9 she suddenly has these suicidal tendencies to be like the Doctor out of nowhere.
She goes from The Impossible Girl to a teacher with a double life to a Doctor-lite all depending on what Moffat needs her to be.
Taking care of children to Teaching children is not as much of a jump as you think it is, especially for a person seen to comment on the literature those children were reading. Her not so subtle addiction to adventuring is established in Orient Express and then expanded upon in series 9 with her becoming a surrogate doctor most of the time, out of her general desire to be just like him (flatline).
She finally goes too far in Raven and faces the consequences but the doctor isn't willing to accept and therefore cheats her death to save her, at the cost of both of them losing each other. Meanwhile Clara gets precisely what she wants, she's functionally immortal and travelling around the universe with a companion. She became the Doctor
The 'human factor' Dalek's are amazing. I want one. Do they ever show up again, or were they totally wiped out in that same episode? I kind of want to build a war-gaming army of misled human-factor Dalek's led by the Valeyard.
one thing moffat does very clumsily is introduce the passage of time and having non-mentioned time skips between episodes. with RTD, every season = 1 year, but moffat doesn't follow that rule. the Ponds travel with 11 for over a decade, but in RTD years they were with him for about two and a half years. same with clara, she's travelled with the doctor definitely for longer than two years, and moffat likes to have one episode happen at a specific time but then the next episode can happen maybe one week later, or all the way up to one year later. moffat is just not too good when it comes to passage of time.
I want to fuck Michelle Gomez
i want to fuck all three people in that gif to be honest
>the Ponds travel with 11 for over a decade
They did? Where is it mentioned out of curiosity? No wonder it was so especially hard to lose them, even beyond the bond he had with Amy.
in power of three
I assume you mean the army of human Daleks from Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks?
They don't show up again, no. They all died in that episode.
>tfw you realize the "you'll still be gone" part in heaven sent is because 12 realizes he won't be the one to break the wall and he'll have to suicide without ever knowing if one of his future successors will succeed in saving her
I actually mean The Evil of the Daleks, where Two is captured alongside Jamie, and forced to try and 'distil' what makes humans victorious over them every time the Dalek's try to conquer humanity - and he succeeds in making Dalek's able to play, form friendships, and question orders and morality. It was heartwarming. The three 'test' Daleks he creates take him for a ride and spin until 'Dalek is dizzy' because they are still children. Later, Two tricks enough Dalek's to undergo this change that they rebel/have a civil war with the normal Daleks and their base of Skarro is destroyed in the battle.
If they had somehow survived, even a few, and remembered the Doctor being basically their father then they would be a nice subversion to the way nuWho treats all Dalek's as totally unchanging killing machines. Narrative wise this is very early in their evolution, long before we meet Davros, so they clearly grow into ever more perfect monsters, but these guys were genuinely heartwarming little mutants.
Is the guy who was going to watch Remembrance of the Daleks last night here? Did it exceed your expectations?
>Taking care of children to Teaching children is not as much of a jump as you think it is
Except as someone who's done a PGCE, it absolutely is. You can become a teaching ASSISTANT fairly easily, but you can't wake up one morning and decide it's time to go into education. That shit requires commitment.
Leela is hot, you can't change my mind.
She would probably be the biggest sex kitten out of all companions
My sweet summer child
I spent all night masturbating to Japanese porn instead.
I'm unironically not joking. I can give you hot takes on both revelation of the daleks and eimi fukada for verification if necessary.
Tonight i'll watch it i swear
Post em
I think they only reappeared once, in an Eighth Doctor comic called "Children of the Revolution".
I don't doubt you that there's plenty of dedicated work required to get into education considering teaching courses and postgrads like you mentioned, but I mean in more of a character trait kinda way that it doesnt seem out of the question to say one leads to the other
Mostly just speaking from experience though since plenty of the (mostly primary) school teachers I've known did do part-time babysitting and the like
code to the video you came to?
Where's Zagreus-chan?
>she becomes an English teacher out of the blue and it's never mentioned how that happened
>implying teaching needs some kind of talent or ability
Well, you're clearly part of the NuWho target audience.
It needs qualifications and motivation.