Under the Skin understands this. They are grotesque abominations whose humanity is only skin deep. They utilize their sexuality to manipulate, control and ultimately destroy men. Without their weaponized sexuality they have absolutely no ability to navigate the world, control their environment or even understand their surroundings. Women are NOT human.
Women Are Not Human
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Sounds pretty powerfull
>Women are NOT human.
>yet they make humans
Unironically who hurt you?
as a non virgin I see no reason to complain
have sex incel
Hello, based department?
neither a face hugger or human stomach are a Xenomorph
true. They are like bonobos.
h_ve s_x _nc_l
Ok incel
Have sex, incel.
ahem, have sex
Why is it that the people who interact with women the least know the most about them?
Maybe men should try not being so retarded?
Because of this. You are getting mind raped every time you are within 3 feet of a fertile woman. They used to separate the sexes for this reason.
Women are human and you’re a weird incel who hates what he can’t have.
i literally only started hating women after being in relationships with them, the fuck you talking about?
XX is the most stable a default chromosomal structure in mammalians.
The y chromosome essentially pumps the body with testosterone causing the enlarged muscle tissue at the expense of actually poisoning the man resulting in an overall lower life expectancy.
We're soldier ants.
why are her tits so small here and big all the other time?
I remember this one i sitting in a strip club and this old dude came up to me with his phone out
He was showing me a picture of a text conversation with a tinder profile or something similar with a plastic bimbo-y profile pic. He was like hey bro, do you think this girl is like a real person? When I looked closer at the profile pic I saw the name next to the avatar "Anita Mani" and she was telling him over and over that she'd send him nudes for like $200 but she needed the mani upfront.
At first I thought it was a prank but when I saw his childlike expression upon looking up I realized he was totally serious
The Fox understands this. They are grotesque abominations whose sweetness is only skin deep. They utilize their distance from the ground to manipulate, control and ultimately destroy animals. Without their weaponized juicy lustre they have absolutely no nutritional value or satisfying substance, and they don't even taste nice. Grapes are NOT fruit.
based senile boomer
On a serious note it's depressing how pathetic this attitude is. Being in relationships with pieces of shit, all of which have you as the common denominator, then blaming half off the world's population for your own problems. I bet you blame your parents for all your personality defects
Unironically clean your room.
Under the Skin is literally, unironically, sincerely one of the best films of the past decade.
A true pleb filter. Zoomer killer. Brainlet stomper. Plot point casual executioner.
everyone in this thread other than me has a low IQ
damn this thread be based
explain this
fucking kek
Not sure about "one of the best films of past decade", but soundtrack is pure kino
>staaahp hatin wamen waaaa
my sides
>blaming half off the world's population for your own problems
i don't blame them for any of my problems i just hate them my dude
she got old and got kids
WTF, I love Under the Skin now!
Ralphthemoviemaker said it was the best film of the past decade and he's a braindead zoomer.
that's some next tier bro science
Quick rundown
then why did she let the naive disfigured guy go? real women of course are incapable of empathy towards bottom-tier men and take pleasure in manipulating them
They don't. Incel opinions have nothing to do with reality, not that most of Yas Forums would actually know.
it's about pusy
calling someone an incel is not an argument.
The reality is that women have too much power without responsibility.Take women's unearned privillages away!
The first woman ever created doomed all of humanity. The snake wouldn’t have been able to trick Adam because he was closer to God while the woman came from Adam.
ok incel
What word has been more destructive to conversation on Yas Forums? Incel or Roastie?
Definitely agree. One of the most haunting audio visual experiences I've ever seen. Absolutely loved it though. Scarlett Johansons magnum opus
Any rundown would be a spoiler. Just watch it if you love sci fi or horror films and you won't be disappointed
It's a trick question. The answer I give is the thing I'm going to be called.
That being said, most definitely incel.
Wow, looks like jewhanson brain washed you!
Incels were calling people Roastie before they really were given the title Incel. I think Incel became more of a reaction to irritating cross board posting Yas Forums and election fags. Roastie was more destructive because it started the cycle.
incels are from Yas Forums so automatically that.
roastie was a reaction to cancerous fembot posting on r9k
Everyone you could ever possibly meet has you as a common denominator you sped. Should you judge groups only on the people you haven't met?
They're parasites functioning on pure instinct and short term satisfaction.
I'm extremely qualified to say this since i've never been outside of a relationship since i was 15.
I honestly pity them since they're mentally and physically trash compared to most men but they laugh at my jokes smell good and have a nice warm hole that i can eventually use to have kids i guess.
having kids only makes your boobs bigger
proof that scarlett faked the pregnancies and is very likely a tranny
You can't live with 'em
You can't live without 'em
There's something irresistible-ish about 'em
We grin and bear it 'cause the nights are long
I hope that something better comes along
go back to r9k virgin loser
>You can't live without 'em
True enough, but the beauty of it is you can always drop and get a new one once they inevitably stop putting out and/or start being difficult. It's all about not going full retard and commit to one modern women are simply not worth it.
>Without their weaponized sexuality they have absolutely no ability to navigate the world, control their environment or even understand their surroundings.
Then why are there female astronauts and prime ministers while youre a jizz soaked neet?
>You can't live without 'em
Desperation is a bitch but once I get laid all it takes is one annoying text and I'm good for about 8 months
t. low test
>What is diversity quotas
They always underperform at every one of those jobs you mentioned by the way.
i want to suck ScarJo's cock
Holy fucking based, women are property and should not be allowed to vote.
Men basically forced voting on them most women didn't care for it.
They got the right to vote without most of the responsibilities that come with it in hopes that they would better themselves as members of society and take accountability of their own volition. Needless to say this optimism was misplaced look at where we are now.
Yas Forums