The Winchesters vs. other-Horror monsters/ghosts/demons. How will they fare?
The Scooby Doo writer who moved to Supernatural team said he had wanted to make Buffy references this season but they got cut
Grimm will wipe the floor with both of them easy
They'll beat them in the episode they appear in, if not the series finale.
If one of them is killed they'll come back to life (again)
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins and Alexander Calvert are relentlessly handsome.
Adam Milligan is also relentlessly handsome.
Checked and confirmed. GRIMM CHADS RISE UP
Enough with the witches!
Just get these two into some main roles in the DC movie universe.
Are you maybe forgetting someone
How will Sam and Dean take on the Blair Witch assuming they have to hunt her in her territory deep in the woods? No help from Rowena except maybe a hexbag for each. How would you have them approach this?
Not unless you make me part of the team
>DC movie universe
inb4 Hellblazer
It has been more or less explained the Winchesters are immortal unless they kill each other
Hexbag is for protection against disorientation, magical harm that the environment might inflict on you. Sam and Dean need to systematically flush out the witch. As long as they are immune to the crazy shit the woods try to put on them, they can worry about the witch herself. I’d have them research depowering and/or protective sigils to weaken the witch’s hold on them and remove homefield advantage. Once they reach the cabin, they could just douse it with witch-killing brew. Set up iron chains around the house. Set the cabin ablaze for good measure.
The Crowley posters have not been posting since the last thread
I guess I was right about my prediction considering the final episode is titled
>Carry On
Shit might have to quarantine again.
too bad grimm is fucking dogshit
Hello based department?
If I pull that off, will he die?
Hello this is based department
*enters thread*
*picks worst time in history to be looking for a job*
Hospitals are hiring
I remember there were rumors of Jason Voorhees appearing on Supernatural but it obviously never happened. Probably because of the writer's lawsuit. Sam and Dean have fought gods, angels and demons so there wouldn't be that many characters they would fear. Especially if a female is writing it.
slice-and-dice autist was better
sam already fought jason
We had Linda Blair and Robert Englund for seasons 2 and 6 respectively
The only PEDOwitz approved spinoff of Supernatural
i can't believe those slackers didn't have at least one more new episode of this season ready to air
We get 7 episodes like a miniseason which I can bear but heavens forbid if we keep getting any hiatus for the remainder of the season
there's a cemetery nearby that's hiring. might be a chill job. i could salt and burn ghost skellys during my breaks
Kek based
You tell me
That was an untrained Sam vs a base form Jason. Need a rematch. Dean should be there too as he's the better Winchester. Might as well throw Freddy into the mix.
Fuck PEDOwitz
why is cas such a psycho killer?
Is that Masketta man at 34?
The angel was a dumb bitch
Is she alright?
all the liquor stores in my state have been closed for weeks. all i can get now is beer
i don't know how the peasants drink that swill
Don't act like you're not a peasant yourself, Samuel
i loved when i discovered supernatural. the concept was new and creative, and each episode i got to see them fight monsters. i loved the characters of sam and dean, and i absolutely loved the setting of america, town to town, bars, cars, beers, pool. i loved when the production quality went up and we had funny episodes like the one where castiel is just an actor or where that trickster guy puts them in the gameshow. after that though i just cant bring myself to watch anymore. i think its taken me a year to get from season 7 to 9. the meta-story was just too much and too convulated, oh the leviathians, oh noo kevin has the stone. there was literally 0 banter, sam/dean moments, travelling. did the show ever get good again at season 9 onwards?
by the way i bought this jacket because i love it so much
Cass looks awful here
... wait...
season 9 is by far the worst season so yeah it does it get better
This. I quit watching during season 9 as well. It found its footing after that.
Perhaps this will entice you
What if Faith tackles them in bed haha
Can't say, I've never watched Supernatural.
>How will they fare?
They would win. Doesn't matter against who, they would win. And if they did lose, and die, they would be resurrected, the same way it's happened to both characters literally countless times. Then, back to life, they'd beat the monster with the knowledge they got from when they died. Like they've done countless times in the show.
If you're quarantined now is your chance. 1 season per day.
How can other monster hunters compete?
>How can other monster hunters compete?
They can't. The Winchesters are biblical figures with the grace of not only God but most of the Angels on their side. Ya know, up until the last season when God got all angry at them.
Will they become the new God and Darkness?
aside from watching supernatural, anyone doing anything interesting? i'm so freaking bored. how is everyone else in lockdown staying busy?