Can you guys outdo Twitter in finding beautiful films?
Well, Yas Forums?
The Cell (2000).
The Speed Racer movie. Also, fuck twitter and fuck this thread.
independence day starring will smith and jeff goldblum
The Fall (2006)
In the mood for love.
I am willing to bet that none of them said The Assassination of Jesse James, so I win.
Thanks for the thread, OP.
BR 2049
stalker 1979
Inherent Vice for me. I could get lost in any shot.
Literally looked worse than the original
Tree of life
Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2
Pic related, BR 2049 and Three Preppy Girls
Days of Heaven
Look Morty-san, I’m Samurai Riiiiick
Um excuse me my good sir but if I could make a minor correction it would be 'Morty-kun' not 'Morty-san'
Edit: My first Reddit gold! Wow!
>being obsessed with reddit
Stop trying to fit in coronatourist
what do you mean?
Oops, My Fitness Trainer Makes Me Wet.
Starring Abby Rode.
Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma
The first 30 minute of Lyne's Lolita.
Days of Heaven up there. Maybe Dr. Zhivago.
Unironically The Lego Batman Movie.
blade runner 2049
Lawrence of arabia
Memes aside: Why this random image for this specific post? What’s the connection/relevance? What is it trying to convey?
Kurosawa Dreams
Fellini Satyricon
Polanski Macbeth
unironically this. Saw it in Imax. Lights everywhere, great experience.
The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford
That movie where they're all in a hospital and the guy makes up a whole fantastic story to the tell the little girl
Also Baraka and Samsara
>stalker 1979
Pans labyrinth when that farmer gets his face beaten in with the butt of a gun.
The day of the Jackal
Song to Song
Shit movie, beautiful visuals.
paris, texas
Kurosawa's Dreams is obligatory as well as Floating Weeds. Herzog's Nosferatu remake also looks incredible.
Marketa Lazarova
I liked it. Every Malick film has amazing visuals.
Fellini Satyricon
Herzog's Nosferatu felt very cheap to me. The scene where everyone is partying in the streets is good though.
>no columbus
>no nie yin niang
stay pleb /teevee/
I adore the move to no end but a few great shots does not stop the rest of the movie looking like the Spy Kids 3D and Shark Boy and Lava Girl movies
Unironically Avatar
>nie yin niang
Speak English. Good pick though. As far as Columbus goes, soulless digital will never ever be as good as film.
return of the king
based tarsem squad checking in
I'll put 'There Will Be Blood" into this argument.
A River Runs Through It
Paris, Texas
Tarsem is just a Parajanov wannabe. Extremely derivative.
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
Skyfall is high up there.
>all the plebs posting Stalker when it is not even Tarkovsky's most visually impressive film
>doesn’t contribute anything himself
absolutely disgusting
Probably entry level but Holy Mountain
fievel goes west
Il Gattopardo
Marketa Lazarova
Valley of the Bees
Andrei Rublev
Zed and Two Noughts
Last Year at Marienbad
Vitalina Varela
Days of Heaven
A Matter of Life and Death or Andrei Rublev
based, hu truly was the king
The Grand Budapest
>these replies
Just saw the trailer. How the hell did I miss this? My city's theaters suck.
He's butthurt you were making fun of him and tried to cope by establishing his seniority on this website and the """chan culture"""
tl;dr he's a sperglord
Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2