It's true. It's just as good as The silence of the lambs
It's true. It's just as good as The silence of the lambs
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I would say it's better but that's just because I'm a sucker for all the warm colors in this movie and the soundtrack. Although I'm torn on who played Dollarhyde better, Noonan or Fiennes, both were great imo.
Great film. The best portrayal of Will Graham easily. I'd say it pairs well with Silence, even if they're quite a bit different stylistically.
For me it's Noonan easily. He was weirder, more awkward, scarier in a way and absolutely had more depth. You felt sorry for him, repulsed by him, and creeped out by him and sometimes in the same sequence. Fiennes, like everything and everybody else in Red Dragon was technically sound and perhaps closer to the book but lifeless absolutely lifeless and one dimensional.
I don't understand why Will jumps to the conclusion that Dolarhyde was abused as a kid. He was literally just too ugly to have a gf. He was just an incel. His parents could've been decent for all we know.
Objectively better Lector
based, best Lector portrayal
It's definitely got the best Reba. And the colours were pretty sweet.Unpopular take: there was nothing wrong with Norton's graham
You’ve seen this film, haven’t you my man
Why did it sound like some of the dialogue here was also in Silence?
Yikes. Peterson actually had me believing he was on fucking edge the entire time and doing everything to keep his inner killer at bay while utilizing it to catch others. Norton ....was certainly on set.
Based trips. I honestly Noonan's performance as Dollarhyde is easily on of the greatest serial killerv portrayals of all time. Great actor.
Why didn't he take the shot through the window?
Because it was the 80's and we needed that bad ass shot of him jumping through the window in slow motion will Iron Butterfly played :p Style over substance but that moment is based as fuck, if a bit cheesy.
How many times have you seen it?
5 or 6 times? It's a pretty great movie but when Will says "it started from an abused kid, a battered infant" I just roll my eyes every time. Such a stupid cliche.
>inb4 he is actually a battered infant in the book!!!
I don't care, I haven't read the books.
There's a lot of information in there, you might have missed it and I might have looked away for 5 minutes. But you're right
Dollarhyde technically had a hostage. Plus I've read that glazer safety slugs are more or less made to explicitly pierce the human body and won't go through much else. If there's a firearms savvy user here they can probably tell you.
I prefer both Will's from the movies over the version in the TV show. Starlings end was shit in the book and they basically gave it to Will in the show and I didn't like it there either.
Manhunter>Silence>Red Dragon>>>>>>power gap>>>>>>>Hannibal
We just simply don't know anything about Dolarhyde's childhood. But we do know he has a cleft lip, which is a genetic condition and not a result of abuse or battery, which makes him pretty much unfuckable. The only woman who willingly fucked him (that we know of) was a blind chick, but even she cucked him. I'd lose my shit if I were him.
Did she? They didn't kiss
Based forgetting the Hannibal prequel
Well it's been a few years since I last watched it but I think it was implied they had sex, even if off screen.
No sir. Dude was merely pulling a leaf out of her hair or something. Dolarhyde delusionally thought it was some big romantic moment between the two.
Not even worth remembering it
OhhhI think i got confused. YES she had sex with Dolarhyde but NO she didn't actually cuck him because she didn't actually sleep with that dude that dropped her off or whatever
If you went and saw manhunter back when it released and hadnt read the book wouldnt you be like 'what the fuck is up with this hannibal lector character?'
Hugh Dancy started off great until Bryan Fuller amped up the angst. He felt like a fifteen year olds interpretation of him.
In Manhunter they fucked onscreen unless he imagined it.
I remember foolishly being excited to see Hannibal. That was a long and heartbreaking 2 and half hours I'll tell you that much. Though the line "corn pone country pussy" has stuck with me.
Honestly enjoyed both Cox and Hopkins desu.
Hopkins was good in Silence. After that he became a parody.
Checked. Red Dragon was too hollywood. Everything was hollow and overproduced. Noonan felt like a real killer, not a cartoon villain.
They were still too close for the tooth fairy's comfort
Based. I don't know why people suck Hopkins' dick for hamming it up. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but Cox's casual demeanor was much better.
Harris sounds pretty sick
it's a very impressive, but ultimately flawed film. overall, Silence of the Lambs is simply an all-around better film, but this had some really good moments, like Will's process (him talking to the television) and Cox's Hannibal
End shootout was kino too. And the aesthetic
Dolarhyde crashing through the window in slowmo to Iron Butterfly was pretty fucking cheesy
For me, it's the song when he shot that dude at the front of reba's
Okay that's honestly the one part of the movie i cringe at. That entire last minute or so at the beach house. "they're gonna make it son.....they're gonna make it" followed by Heartbeat on the soundtrack lol. I LOVE the style of the film including all its 80's-ness but those final few moments are just cheese fucking overdrive man.
If the ending could just be reworked it would probably be my all time favorite
Why do they make such a big deal out of Will's ability? Shit loads of profilers can put themselves in the mind of a serial killer, that's half the point. A lot of people can empathize with awful backgrounds being the catalyst for terrible deeds, psychologists for one.
He's put a few people away, including Hannibal
Because in the world of the movie he happens to be REALLY fucking good at it. Simple as. I think it might be fare to say that in the world of Manhunter he's THE best serial killer profiler.
Hopkins was a better theatrical performance, but Cox is a more realistic performance.
Exactly. Hopkins was more or less a horror movie version of the character. Cox was the guy that could actually sneak through society and be a serial killer.
No iconic, "oh wait, was she a great big fat person" line in manhunter unfortunately
Absolutely based
It also had the funniest Jack Crawford
All of Mann's movies look like expensive episodes of Miami Vice. Yes, including Last of the Mohicans
That style works great in trendy urban thrillers, but not in murder investigations, period dramas, etc
Never saw mohicans but his filmography is kino, not including blackhat
>It's just as good
You mean superior?
It's far superior
He didn't just go after women, he chose perfect families because he wanted to be loved and seen by a perfect family. It wasn't a sexual love he was chasing
Buffalo bill would win the fight
I didn't say it was. He couldn't get any sort of love because he was too ugly. Fucker didn't even have online dating back then to get rejected by 10 thousand femoids.
Being only ugly was never a reason to end up an incel. Being mentally ill like most of you are, on the other hand, is
He breaks through the glass, through the reflection.