Is it okay to like Bill Burr yet? Or are we still pretending to hate him?

Is it okay to like Bill Burr yet? Or are we still pretending to hate him?

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His comedy really fell off for me, whether that is a result of his unlikable wife influencing him to be a faggot or his material just not hitting anymore, I'm not really sure.

Same. Really liked him but his last special wasn't very funny.

Me three.
His last special was very basic and what was up with him copying that cringe George Carlin joke about feminists? Quite disappointed.

>can you guys stop pretending to have a different opinion than me?
shut up faggot

he's an island of mediocrity in a sea of shit comedians.

Paper Tiger sucked


I don't think anyone thinks it's cool to pretend hate him. He was the "men's comic" until marrying that negro chimp and raising her daughter, desperately trying to pander to negros all the time.

Do you have a nword pass when you are married to a sheboon ?
apparently not. "That n-word is crazy". what a cuck

I feel like most great comics peak in their late 30s and early 40s. And Bill definitely followed that trend.
As he's gotten older he started second guessing his based opinions and given more leaveway to bluepilled and feminist bullshit. No doubt settling with that wife of his contributed

less testosterone and he was always the son of a dentist. He isn't and was never a tough guy. The funny things he said was what he thought his Boston audience wanted to hear

>bill burr
ok, faggot, who do you like? I bet you think those cackling queers at cumtown are the pinnacle of modern comedy. fuck off cunt.

>the lovely Busta Rhymes everyone!

This. I thought he was the best comic alive for a long time, but then the quality of his material really started to decline, I think it was around the time they got married or had kids. He also started getting vaguely SJW-ish on Joe Rogan (something about blacks)

doug stanhope pre-2014

I dont hate him but I also don't think hes very funny anymore

i like bill but he's completely lost his edge. can't wait for louis ck to come back because i doubt he is capable of giving a shit anymore.

Bill has always naturally fallen to the left on issues, even back in the O&A days he'd be the one defending left wing positions "for the sake of argument". Makes sense his family situation would reinforce those proclivities

>can't say anything offensive because he might lose his acting work, or his gig at netflix


>dude my white dick is so little
>dude my daughter has so much feces in her vagina
I miss when Yas Forums did nothing but shit on that pretentious hack

You dont need the approval of Yas Forums to enjoy things
Do you?

I couldn't care less that he's in an interracial marriage. I don't know why everyone here gets so worked up about it.

He's gone from an very angry mildly successful comic to a mildly angry very successful comic, so all of his inspiration and relatability is gone.

doug is solid. he's a real one. I expect to hear about his suicide some day.

What kind of offensive shit do you expect from the 50 year old family man? Bill only ever truly reached controversial status with bits like the gold digging whores and he still does those. He just doesnt have many opinions that would be considered edgy anymore

he married someone who goes against most of his values which is just fucking wild

What's his best special?

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if you want to have a stance at anything at all you have to risk being offensive. For example in early podcasts he talks about the Palestinian and understanding their plight. Now he's a mega Hollywood cuck in the kikes nest he won't touch the topic at all

Louie is gonna come back an absolute monster. Once you come back from a cancelling, they can't touch you anymore. He's gonna lean into it.

The 26th podcast was funny to me for some reason.

>Louie is gonna come back an absolute monster.

I don't he has it in him to be honest. He did a 180 on what he said were his opinions (not jokes him speaking in earnest) He'll never work again to the point where you'd see him outside of a comedy club

It's not the interracial part, it's the fact that she's a shrill cunt and a golddigger. Everything he once railed against. Crazy.

I thing its child. He has too much happiness in world now.

There's gonna be such a groundswell of support from comedy fans that are so sick of woke culture that the cancel faggots will be powerless.

his leaked set at a comedy club was fucking amazing

People who talk shit about Burr maintaining a healthy relationship are pure incels which are half of this sub.


Patrice looking down from heaven, laughing, calling him stupid. Its like none of them but Opie actually listened to the guy when he talked.

It's more that Nia is pretty terrible

Listen to him pre-Nia on O&A and tell me that fucking sheboon didnt change this man for the worse.

Bill has bad self-control about things that usually ends in addictions such as alcohol and cigar addictions plus the anger issues.

He mostly got rid of them by being in a stable relationship. If you don't like him, don't like him sure but don't mix his work with Burr himself.


I wonder how Bill would react to insanely offensive shit like this, from his own fans even. I don't think he'd shit on softer people if he knew the kind of people his shtick attracts.

how is that insanely offensive you fucking retard. Also on one of the radio shows he literally said "i'm never getting married dude."

>listening to his podcast
>starts getting into f1
>best segments in his podcast

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this is my fav bill and nia bit

Why is he so fat? He looked way skinnier in the mandalorian.

they were together when patrice was alive, i remember him saying something like "black women give you an attitude you need to control", something that has obviously escaped burr

I thought it was ok but yeah not as good as it could have been. Can anyone suggest some comics that I may not have heard of? I love standup but I feel like I am running out of material.
I like doug stanhope, dave chappell, bill burr, the "me doing standup" special by norm, hannibal buress.
Somebody had suggested bill hicks to me because I liked stanhope but they felt very different to me.

Let it be

Patrice gave out good advice that actually worked. I fucking destroyed for a good period in my twenties despite being naturally not confident

Shit. Meant let it go

Reminder that

>Nia hits Bill in the face with closed fists
>is severely rude to wait-staff for no reason
>is a raging feminist, but still unemployed living off of Bill like a leech

I still enjoy the podcast even if he is a dumb cuck.

Hicks was an insufferable pseudo-intellectual lecturer. Thank god for cigarettes.

it's like Yas Forums doesnt remember Louis was where the cuck meme basically originated. The guys pathetic

Basically, he a hypocrite and a liar. He's been pretending to be alpha this whole time, but even with his fame, he settled for a used up whore. He's all talk and I don't give a shit about what he has to say anymore.


Yea he's terrible. Surprised they compared the two.