Yes, Why Angela Anaconda Was As Popular As It Was Terrifying
Yes, Why Angela Anaconda Was As Popular As It Was Terrifying
How do I get mentally ill, stunted gf bros?
i've never seen a singe frame of this cartoon show yet i subscribed to this channel. you know why.
She definetly has the tism
That's shirt must be so stinky she wears it every day. Imagine if she did a giveaway for one of her fans
what's next, a butt ugly martians fanboy?
>She definetly has the tism
Would I catch it from her if I kissed her?
It's almost like this loser paid people on Yas Forums to talk about her
I know it's not the show you were talking about but you reminded me of this
If you know you know
Bring back sniz and fondu instead.
is she underage?
I need a gf so bad bros
She wouldn't let you do it
Do you really think an underage girl would be obsessed with a forgotten cartoon from the early 00s?
Imagine the boobsweat that has accumulated under her massive tits
I wonder if she has a hairy pussy
i like the comments of these videos because i can get a look into the hearts and minds of my fellow kino loving tvbros
shes actually pretty good looking considering the obvious autism
Even better
Explains the milkers
>not ugly and has huge tits
>got "bullied" in school
shes a nutcase
Why are you posting videos at 3AM don't you sleep??
I have it set up so I get an alarm on my phone whenever AmazzonKane uploads a new video
Do you think she is stronk
She wears a full bra to the gym. She's fucking insane.
Those are some nice pits
How you created that webm file?
I tried with several tutorials but impossible because 4channers retardation.
Sorry for my bad english bro
but who was camera?
lol is she really
She really reminds me of this one girl I had a tiny obsession with back in the days at some old workplace. I miss her.
Its Over before it even began
shill your fat fucking neck somewhere else faggot
theres a converter someone made for Yas Forums it should be on github
wtf she's hot
You're implying I made this, which I didn't. Good luck fren
I already use it, almost impossible
It’s really that hard create a 4mb webm?
She should become a director...
She can direct my penis into her vagina, if you know what I mean
Also she's jewish.
Why are all my potential gfs jewish
The easiest, not autistic, way is with sharex portable to record and an online webm converter.
Why are there so many pure jewish autist girls?
She's fucking perfect
What do you think potential means user?
Im going to have some trouble making small talk on our dates considering her people killed christ.
go back
I loved your autobiography
1. Romans “killed” Christ
2. Jesus didn’t die
ok redditor
For me, it’s Maddison Bush
I've seen more autism in WH40K videos about the colouring of specific units flags as painted by "total fucking idiots who don't know anything."
But that video was still pretty autistic.
Also I'm in love and my great-great-grandmother on my mothers matrilineal line was Jewish so I'm in with a chance!
new vid!
oh no simp is mad
fuck you man I'll donate however much I want to her even if she doesn't take donations
Holy fuck, what a memory blast you just triggered
You've earned it!
ok simp
You miss the part where she acts like a 10 year old child and based her identity around Angela Anaconda
I love her
How much is that going to cost me?
Just give up the whereabouts of your great-great-grandma famalam
the show had good ratings. color me surprised
Y my peepee move?
You are an aspersexual
Anyone who likes this show even so make a joke about it deserves to be in a psych ward. It is not in the slightest bit possible to consider watching this show. Y'all some cucks.
She died during the Holocaust.
It was really sad, she was just sitting around minding her own business on a farm in Australia in 1942 and just died mid-way through negotiating a fee with her husband for driving her to hospital. The only bright part of the day was that the funeral home took her away for free and let great-great-grandfather go with them for free and he got a discount for the flowers for her funeral because at all the soldiers funerals happening around the time people just kept leaving flowers around.
Imagine being a fucking simp
Just scroll through her comments and you'll see guys talking to her like it's a one on one conversation.
you are not gay
>parents hated power rangers and digimon for being overly Japanese
I would hate watch the show a lot as a kid cuz it came on a slot where not much else was on. The fact that there’s a girl so obsessed with such a crappy/mediocre at best show and that she kind of looks like a character from the show makes it all the more Lynchian
She dislikes the blonde francophile in the cartoon, but unironically wears berets (french hat)
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