
>I am the stone that the builder refused...

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I found DOOM through this show


Realistically, the show would have bomed in 2020.

well we'll see how it will be received when it comes back, probably next year.

It would do worse than the 4th was recived back then for sure

It release at interesting time post 9/11 was a very different place for TV

Damn this show was good. That episode with Riley doing grafitti. The MLK episode. So many moments.

>not even mentioning Nigga Moment
It got a little overbearing when they started making sequels to good episodes but some of them were amazing.

This was a great period for TV comedies, we won't be seeing anything again quite so soon. I believe the social criticisms and sharpness of writing really set shows like the Boondocks, Arrested Development, and 30 Rock apart. AD and 30 Rock in particular are such wonderful windows into post 9/11 - Bush era culture.

Is season 4 really that bad?

Reminder this show had 4 episodes banned from broadcast:
>Hunger Strike
>Uncle Ruckus Reality Show
>The Story of Jimmy Rebel

Attached: Uncle Ruckus Moment.png (783x179, 98.58K)

Yes and surprise surprise, 7 of the 10 episodes were written by a woman. (apparently she was only given a month to so in fairness)

its not great the creator wasn't involved at all the animation looks nice though

What ever happened to the Uncle Ruckus movie? I swear I heard something about it being on Kickstarter or something for a while.

Unfortunately, John Witherspoon died.

I present for your consideration, Cindy McPherson

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Based Ruckus.

A mean girl.

I always thought she was purposefully made to look like the girl from final fantasy seven: Cloud and Sephiroth

So was Tyler Perry really butthurt or was all just a publicity stunt?

based one off character that they brought back in the 4th just because that basketball episode is great

He's butthurt all right, but that's only because of all the gay sex.

Tom deserves better than the fucking harpy he married.

She was a regular in the comic and I think she’s been in at least 3 ep no?

Wouldn’t be surprising, Aaron McGruder is a massive weeb.

Post favorite Grandad song

New shoes neeeew shoooooes

Have you tried hitting the bitch Tom?
Soul plane, Sooul plaaa-ayayayaannne

Tom. When he will be an uncle, he will be called Uncle Tom lmao. 13 year old laughed at that realization

watch where u walkin nigga

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>That episode with Riley doing grafitti.
this one was seriously kino

Fake meat fake meeeeat

her problem is that she isn't being dicked enough, right?

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She's in four, and two of them suck.

fucking loved the robbery in S1E5, along with the fact that he called Condie Rice a babykiller at an NAACP event or some other melanin-enhanced awards thing


>fun fact: nothing important has ever been written by someone's thumbs
Fucking truth bombs galore

She was hilarious in the Fundraiser episode.
I think he threatened to take off one of his shows off the network if that episode aired.

>I say next time you wanna call a darkie a nigger, call that coon a jungle bunny instead
Ruckus is literally a 10/10 character

So what are they going to do with Ed Jr now, voicewise? I also wouldn't be surprised if Ed sr died soon as well, this series is fucking cursed.

It can't be done without Grandpa desu, he was the second funniest character. I guess Huey, Riley and Ruckus can do but it really won't be as good.

I have no idea. With both Charlie Murphy and John Witherspoon ripping in piece I'd prefer it if they just didn't do another season. It'll never be the same

Didn't get funded

I liveeed you dieeeed

Delet this in the name of Jesus.

Would fuck.

He finished the upcoming season before he died.

Source: this dick nigga

Goood foood, goood foooood

>these niggas is still kissin
>ugh they bust a slob

Is BET really as bad as they say?

>well we'll see how it will be received when it comes back, probably next year.
Aaron has full TDS now, so it probably won't be as entertaining as it once was.



We'll see

Prescient bit
*sent from nigga technology*


the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence



How does one distinguish TDS from simple hatred of Trump? It’s not like McGruder has ever shared those political beliefs.

>I am the stone that the Sneeder refused

SJWs would have tried to shut it down even harder.

Oh so that's why. It all makes sense now. Why are women ever allowed in anything?

I always find it weird how more attention isn't given to the fact that the BET episode was banned.
It's probably one of the most important episodes of any show post 2000

Uncle Ruckus would've been declared an alt-right hate symbol.