Garbage tv shows
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Lazlo and Jaskier are relentlessly handsome.
Hopefully the virus killed it. At least it would have done something good.
Was this a real interview? link?
Her tits weren't garbage though
Mentioning the Witcher first is like cheating, it's the absolute garbage TV show, so...
I tried watching the first few episodes. didnt like it. i think the only way to enjoy it like my normie gf does is by thinking it is epic already, beforehand or something.
Why are normies like this?
Normies believe what they’re told about the world, because otherwise they have to come to their own conclusions.
I will never understand this contrarian faggotry. It really wasn't that bad.
>It really wasn't that bad.
No, it was even worse. It's completely worthless.
Over-exaggerated bullshit.
It's shit in literally every way. Terrible acting, writing, dialogue, sets, costumes, even the camera work is embarassing.
All they had to do was to copy-paste the books, but they fucked up everything.
damn that lion
>All they had to do was to copy-paste the books, but they fucked up everything.
Have you read all the books? My understanding is that they told most of what happened in the short stories or something.
>It is based on The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny, which are collections of short stories that precede the main Witcher saga.
>My understanding is that they told most of what happened in the short stories or something.
They didn't. They "adapted" less than half of the short stories and even those were completely butchered.
>waah not copied word for word waaah
that girl and henry have zero chemistry
> not copied word for word
Not even book for book.
here's a novel thought; if you wanted the books, read the fucking books.
Chill out, Freya.
I wanted the Witcher. Not a retarded fanfiction.
lol, you're retarded. bye.
what does freya got to do with the Witcher?
No YOU are, Netflix Cuck
>tfw havent had a girl crush on you like that in a long time
You can see a pornstar's tits, and usually they're 1000000 times better. So why do we care about her subpar tits?
Netflix Castlevania S2
You were too stupid to copy/paste the books.
Because of that, fans are shipping Geralt x Jaskier instead.
>sorceresses get their power from leeches
>nilfgaard is an embarrassment
>random insert characters that travel alonside ciri
yeah, no, everyone who has read the books kows nilfgaard was to be feared, respected. this series makes nilfgaard look weak and portrays them as the main villain.
see in witcher books, there is no main villain, no good guy, only lesser evils. nobody really "chooses sides". when normal people watch the witcher, they think nilfgaard gets "WREKT" and are losers.
when in actually nilfgaard and emperor emhyr fucked everybody's shit up.
Henry Cavill does not give a shit about the pajeeta
>see in witcher books, there is no main villain
Except Vilgefortz, Emhyr, Bonhart and Avallach.
>when in actually nilfgaard and emperor emhyr fucked everybody's shit up.
Except they lost every war.
now ur just pullin shit outta ur ass bro
lesser evils no villains
>lesser evils
Nice meme.
They will have to recast Ciri for S2. Sad.
Do you know where you are?
what the fuck happened to her? she used to be cute now she looks like a 40 year old whore. is it the filter and angle? tf is wrong with her...
She was always an ugly goblin.
she looks good here. it's probably the filter. she's acting slutty lately though.
The main plot of the story is our main good guy Geralt looking after our other main good guy Ciri. The people who get in the way of that are the villains, that's how it works.
They both seem in love with him.
They absolutely did not.
They did so many characters dirty, completely changing them and ruining what made them great.
Half of the shit they added in was just fanfiction Yennefer bullshit because the writers were playing favourites and wanted "muh strong independent women" in fantasy.
And because they added all this extra shit, they missed out on half the short stories, and missed key fucking details in said stories because they were in the rush to fit it all in. Like the Blaviken scene.
Not only that, but they took out THE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE between Geralt and Ciri.
The Witcher was a decent show, in terms of production and acting and pacing, all that jazz. But as an adaptation, it is legit a 2/10 pile of shit.
Antagonist =/= villain.
They're villains because they're wrong and evil.
>Not only that, but they took out THE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE between Geralt and Ciri.
that's the worst they did. ciri's storyline was borefest and underwhelming. the showrunner must have thought shoehorning the black boy will make ciri's storyline interesting
Yeah that too. She is only in two stories if I recall, but for some reason they took that and stretched it out across 8 episodes so it was super slow paced. Meanwhile, they had to compress Geralt's stories to fit them all in.
Duna or whatever his name is was there so Ciri could bounce her thoughts off of him, but it kind of detracted from the isolation theme she was meant to have.
The whole thing was showrun quite poorly if you ask me. It definitely didn't feel like a passion project, like a fan of the books was at the helm. That was their mistake.
>ciri's storyline was borefest and underwhelming
Why? You didn't like "the privilaged white girl in the ghetto" storyline or the lectures about racism?
>noun: villain; plural noun: villains
>(in a film, novel, or play) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.
As subjective as you are arguing evil is, in terms of plot then whoever is against our heroes is evil. Especially the guys who want to kidnap and either torture or marry a young girl.
she's just too young to know how to put on makeup that makes her look good.
I'm not saying they aren't villains, I am saying that, as you described it, simply being an obstacle for a good guys does not mean you are a bad guy. That would be an antagonist, not a villain.
They viewed Ciri as too important to the overall plot of the series that she couldn't be absent from most of the first Season which lead to the shit we did get by trying to adapt the short stories and the start of the novels at the same time.
This show was pretty crap. I was ready to like it and am not hard to please, still didn't like it.There were only 2 decent episodes.
Stupid. What, we can't have buildup anymore? All seasons must be the same?
They thought that they're smarter than the author.
Vilgefortz is relentlessly handsome
>fans of a popular show are shipping gay stuff
Alert the presses, this never happens!
>that girl and henry have zero chemistry
Yeah, that's why every Yen/Geralt vid on youtube is praising Anya for being beautiful and her and Henry's chemistry.