ITT: underutilized settings for horror movies.
ITT: underutilized settings for horror movies
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Adding supernatural shit to that setting doesn't add much. See: Deathwatch
the thought of it made me so depressed I'm not sure I'd want to watch it, as a consoomer
user, it already was a horror.
>needing le spook to show just how horrifying war is
A tiger sanctuary
Adding supernatural stuff to WWI makes it less scary because it makes it less believable.
Anyone else like listening to hour long WW1 artillery barrages?
OP said horror movie. How would you make a horror movie out of WWI without adding supernatural bullshit? Show how gruesome the war was? Like, in a war movie or something? Retard
Lots of horror films feature killer animals but almost none of them take place at a zoo
I think I have seen more horror movies set in WW1 than war movies.
checked and also right wtf. where is the zoo horror
Getting shelled for two days straight by artillery would pretty much break my mind into believing any such dogshit like ghosts.
War movies already do that.
You didn't scare me
Why not skyscrapers, lol. So many horror movies taking place underground, caves, basements, bunkers, etc. Why not have the killer chase the victims to the top.
>How would you make a horror movie out of WWI without adding supernatural bullshit?
Cannibal murderer
he asked settings for horror, not porn
Middle ages sounds like it would be an interesting thing to do. Have a horror story take place at monastery or something?
youre just mad because youre upset
I hate the new new york skyscrapers, they have no style, they don't merge, they shouldve been built elsewhere like in Hoboken or something, not in midtown
Its a good idea but you know the second they get to the top is the final showdown and everything in between is filler
dude just imagine your happy place
period horror is very underused, you could just make a slasher from any barbarian sacking of a Roman city, or a zombie flick in the dark ages, or the bubonic plague, it's very underused, I dont think they've ever make a medieval zombie movie
Just give it a horror tone. Doesn't need ghosts to be unsettling and spooky.
Pic very related. One of the most brutal and atmospheric movies of 2012 and I'm not fucking around here.
>medieval zombie movie
yeah, if the world needs anything, its yet another zombie flick
>Have a horror story take place at monastery or something?
So basically The Name of the Rose?
Make it body horror. Machine taking over their bodies, strange growths, fluids, biomechanical appendages and shit, souls that cannot die
Watch High Rise. Societal collapse thriller set in a skyscraper.
A good movie based on Call of Cthulhu.
We only have that short movie and it was good but not enough.
A platoon is running away from a tank crew i dunno
I think a good lovecraft protag is a survivor of WW1. He has the experience to know how terrible war is, and can handle interdenominational fuckery at some level as a result.
yes we do if it's set in a different period without guns
do you think the same about mafia movies? or killer dolls? or romcoms? what are the topics allowed for movies acording to you?
I think a movie based on the case of Arnold Paole could make for a good horror film. You would have a group of Austrian nobles coming to rural Serbia to inspect a rumor of vampirism and have their sophisticated and rationalistic worldview clash with the superstition of slavic peasants. Hell, you could even make a twist and show that the peasants were right to fear vampires.
what's the deal with all those youtube trailers of upcoming horror movies that are never released?
For anyone asking how to make horror out of a war movie. Watch Come and See. I've always considered that a psychological minor horror movie. It could be done
got it right here my man, also read the book. I wonder why they don't make a film about Concrete Island, also a great short novel by Ballard.
>can you recognize the fremen in this picture?
>do you think the same about mafia movies?
You could make a mafia movie set in 10th century Francia. It was all religious families with codes of honour fighting and scheming against each other.
>You would have a group of Austrian nobles coming to rural Serbia to inspect a rumor of vampirism and have their sophisticated and rationalistic worldview clash with the superstition of slavic peasants.
So basically the plot of Dracula?
yeah of course, or the genives building those high towers to compete. any genre can have good Movies, yes we have had awful zombie flicks and I hate the zombie culture but a zombie film in medieval seting has never happened.
>Why not skyscrapers, lol. So many horror movies taking place underground, caves, basements, bunkers, etc. Why not have the killer chase the victims to the top.
So many more films are set in the countryside because more people live in cities and are afraid of rural places and people. Thus you have anti-rural films like Chainsaw Massacre where all the rural people are monsters. The countryside is an alien, scary place to most city people.
No, Dracula is a bit different, he was an ancient vampire who wanted to go abroad and Mr. Harker went to see him on a business trip.
This would be a bit different, more of a detective story if you will, as the Austrians are sent to Serbia to investigate this vampire-hysteria that is riling up the locals.
>but a zombie film in medieval seting has never happened.
The Kingdom is set in 16/17th century Korea and is close enough in concept. Pre-modern era zombie horror. Although it changes up the formula, makes the zombies different enough from other examples and has political intrigue. Making it better than just "medieval zombies."
it's also way cheaper
What you are describing is still basically Harker's story. He was a rational man, disregarded the locals' superstitions and when confronted with the actual supernatural he got the short end of the stick. You just have details changed and more focus on what happens in Transsylvania.
There's also a movie called Tower Block. Some people in an apt building witness a murder and start getting picked off by a sniper a year later.
You comparing Dracula to the hypothetical movie adaptation of the case of Arnold Paole is valid. But I still believe that the two stories are different enough. In this hypothetical film the supernatural would be ambiguous as the investigators try to figure out what happened to Mr. Paole and how did all of these people die. Even if there was an actual vampire in this film, he would be a much different villain than the elegant and sophisticated Dracula. He would be a feral peasant thirsty for blood without a master plan (or hot vampire concubines) that Count Dracula had.
dune is shit and you should feel bad for being a fucking adult who actually still talks about middle schoolers sci fi.
If the movie doesn't take an abstract approach but stays any way near how the book created the world it will be trash.
higurashi does this pretty well
whered you find this pic OP? i need a bunch of war photos for reference
Elaborated like that, I can accept it. You just have to find the sweet spot between "This is a criminal story with a lame twist at the very end" and "Oh, yeah, it's actually a vampire, how lame". Now fund it.
That's a good point.