
Far Beyond the Stars Edition


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ENT best trek

Thread already off to a BASED start.

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I agree to a degree. But they did a great two parter with the science vessel crew who DID go 'ah fuck it, lets abuse everything to get home'. I like Voyager but agree a lot of shit should have changed. However they seemed to make DS9 the war one, when Voy could have done better. But I like Voyager because it shows how you can do an overarching plot but still be episodic. Something Picard should have learned.

>watching 1st season of Voyager
>all these episodes where someone gets ganked in a shuttle craft or before the theme song even starts
Should I expect this often?

check the truth fpbp

Which is more offensive to you? Picard or STD? And why

>tfw no romulan sister-gf

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>I really am very grateful for all you've done, Quark. That is why I'm going to let you take your hand off my thigh, instead of shattering every bone in your body.

Is there a comfier episode than House of Quark?

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Every episode of ENT or Little Green Men


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>House of Quark
>Little Green Men
>Carbon Creek
>The Royale
Help grow the list of comfy episodes

>ENT Civilization
seeing tpol with long hair for the first time as a kid made me lose my shit. She is the hottest woman in trek history


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Fucking based and patricianpilled post

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So entfags are just trolling, right? Using the fact no one remotely intelligent could like enterprise, thus, making praise of it seem genuine?

>So entfags are just trolling, right?

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You couldn’t have chosen a worse image. You may as well be saying yes.


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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after ITS REAL.

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Pleb detected

Has dubsminion ever gotten dubs?

Porthos a cute

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Give him cheese you cowards

I've been spreading the gospel of ENT since before you moved here from /r/StarTrek

The dubsminion has endured through this mis step and will continue for a thousand threads more

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And now this general is just you and four other retards who make the same posts every few hours as part of their routine. Because even though you can’t defend any aspect of enterprise, you won’t shut the fuck up about it.

Defend against what? ENT can stand on its own merits it’s a great show.

>he says while trolling

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Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.

The acting is inconsistent at best, the writing is all over the place, the finale, the temporal Cold War, etc. the show has utterly massive flaws and represented a huge compromise of what trek was in order to try to pull a broader audience.

Just ignore them retard. Enterprise isn’t even that bad and the posts are actually funny

>You don’t like what I like? Haha that’s impossible stop trying to make me angry by pretending ;)

Wesley grew into himself later in life

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I’m one of those faggots that assert it is worse to be mediocre than bad. For what is bad can still be enjoyable.

>You don’t like what I like? Haha that’s impossible stop trying to make me angry by pretending ;)
so ? get some self-awareness

ENT got fucked because a writer repurposed a failed show bible into the temporal cold war arc, there are still highs in ENT and it was going to head into an amazing 5th season I think with the earth romulan war

... no? How ESL do you need to be to fail so completely at reading comprehension?

>and it was going to
I believe you’re just falling into the trap of what could’ve been. I see no reason to believe the show would’ve suddenly found its footing in a fifth season after four seasons of having no footing at all.


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It’s definitely in an unfortunate grey area. I consider it pre-nutrek, and it isn’t groundbreaking by any means. Still though it’s very cozy and it did its best despite having a gun held against its head by the studio every season.
From my perspective it’s very similar to firefly but the plot is nowhere near as clever. I see what you mean though. At least with a truly shitty show you can still watch it for giggles. It’s not prequel or sequel level bad. It’s more akin to return of the jedi if that makes sense. Sorry for the random word salad it’s like 5am and i’m just typing stream of conscience

>mfw Eddington betrsys his uniform AGAIN

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>So entfags are just trolling, right? Using the fact no one remotely intelligent could like enterprise

I love how Sisko loses his shit in that episode

>literally can’t read

I get what you’re saying and I have to agree, despite the fact my response is different. As everything detestable about nutrek is in enterprise, but with only the safest/blandest possible mediocrity surrounding those elements, they stand out more.

>everything detestable about nutrek is in enterprise
You love saying things without examples don't you?

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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Or i just don’t feel the need to insult you by implying you haven’t watched Star Trek.

Yeah I mean I think those aspects were eventually going to have to make it into star trek though. At the end of the day they couldn’t make a campy 60s show remake, and the TNG formula wasn’t viable for yet another series.
To me, at least, Enterprise feels like it CARES about star trek. It feels like it knows it’s audience and tries to establish itself in the universe. Does it have 60s design with gumdrop buttons and cloth uniforms? No. But it doesn’t retcon anything either like STD did. It tries it’s best to be a modern show while still taking influence from TOS and trying to show it’s a prequel. And it actually tries to tell a story and not cater to fan service unlike PIC

they were going to make shran a main character, I think he would've been the missing piece to pull the show together. It had good episodes it just never had a great season as a whole, though the good episodes were damn good

We established last thread that you didn't even finish the first season of ENT you nonce.

And? That does not make anything I’ve said untrue.

It makes everything you've said untrue.
You're basing your opinion of a series on a handful of episodes.
Anyone who actually watched Trek as it was airing remembers that every Trek show (other than TOS) has a rocky first season or two before hitting its stride.

I highly recommend finishing it. Yeah the temporal cold war and xindi plots are kind of all over the place, but each season is really good. Idk i’m not trying to push it on you or anything but it’s a really fun show to watch and i’m glad I finished it. Used to think it was the ugly duckling of trek. Now I know it’s a hidden gem

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Coombs was the missing piece begging to pull the show together every season. Because what the show desperately needed was a consistent, professional actor, because putting an actual actor on set with bakula forces him to actually act.

Which now that I think of it, is why quantum leap was so good. Dean stockwell forcing bakula to give a shit or look like shit.

Bakula also acted pretty well in that Xindi internment camp.

Sorry, not falling for that again. I deeply hate every character except shran and archer when shran is on set. That’s not going to change.

>I'm a scientist. That includes sexology. Please display your genitalia so I can exam it with my oral input.

>dude you can’t base your opinion of an episodic series on a bunch of episodes in sequence

And why not?

You aint wrong.

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ENT was more of a tragic end than an ugly duckling, it died just when it had gotten consistently good.

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>cant even finish reading a post
Can't say that I'm very surprised.

I have only seen one episode ENT and this character already seems 1000x time more interesting than Tuvok. Whose only character comes down to being a Vulcan and hating Nelix, riveting.

Very well. It’ll be there if you want it during quarantine. I’ll just leave you with one more thought: I consider star trek discovery (for comparison) absolutely unwatchable. The characters are cringe and the attempt at sci fi is nonexistent
Yeah characters like hoshi are annoying at first but honestly I grew to like them very quickly and I went into the show with a critical eye expecting to hate it

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>every Trek show (other than TOS) has a rocky first season or two before hitting its stride.

Where did this meme even come from? The first two seasons of tng are better than the last two seasons. The dominion war was a huge drag on DS9, voyager started okay and just did nothing until it was blessedly canceled. Really the only show this applies to is enterprise.

>first two seasons of tng are better than the last two seasons
>voyager started okay
>dominion war was a drag
Imagine coming here to lie, to a bunch of people who are most well equipped to spot your lie, just so that you can make a point.

I found STD amusing in how bad it was. There was literally nothing in it that even remotely resembled Star Trek so I wasn’t trapped wishing I was watching something better.

The issue with enterprise is it was made by people who understood Star Trek, but like you said, they had guns to their heads to make it less trek. Also Scott bakula shitting all over everything randomly.

Getting strong readings from the BASED sector, sir

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Ahh well let us at least share a toast to star trek and how it has now probably dug a grave so deep we will never ever get to see another good series again. At least not for a while. Maybe one day we will get a show that will push trannies out and being together the entchads and the oldtrek fans

>nooooo you can’t disagree with me you have to be lying nooooooooo

When people complain about the first two seasons of tng, they’re always complaining about how unrelatable the characters are. Because they just do their jobs and don’t cause drama for no reason. Then people bitch about ds9 because they don’t have a ship for two seasons. Then people bitch about voyager because it’s focused on developing characters that no one gives a shit about while stuck in a situation that would’ve been resolved in one episode of tng.

okay razorfisted