Better Call Saul Appreciation Thread

This is truly the patrician's choice when it comes to television. I have never been so immersed in a TV show until this came along. Every episode is a work of art. If you disagree, you're a pleb I'm sorry. There is no saving you.

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yea the scene where Mike fixes a window for 10 minutes was riveting

Lalo Salamanca is literally the best character in Better Call Saul. Truly a divine mixture of leadership and charisma. Fringfags need to fuck off.

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This show is kino although Mike's story arc is kind of boring at times. It's only interesting when he interacts with Saul

Based Lalofag

>its a boring bob works on a case episode filled with non-stop legal jargon

I wish I could skip the mike scenes (watch it live). I honestly never cared for him, not even in breaking bad. The cartel stuff with Nacho is interesting enough and I like the Fring stuff too. But if I had to pick I’d rather watch Jimmy and Kim all day

Lalo is pretty intriguing.

his mustache alone is better than every character in the breaking bad universe

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I’ve never liked Mike that much, for a lot of the time he appears to come across as an OP Gary Stu grumpy old man. When he died in BB I cheered in relief. In BCS his strongpoints are unironically during the Mike/Kaylee scenes, you truly feel that Mike is a well developed character who offers insecurities and weaknesses.

I think what I like about Lalo is no other character in any television series has been able to play a psychopath better. The character is a psychopath, there is no doubt about it. He has that charisma, the superficial charm, the cold blooded, murderous tendencies. It's truly an amazing performance.

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Agreed. In Breaking Bad, I didn't mind Mike. I wasn't a huge fan of season 5 and personally, when I initially watched BB I didn't like the way his character was taken out of the show. But Better Call Saul actually provided a great amount of insight into Mike's background and I'm glad he ended up dead. He deserved it. His character is a piece of shit. Crooked Cop that fucks up his own son, kills a brilliant engineer, justifies it all to himself with "must provide for muh granddaughter" like an old boomer cuck.

Precisely. He isn’t some completely fictional retard like Hannibal Lector, he truly is a psychopath, and that’s what make his scenes so great, he is probably the most charismatic character in the Breaking bad universe and also quite intelligent, capable of rivalling Gus which is a complete divergence from the general idiotic and brute strength of the other Salamanca’s

Exactly see, now I'm getting a warm fuzzy feeling inside I'd definitely buy you a beer.

Thanks man. I wouldn’t mind a Hefeweizen

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Just wait until they announce the Lalo spin-off that shows what he's been doing after BCS and during BB if he's not in jail somewhere.

big if true

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I wish there was more Nacho and his dad.

Nacho's dad will die of natural causes or an actual accident, nothing to do with Gus. That allows him freedom since all he has left is his own life. He finishes the job with Gus and disappears into hiding somewhere, maybe even through Ed "the Disappearer" aka the Vacuum Cleaner man.

Let's be honest Lalo is fucked.
>Likely a murder charge pending
>Unregistered firearm in car at time of arrest.

There is a scene where it shows Nacho has fake ID's for him and his father for "Winnipeg Manitoba " which up here in Canada is basically the biggest shit hole outside of Alberta.

will Nacho take Amber with him?

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Yah because it was all Mike’s fault that the German cuck ran his mouth, sabotaged all the security cameras, and fled the compound because he missed his fucking wife....yep, how dare there be repercussions when you’re flown in by a cartel and are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a drug lab.

He didn't know the details. He didn't deserve to die either. Mike could have helped him. He made the wrong moral decision and you can tell that it kills him.


Why is BCS so vastly superior to BB?

More characters that are actually interesting since a good amount of BB was spent with the wives and they're fucking horrible.

Better character development, the moral dilemma's that Jim and Kim deal with are actually relatable in some respects. It's more of an exploration of humanity.

Kim a CUTE

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Yes she's beautiful

Breaking Bad was built on a faulty foundation of constantly trying to one-up itself. Increasingly ridiculous situations to up the stakes at cost of the writing or the grounding of the show.

BB: Set-pieces first, writing second.
BCS: Writing first, set-pieces second.

This is why normies flock to BB more. Every bit of writing is just an excuse to get to the next gun fight or explosion, which they eat up without second thought.
Game of Thrones wrote itself into a corner based on the same faulty premise.

non-american here
i always forget, was the new episode just on or tomorrow?

Should be out in 15 hours

Tomorrow mi amigo

thanks lads

If you haven't watched Breaking Bad, you won't "get" this show at all. My zoomer cousin who's never seen BB watched the first two seasons before dropping this because she thought the show was all over the place. And she had no fucking idea why the show was called "Better Call Saul".

And if you've seen Breaking Bad, you know too much. Oh, Mike is in a dangerous situation, wonder if he'll get out alive... Wow, Lalo is going against Gus, I hope Lalo kills him... Wonder how many episodes it will take for Hank and his partner to die in the hands of the cartel... It's only fan service and muh kino shots.

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>47 years old

I dont mind.

>you need to watch BB to enjoy it
This meme again. People just regurgitate this without even thinking about it. The only scenes that don't make "sense" are the flash forwards at the start of every season. Except anyone with an ounce of intelligence can tell from context and the black and white footage that these are scenes are to be explored later.
Audiences have an obsession about understanding every intricate detail and completely miss the point.
Try turning on a movie you haven't seen before by watching from half-way, you'll find find it's not as hard as you think.

All the original BCS characters are great. Chuck, Kim, Howard, Nacho, Lalo, and Ernie.

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Season 1 - 2 are all over the place though, it's obvious they were trying to figure out what to do with the story.

we need a show dedicated to Lalo

I'm so glad this dude got this job, Los Simuladores wasn't appreciated like it should have been.

It's funny how even the throwaway/small-time characters on this show are fucking great.
When was the last time we saw Ernie?

You are correct in your first point but wrong in your second. Watching Breaking bad is important to understanding some of the direction of the show and acts as a great way to understand the characters, but you seem to forget that BCS is indeed a prequel. You seem to make an argument against prequels in general, of course we know where shit is going to go, that’s the same with all prequels, we know what’s going to happen to Gus and Mike and a lot of others, but this doesn’t ruin the experience much because you are forgetting that a point of a prequel is to show you how things came to be, not where they went after.

would you a cave woman?

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When Chuck fucked him by deceivingly feeding him info that he knew Ernie, out of pure good will + concern, would relay to Kim/Jimmy. IIRC he "accidentally" played Jimmy's confession tape which he also gained from manipulating Jimmy's guilt. Ernie was fired from HHM. Probably fucked his future in law.

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why not, user?
don't you want a neanderthal?

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Nah thanks though

She looks like Alex Jones a little bit and has a very helpful, kind personality so yeah, I'd fuck her senseless.

It's shit and you know it.

>This is truly the patrician's choice when it comes to television. I have never been so immersed in a TV show until this came along. Every episode is a work of art. If you disagree, you're a pleb I'm sorry. There is no saving you.
Nice troll braintard.

where can i watch the new szn frens?

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Why the fuck did the show introduce Nacho as someone who’s life intertwined with Jimmy’s then just had him do random shit completely unrelated to Jimmy for four fucking seasons.

The jimmy plots are pure kino, the Mike ones are entertaining at best and withstand-able at worst, but the Nacho plots are just boring as fuck

>zoomer doesn't know how to torrent
Remember when they said the upcoming generation was more tech savy?

It does a surprisingly great job at setting things up in future seasons though, and it holds up on rewatches

Weird. I find that Nacho's plot warrant a show for him alone, while Mike's plots are your run of the mil tough badass old cop tropes. Jimmy's are always entertaining.

I think you can watch for a week if you sign up for a free trial on the AMC site

Maybe wait two weeks so all the episodes will be out by the time your trial expires

I always found the family and “epic science” side of breaking bad more interesting than most of the gang drama parts too. Just not really into those sort of stories I guess.

>than most of the gang drama parts too
It depends on what epic gang drama the show showed us.
I was not particularly interested in it until Gus showed up.