Kinos about religion?

Kinos about religion?

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Pebblethrow is a fucking Nazi

There he is lads

Yeah he's pretty based

Atheists constantly call out Islam

Santa Caust?

Boulderlob is a king!


I've literally never heard an atheist criticize any religion other than Christianity.

Cool, when you leaving?

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It's spelled Faust you illiterate.

I'm an atheist and I hate Islam

Why do leftists do this?

Only the kike atheists like Sam Harris and Bill Maher

>MAGA dude
So who is the guy on the right?

and here's why that's a good thing!

I hate muslims but have no ill will toward Christians.

t. atheist

Literally me.

>*puts The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century in fiction*

>Richard Dawkins
>Christopher Hitchens
Off the top my head, both constantly call/called out Islam. You probably just never bothered.

some guy

The author

and they were all tied up

Neonazi criminal

I chuckled

Think he'll ever go back to working with Lowtax?

I like him




A jew staging an antisemitic act for the local news to cover

>Slip the books in with the spine facing in.
Good job, tard.

Kinos about this?

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Except that two of those are religious books and the other is a documented verifiable historical event.


yeah I know isn't it awesome

>Muh nice guy

post thanos saved us version

Richard Dawkins

Matt Dillahunty

Sam Harris

Christopher Hitchens

That's because you don't know any atheists. All you do is post pictures of strangers wearing hats.

you're all retarded

yeah you're full of shit, just like Islam

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STONETOSS IS A FUCKIGN NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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stonetoss from AKA @stonetoss on twitter is a nazi, go take a look at his comics and share them to let everyone know he is a nazi

behead this guy!

Are you by any chance literally retarded?

why are they putting the books the wrong way?


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Stonetoss has never been in a library before, he gets all his knowledge from Yas Forums.

All religion is retarded stone age existential cope

Muslims are the worst though

So that someone would notice it, go to check what book it was, and then get mad about it.

Kingdom of Heaven

That's retarded. When you put the book in the wrong way you're marking it out as something that doesn't belong.

Yeah their liberal pets turned on them when they did too. Dawkins recently said Eugenics works and it triggered a bunch of people.


Nah, that'd be like seething about gravity. Just is.

>Nah, that'd be like seething about gravity. Just is.

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pebblethrow is a fucking redditting faggot

read 1984 and you will know why totalitarians want to erase names and history and change the language in general

I fixed it so it has a punchline that makes sense

Attached: fixedcomic.jpg (995x500, 95.14K)

Ofc eugenics works, lol, people do "eugenics" with dogs, plants and other stuff all the time.
Also, cripples shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Holy cringe

They talk shit about islam but they never dare to criticize a jew


Cope with what?

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>stone age existential cope
Cavemen understood the concept of human perspective being limited by the constraints of ego better than you do

Woah. really makes you think...

Why are you angry?

yep, they have a weird fixation on defending Islam especially


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Pretty based

Islam is based fuck kiketianity

stonetoss really makes the incels here seethe lol


What planet do you live on? All the opponents of Islam are atheist

>He says as he is so angry he had to edit the comic so it wouldn't make fun of him

I don't know who this Pebblethrow is but he sounds pretty based.

durka durka muhammad jihad

but it... makes less sense.
To me anyway. Can you explain how it makes more sense?

I didn't believe it, but if this one is unedited, then it's settled

All atheists are pseudo intellectual leftist cuckolds

>Several posts prove this wrong
>n-no guys... It isn't true! They're obsessed
An attempt was made here I guess


I edited the comic and made it shorter and funnier, this has been a Yas Forums tradition since at least 2006, first day?

we're not crazy


I personally think stonetoss really trascended as a comic artist. He's reaching pre-mainstream Shadman levels of basedness. Just by mentioning his name or posting a comic, you make lots of idiots seethe and automatically get 100+ (You)s. His style is also really unique, you already know it's a stonetoss comic the instant that light reaches your visual peripheria.
I hereby declare Stonetoss, as the most based person in this board, as forever based and undoubtably eternally redpilled. This cannot and won't be changed.
And now a toast to Yas Forums!


inshallah brother..durka durka mashallah durka

I've been considering starting to LARP as a Christian. It seems really comfy. Be part of a conservative community, get to hunker down in a nice church for a few hours on Sunday, maybe meet a girl who isn't a freak? Which denomination should I go with? I was thinking either Roman Catholic or orthodox.

back t󠛡o reddit

durka durka

Seethe tranny

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You should kill yourself

redditards hate stonetoss though (just like you), in fact you can say stonetoss is the anti-reddit

And yet it all still stemmed from an inability to cope with the fact that they would die and disappear one day.

>christianity = religion
>islam = religion, political system
>judaism = reglion, political system, race
so what you are always raving about matches the third category. christianity (unless you mean the current progressivism in it) or judaism don't affect my life one way or other, while the former is still prelevant force is the US, so it's understandable that it get flack there.

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no they don’t

you’re the one seething about based Jews though


No, I won't do that. Next.
Real answers only pls

for the joke
if he put them in the right way, you would complain that the title is on the backside

Orthodox isn't comfy...

This one is pretty good kek.