Post your favorite movie and your girlfriend's name and age.
>Paris, Texas
>Kelly, 22
Post your favorite movie and your girlfriend's name and age.
>Paris, Texas
>Kelly, 22
is this a lowkey way to find out who here is fucking your gf, OP?
>Batman Vs superman
>Kelly, 22
>Kelly, 22
> gifted
> sarah, 11
>Maggie, 20
>muh truffaut
what a fucking pleb
>A Brighter Summer Day
>Rebecca, 18
This was my ex-girlfriends'a favorite movie.
>Tyler, 23
>A Brighter Summer Day
>Rebecca, 18
Pseud and a liar, good combo
Not everybody's an incel like you bruh, I'm 18 and probably watch way better movies than you. Go back to watching capeshit faggot
Cringe zoomer faggot. Now i'm convinced you are a lying faggot. Name your top 10 so i can laught at your pathetic efforts to impress people. Go ahead.
>muh capeshit
Kek, typical insecure pseud fag response
(in random order after the first)
A Brighter Summer Day
Closely Watched Trains
Manchester by The Sea
The Last Picture Show
On The Waterfront
In the Mood for Love
The Wages of Fear
Old faggot but you're probably still a virgin right?
Pseud af
What's yours nigga
the thing
micheal 24
i'm a girl so i don't have a gf
Nice larp, faggot. You probably don't even understand those film or haven't seen them. You are trying to impress people too hard you pathetic embryo.
>You Don't Mess With The Zohan
>Kelly, 22
>Maggie, 20
>Rebecca, 18
Michael, Sarah and Tyler keep bugging me to give them a chance but I told them I'm not gay and I ain't tryna catch a case.
>Post your favorite movie and your girlfriend's name and age.
>>Paris, Texas
>>Kelly, 22
>a woman with good taste
too good to be true
you're a tranny aren't you
no i'm not just an autistic schizo who only find relief in horror movies
my second favorite movie is saw v so my taste is clearly terrible
Whatever you say man, how bout you post yours
> In Fabric
> Fuck you
based tastes
>The Wages of Fear
sorcerer is better
No, you lying faggot. Get back to playing with crayons.
post tits
L' important c'est d'aimer
Carmen, 22; Elvis, 23; Sarah, 30
The remake? I haven't seen it, I'll check it out
I don't know how long it's been since you've been 18 but I'm not really into that. Why is it so hard for you to accept that someone younger than you has better taste? I grew up in a world of spontaneity, where discovering new and obscure media (movies, music, etc.) is easier than ever. Is it really that unimaginable? Ancient retard
yeah it's the remake. fantastic remake.
man tits
Kys zoomer scum. You don't have better taste than me. Also the last few sentences are pure cringe. None of the films you named are obscure. Maybe the Schlöndorff film and that's being generous. I bet retards like you are the reason why the /film/ threads have been so mediocre. Fucking zoomer faggot cunt.
Post more.
not a man just small
pls be in London
After Hours
no gf
i have a bf but i can be your friend user. i know it's a meme but i'm not in
Yo dipshit, I didn't say that the films I posted were obscure. I was just making the point that it's easier to develop a more expansive taste and find stuff you may not have found during the earlier, more ancient times you were a friendless teenager in. And if you're so above me why don't you enlighten me and post some true obscure kino you fat fuck?
if you're not a man I genuinely wish you good fortune, small breasted girls are a blessing upon the earth
post tits and timestamp, slag
which one? French original or remake? Should I watch both?
thank you user this pic is for you
it's 3 am my man i'll pass
watch both. sorcerer is fantastic though. friedkin is a fantastic director.
You black or what?
I don't have obscure films in my top 10, i don't need to artificially impress people, like you are trying to do you zoomer faggot. Nice projection but i'm quite slim.
post your top 10
>Thinks anyone who says yo is black
Jesus Christ man, you must be fucking prehistoric
>quite slim
Ha ha
And you don't need to have obscure films, I genuinely wanna see your top ten. It's one in the morning I'm on spring break and I'm arguing with some old dude on the internet, at this point I'm just curious
+Pain and Gain
Quite slim means not full on skeleton.
Well you are a dumb American, so i can assume you are a nigger too.
I'm kind of a wigger I guess
Fucking finally, the only one I think I know here is Diary of a Country Priest, nice. Gimme names on the other ones faggot
>The Master (2012)
>Laura, 32
Pic didn't upload
Jesus fucking christ
Don't you live in an age of discovery and spontaneity? Look them up, you dumb fuck.
>The Last Jedi
>Adolfa, 101
Post titties
What is this 2002? kys zoomer faggot
Lmao touché but it'd be easier if you just gave me the names gramps
Anyone who says yo who isn't black is always some burger flipper.
Didn't you say you have good taste? You should know all of those films. They are the cornerstone of cinema. Fucking faggot zoomer.
Actually I'm a senior in high school and I work as a tutor at a math and reading center which is still minimum wage but I got hired based on academic ability. And I got into Berkeley on Thursday bitch
>Apollo 13
>Apollo, 13
You're pretty antagonistic you know that? I bet you give the staff at the old age home a hard time you meanie. Why are you so envious of my youth? Is it perhaps your inability to come to terms with your mortality and how you are hurtling towards obsolescence as the new generation tramples over you and how you're still a chubby virgin but now with (even more) sagging skin and also hemorrhoids? I can't know every film YOU claim makes up the definitive list of good cinema so just give me the names and help me reach the true enlightened state you have attained, oh wise one
I bet you thought this was clever and funny you wannabe black zoomer retard. Project more.
>give me the names and help me reach the true enlightened state you have attained, oh wise one
You don't deserve it.