Cast it

cast it

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Other urls found in this thread:–1949)

Nothing wrong with this. Only 14 out of 200 UN states recognize Taiwan as a country. Therefore the UN and WHO dont recognize it.
Stop spreading reactionary amerimutt outrage propaganda.

Chinese will pay

me, off-screen, as her chair

Idris Elba

china claiming ownership of taiwan is as dumb as argentina claiming ownership of the falkland islands

Shut the fuck up Chang. Your chink government should fire you because you suck at this.

but why?


go back to Yas Forums schizo

>dude you have to be recognised to be a country
Why doesn't the world just stop recognising North Korea and the problem would be solved? Another idea: stop recognising Iran.

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she is probably too virtuous to work for the bbc

I'd cast "Not even the US recognizes Taiwan". Paraguay is the leader of the free world according to this thread.

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Why does the West bend over so far backwards for China? Why are all the previously big dick counties like the USA/Britain now absolute fucking cucks for China.

I'd kick you in the teeth if I ever met you in real life

Because there isn't a restriction to trade or diplomacy involved in recognizing or not the Islamic Republic of Iran or the DPRK
Nukes are a thing

Can someone draw the man in this pic getting blacked?

I thought internet tough guys died in 2012

Because money. We recognized the PRC over Taiwan as soon as Deng Xiaoping took over and said he'd finally let Western companies do business there.

>WHO is impartial, they only delayed calling it a pandemic because every other country just guessed correctly it was a pandemic before it was, honest

Money. Also they're the only stable market since white suburbanites went off the deep end and started cross dressing their kids and drugging them if they show too much emotion.

kys Chang

Idris Elba and Sarah Silverman

>Another idea: stop recognising Iran.
Nah. The world would be a better place if we ignored kikes

When is the US going to denounce Kosovo and give it back to Serbia as well as dismantle the bondsteel base there it built illegally?

The WHO literally had a cry that countries were blocking/scaling back flights to china citing MUH RACISM

The head of the WHO is some Ethiopian and guess who owns most of Ethiopia

Lucy Liu and William H. Macy

Sure thing kike.
It would be impossible to stop recognizing a country once you've recognized it. You dont understand the way the UN works. Also it would serve no benefit to anyone. The world is much better off with NK in the UN because it's a place where things can be mediated and agreements made. Taiwan on the other hand is just an unrecognized breakaway state.
The WHO man in OP is dumb in pretty bad in the way he avoids the question but he's completely correct in doing it since the WHO doesnt want to get into political disputes over a country that most of the world doesnt recognize.

Very low iq response

Reminder that the RoC needs to acquire nukes and now is the best time to do so.

>It would be impossible to stop recognizing a country once you've recognized it.
Great news for Taiwan.–1949)

Hmm let me think, who is the true successor state a massive country. The 99% of that country that just changed government or the 1% that broke away and didnt?

*to a

>Hmm let me think, who is the true successor state
Taiwan of course.

What the fuck is this? Can't be real.

>pisses off wh*toids

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I agree. It's Chang's turn to rule the west


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>The 99% of that country that just changed government or the 1% that broke away and didnt?
Today I learned that the United Kingdom is not a Country. Pretty fucking based. Who gets first dibs? America? Ireland? Canada?

That is so fucked up. that little fucking twerp should lose his job and slapped in the fucking mouth for being a little bitch.

>nothing personal, zipperhead

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the who and un are both criminal globalist organisations that need to be destroyed

>1% that broke away and didnt?
You are this close to realizing the truth Zhang.

t. Ding Dong

Says the boy withe dinky doodle dong

Damn the whiteoids are coping especially hard today!

The leader of the WHO is paid off by CCP money (he's from Eritrea which has a ton of CCP money and workers flowing through it), of course they're gonna act like this whenever Taiwan is brought up. It's also why the WHO refused to acknowledge China was in a severe epidemic and refused to call it a global pandemic, and is why they're trying to push a mass media campaign to NOT let any media outlets mention the virus originated in China.

All she wants is big white cock

>WHO accepts the PRCs stat that China has no new cases
>Taiwan and Hong Kong report new cases
>therefore the WHO acknowledges they are not China.
Holy based.

t. Chong

Because all the old fuckers who run every country want quick and easy short-term money. They don't give a fuck about the dire future consequences because they will be dead by then.

That's why the former provincial government of BC (where I live) literally kept going on extravagant trips to China convincing their wealthy to buy up all the Vancouver properties. Most of that cabinet owned 5-10+ properties in Vancouver (it used to be considered a shithole and was cheap), so the market went crazy then they sold it all. It's also why the Canadian government refuses to do anything about Anchor babies.

The entire thing is fucked.

Damn, im getting some yellow fever

That's not dumb the islands are close to them. Anyway, might makes right. Morality discussions are for the cattle of plebs that are the voting public

If everyone could do their part and kill just ONE bugman, think how much better things would be.

This is peak bureaucrat behavior

Gee that sounds familiar
t. Sydney resident

Was it autism? Was that seriously the best he could do?

The way his eye twitches after he's asked the question the first time is kino.

Sydney here too. We need to kill all boomers.

god i wish that were me

Funny how outraged mutts get when someone refuses to bow to their bullshit.

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It rightfully belongs to the Republic of China, though

I don't know but they should focus on returning the entire southwest back to Mexico and end that illegal occupation.

Says who?