>I'm Bootyca, join me in overthrowing the evil Roman Empire and establishing democratic republic where women are equal to men!
I'm Bootyca...
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Basef. Fuck Romans.
These Marbleniggers got what they fucking deserved
Women can't fight
>outnumber enemy 23:1
>lose with a K:D ratio of 1:200
women, amirite fellas?
Or lead
>only source totally not-biased Roman
Heredotus thought there were million Persian in the battle of Thermopylae
How do you even kill 200 people with a sword on your own during a single battle? And everyone in the entire army did this? Were they actually fighting women, or what?
>get put in charge of major rebellion
>get cocky after doing nothing but slaughtering some unarmed civilians and razing an empty city
>put baggage train behind your lines because you want families to watch fight
>just prevents any retreat turning the rout into a massive slaughter
>kill yourself after getting absolutely btfo'd
>trained and drilled army vs rabble
I'll let you decide
they were most likely all untrained peasants
"Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. They are not soldiers—they're not even properly equipped. We've beaten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they'll crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward: knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about plunder. Just win and you'll have everything."
those numbers listed are the conservative estimate, they got btfo'd hard at that battle
>80,000 dead Romans
Well that can't be right. How did they pull that off?
wanna know how i know you're a fag?
>accoring to popular culture one of top 10 most empowering women
real bros ignore women, even british ones
I always look down on people who try to talk shit about the 300.
Well I clearly can't read. How embarrassing
they got out fucking skilled in pretty much every way
Ancient battles were fucking insane. I can't imagine what they would have looked like with hundreds of thousands of people fighting at once
>Has an army of 200 000 and manage to be beaten by 10 000 starved soldiers
Barbarians and women are so pathetic
>one of the most empowering women led a failed rebellion
>said women also brutalized other women, probably due to jealousy of not getting and med dick
If this is among the best, I wonder how bad the average roastie is
I want to remind you that paulinus was a little bitch and he ran away as boutica and the iceni unironically scorched earth Rome's cities in the british isles. They torched londinium and the romans had to totally reconstruct the city.
most of them weren't as big as they say. they were generally bigger than in the middle ages but not 200k people on average like ancient sources say.
Most of the killing takes place in the rout after the battle. It was like that for pretty much all of human history until the 20th century.
Reminder that most of these were unarmed women and children slaughtered after the battle proper.
>Roman elite rape your daughters after your husband king dies
>decide to mount rebellion and massacre nearby Roman civilian population and burn their temple to the ground
>go and burn London too
>when it comes to real battle get BTFO
Damn. What was heroic about this whole thing again? I didn’t realise Boudica was a pretty horrible person.
you just hate women
>All those brave men who uprooted everything for their island
>All those brave men who accepted their probable deaths to provide a future for their families
>Get lead by a woman because she wants too and she's the only one with a right to rule
>"Well I think she must know what she's doing."
>Orders your own family to go behind your lines
>This prevents your retreat and you all get slaughtered
>Including your family
>Ironically, your island becomes the last loyal part to rome, holding off northern picts in a vein hope the Legions will come back.
Japan turned her into a shameless big tittied onii-san archetype with vague yuri tones towards Nero- who is also genderbent into being a girl.
>Democratic republic
>Only rebelled against the Romans because she couldn't be Queen under them
>not hate sex doujins of Nero mindbreaking Boudica and civilizing her
Fucking nips
That's the tranny shit with pink haired faggot, ain't it? It's so jewish and cringe while being the most normalfag cuckime makes blackwashing seem ok.
wasnt she memed by Victorian Britbong because they were enving Germans and France having a real "fighter against Roman opresion" heroes?
>be "evil" romans
>give you civilization, sanitation, healthy crop cycles, stable unified currency, removal of banditry, access to the entire known world
>"hurr durr this not good we barbarian kno better"
>burn everything around you and cut yourself off to continue living in squalor and misery for another thousand years until one of your less chinless angloniggers invents the longbow
"britain" is a shitshow
a few things:
trained vs untrained
killing was less of a thing during the battle, you beat your enemy unconscious and then came back to finish the job a few hours later
and also it's a lie, they didn't kill that many. This sort of thing happened all the time back in the day as propaganda
>yeah we totally slaughtered all of you with 20 guys
>just give up now, you peasants don't stand a chance against our full army when we smacked your full army with a handful of soldiers
when in reality it was a rout, but nowhere near as bad as the Romans say it was They just made that up to be more poetic and to make the celts capitulate willingly because
>o shit, they apparently killed everyone with a tiny force, guess we don't stand a chance
>t. seething roastie
>t-the victor was a bitch, how could he just slaughter us like that?
wow, women torched their own city to spite a man, sounds about right!
She got a statue, thats it. The province of Britannia was the last abandon Rome during its collapse.
Gooks are 50% faggots and 50% bisexual losers with a mommy complex, two nukes were not enough
>blame romans for "raping" your daughters
>in reality it was just the women flocking to the superior race, as still happens today
>throw a chimpfit about it
>get wiped off the map
anglos haven't learned a thing
lol seethe harder islandshitter
jesus christ
They roflstomped the Britons so hard that the capital of the UK is still where the Romans built their first colony 2000 years ago.
But that’s clearly a bleached skin black man not a woman.
>Veneti tribes, play neutral
>Caesar fabricates aggression
>invades Veneti
>puts every man to death
>sells all women and children to slavery
The real battle had already happened and all the men were dead, killed the romans. This is the women and kids who were then killed by the romans. I don't know why this Boudica shit has been so prolific right now
>>only source totally not-biased Roman
>Heredotus thought there were million Persian in the battle of Thermopylae
Herodotus is one of the worst sources for accurate numbers. Dio Cassius is more reliable and emulated the style of the highly thorough Thucydides.
As a Britanon I can tell you she got a fucking embarrassing amount of emphasis in early school history classes because she’s literally the only historical example of a British female battlefield leader
boudicca was a white nationalist hero
How old are you, because we never covered her in history when I was in primary school.
The battle ended with the entire army trying to retreat, but then running into their own women and children who had set up wagons in a semicircle right in the path of their retreat to encourage them to fight to the death.
Imagine that you're some Briton savage, and you just charged with 100,000 guys at the Romans, and got your shit completely kicked in because they're an immovable wall of shields, they're all wearing armor, and they all have a dickstabbing sword made specifically to stab you in the dick.
You're running away, and you run straight into a wall that your stupid bitch wife made because she wanted to watch the fight while being safe. 10,000 retarded celts behind you push you into it because they're being slaughtered by a bunch of professional serial killer wops who have been killing your people since they were 15. You can't even move your arms, and then you realize you can't breathe because 10,000 retarded celts are all trying to climb over you to escape the spaghetti-niggers who are chucking javelins made of lead at their unarmored backs.
The last thing you see is your stupid bitch redhead wife throwing your infant son at a roman to try and placate him only to be hit in the mouth with a javelin in return.
There's a reason we put eagles on everything, it's because everyone from the Germans to the Turks to modern America are just people LARPing is Romans because of how hard they rawdogged everyone.
>>put baggage train behind your lines because you want families to watch fight
>>just prevents any retreat turning the rout into a massive slaughter
>>kill yourself after getting absolutely btfo'd
This was a common thing the Romans saw when fighting both Celtic and Germannic barbarians.
I'm brit too, never heard of her until last year. I got taught shitloads about different queens and Florence Nightingale.
Herodotus is used for events and other record for numbers. Lot of time Herodotus is only source for event so we just have to live whit him and try understand writings so you can draw somewhat reliable conclusion.
romans got assfucked so hard trying to cross the elbe they cried, gave up, went home
What's next Obelix? the gauls were the We Wuz Kangs of Europe
Because she lost a war to a bunch of white people? Nero was literally a blond blue-eyed white guy.
>Ancient battles were fucking insane. I can't imagine what they would have looked like with hundreds of thousands of people fighting at once
You can't have hundreds of thousands of people fighting at once. It can't work that way. At Watling Street, Suetonius Paulinus had 10,000 men, but let's say that they were formed 8 deep. He has some reserves but not many. Say, 8 deep across the line and that's a frontage of 1250 men. So the enemy can only really engage with 1250 too.
>I want to remind you that paulinus was a little bitch and he ran away as boutica and the iceni unironically scorched earth Rome's cities in the british isles. They torched londinium and the romans had to totally reconstruct the city.
He was in Wales busy killing druids when the revolt broke out and then his army was scattered all over the place and took time to put together. In Londinium he barely had any troops and it would have been ridiculously stupid to give battle there. Utterly nonsensical.
And then the Germans spent a thousand years calling themselves the Holy Roman Empire and arguing over whether they were the legitimate successors of Rome with the Russians and the Greeks.
>it's another "Meds dab on everyone and Barbarians are seething millenia later" thread
>reverses all gains from Teutenborg
>btfo's g*rms so hard they seethe at the mere mention of his name
>only person who prevented him from annexing entire area was Tiberius
>it was only due to area being a shithole and being jealous of how popular Germanicus was
>areas don't move or change depending on who settled or ruled it
Wait you morons don't think those numbers are accurate do you?
The guy who recorded all of the events was Paulinus' son-in-law. He clearly inflated shit to make him look good.
>>Roman elite rape your daughters after your husband king dies
...is this a rape scene in any movies or miniseries?
Ayo, dis nigga got a naked nigga on his armor like sum kinda fag!
Herodotus is always backed up by researchers discovering he was right over 20 centuries later; Thucydides was a partisan hack with an agenda.
no, but everybody agrees the Romans were heavily outnumbered and managed to inflict heavily casualties while suffering negligible casualties