Who would win, Ertotre or Speoeps?

Who would win, Ertotre or Speoeps?

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what software do you use to edit?

I have no idea how Craig got this role for so long.

Is he really appealing to obese balding boomers who live vicariously through him because of their mid-life crises?

Ertotre has two guns.
So clearly he wins.

I love these fucking threads so much

Barbara Broccoli has no idea what to do with the franchise

Ertotre has the firepower, but Speoeps has the smarts. It’s a close call, but I’d put my money on Speoeps to conjure up a way to thwart his stronger opponent

Round 2

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speoeps wins easily if we're talking esports

Speops intimidates with his epic chad stance.

Seops has psychic powers and can deflect bullets.

Don't forget giant skull-head double summon.

Erotre has the raw ape power, but Speoeps is NOT of this planet and looks to have some water bending powers.

spiked penis too

Clearly why doesnt he have guns? he has something



what do you use to edit them

Cast them

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Jonah Hill
Michael Cera

Kevin Pollack and Jim Belushi.

Blalb Runnur 2002 or Edade Renner 9449?

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>meaty pussy on the left
>right with no box gap
clear winner here

Ocean'SS'Naeco or Neveje Eleven

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erotre is too cocky, he shows off his akimbo handguns and erect penis and that's where speops (short for spec ops) excels
he doesn't need to show off, he doesn't reveal his secrets because he is confident in his abilities

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>2 guns builtfat neadndertal vs noguns gay alien
gee i wonder who could possibly win...

>two braddu piddus

the vagina movie with the hot lady

Ertotre is only carrying the guns because he’s being stalked by two skelletons though. Speoeps is confident because he’s got a fedora wearing giant bodyguard behind him.

Mam starring the invisible man Jim C Mil or Ksask with Yerra Arrey

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You can't kill what you can't see, even if you're siamese twins. Mam wins again.

Termiiimret or Rotannator

2 guns but mostly metal opponent

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Ertotre not only has badass akimbo pistols but also has two skeleton witch doctors. Speoeps is both unarmed and only has one witch doctor who's so embarrassed he hides his face in shame.

Speoeps has considerably more magicka to overpower Ertotre's only slightly bulkier physique.

reggen has higher visual display and defenses but schwarta has much tougher firepower and upgraded HUD goggles to offset the gap.

based Hooh Pooq

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I'm not even sure if X-mennem-X is human


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I never watched spectre because people said it was shit.
Isn't the point of skyfall that he is way past his prime? Is this even something they address in this movie?

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goddamnit is there anything Disney wont buy?

damn, hugh jackman has one symmetrical face


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Woman with floppy tits vs woman presenting meaty pussy

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>ApocalypseNooNesqylacoqA has a horn giving him a natural advantage over WW who clearly has a very large and soft weak point on his head. Judging from his name he's probably also some kind of demon.
>but WW has two allies
This would be a pretty even match I think

indie does not have floppy tits or a meaty pussy lmao

>chad with two guns and a skeleton stand vs some skinny butler
This is just sad

the skinny butler got quads though, checkem

Everyone that says Ertotre was clearly deceived by the smart yet not deadly move of the man. Ertotre clearly has his hands hidden inside his suit, if he even has hands for that matter, like a sort of old school kung fu master, while those 2 hands holding guns are obviously props to scare people away. Speoeps looks less dangerous yes, but we can see for a fact that he actually has 2 hands. I'll go with Speoeps, I think he's got other tricks up his sleeves.

Look at this retard.

Maybe that butler is more of a janitor iykwim

Yeah, but Ertotre has TWO skeletons. Even if he has no hands those skellys will do the trick.

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Left has gun power but right seems to be a STR build so gun is fucked. Plus right looks smug so left's morale is broken

Yeah but they are dead. What good are two dead things? I would also say that's another point for Speoeps because he only has one useless skeleton.


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Ertotre is obviously French so his cards are stacked against him but he has two gun and is wider. built sturdier.

lol how do you even do this OP

wait the spectre poster seriously has that shitty skeleton costume in the background?

Boomers hate Daniel Craig and would rather rewatch Goldfinger for the 200th time


this has more soul than the actual game, i really want to play or watch this

>tips fedora

Look at this genius.

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